Catching up with the Sea Empress Oil spill

In 1996 the Sea Empress tanker ran aground spilling oil onto 120 miles of Welsh coastline. Helen visits West Angle Bay - one of the worse hit beaches - to meet Robin Crump and...
08 July 2010

Interview with 

Robin Crump


In 1996 the Sea Empress tanker ran aground spilling oil onto 120 miles of Welsh coastline. Helen visits West Angle Bay - one of the worse hit beaches - to meet Robin Crump and find out how the spill affected the rocky shores. And we meet a rare starfish that was almost wiped out by the spi

Adult Asterina gibbosa and juvenile Asterina phylactica
Adult Asterina gibbosa & juvenile Asterina phylactica

 Find out more

Robin Crump et al (2003).
West Angle Bay: a case study. The fate of limpets. Field Studies. (PDF)

British Marine Life Study Society information about the Sea Empress oil spill


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