Interviews about Physics

Interviews about cosmology, astrophysics, electricity, energy, forces, gravity, light and maths...

04 August 2020

Where on Earth can you get the best view of the heavens?

28 July 2020

What is spaghettification? How do you define the kilogram? Adam provides the trivia treats...

21 July 2020

How does this technique work?

16 June 2020

Even under extremes of gravity, general relativity works correctly...

09 June 2020

NASA have blasted a laser cooling lab to the International Space Station. What are they planning?

09 June 2020

Condensate researcher Lindsay LeBlanc is looking into quantum computer memory...

09 June 2020

Physicist Rob Nyman is turning photons of light into a single super-photon. How does it work?

09 June 2020

Wieman won a Nobel prize for making a Bose-Einstein condensate - seventy years after they were predicted...

09 June 2020

What is the fifth state of matter? Two physicists tackle the subject...

18 May 2020

How have scientists been adapting to life without their labs? Here's a physicist's outlet...

05 May 2020

Here's how our players got on in round 2 of the Naked Scientists' science pub quiz...

21 April 2020

Learn how to make a cloud in a jar, and how to spot if a storm is coming...

14 April 2020

Why do bubbles always come out spherical?

14 April 2020

What exactly is static electricity?

14 April 2020

Is there such as thing as un-used electricity?

14 April 2020

Dave Ansell shows us a data demo...

07 April 2020

How do we store it? What do we do with it?

03 April 2020

Imaging reveals how the human vocal tract can sing two notes at the same time...

31 March 2020

What happens when you put the lid on a bottle containing liquid nitrogen?

31 March 2020

How explosive is custard powder?

24 March 2020

There's a foundation of science underpinning the UK - and other nation’s - strategies to control the outbreak.

23 March 2020

Whales get stranded on beaches - and seem to do it more when there's radio interference coming off the sun...

05 March 2020

Before we get into the questions, it's time to introduce the panel...

25 February 2020

Time can get very strange, very fast