Why does the Mediterranean have small tides?

07 January 2014


"The Blue Marble" is a famous photograph of the Earth taken on December 7, 1972, by the crew of the Apollo 17 spacecraft en route to the Moon at a distance of about 29,000 kilometres (18,000 mi). It shows Africa, Antarctica, and the Arabian Peninsula.



Why does the Mediterranean have small tides?


Dave - So, what Dominic was telling you earlier was simplication, because anything anyone ever tells is a simplication. So, Dominic's model worked beautifully for the world which we just covered in water then you get two bulges which move around the world. But actually, the world isn't. We've got lots of continents in north, south around the world. So actually, what happens is that as the Earth turns under the moon, the water in the Atlantic gets pulled towards one side of the Atlantic. Then it gets - as it goes around, it gets pulled to the other side of the Atlantic. So, the water just sloshes back and forth across the Atlantic and you get this big wave travelling across the Atlantic. When it hits the sides of the oceans, it piles up and it get higher and the same way as the wave breaks and it gets higher. The Mediterranean is much smaller. It doesn't have this wave-breaking effect. So, you see it don't get really these high tides.Chris - Thank you very much, Dave.


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