Interviews about Physics

Interviews about cosmology, astrophysics, electricity, energy, forces, gravity, light and maths...

18 December 2017

Aritsts have given voices to the junk floating around in space...

12 December 2017

Is there an equivalent to The Force based in reality?

12 December 2017

How does travelling at lightspeed affect time?

12 December 2017

What's the next step forward in space travel?

20 November 2017

Could exploiting different properties of light help to detect cancer earlier?

31 October 2017

What equipment do ghost hunters use to detect the paranormal, and what are they measuring?

31 October 2017

Could increasing the production of sugarcane ethanol help to cut global carbon emissions?

24 October 2017

Scientists have made a fifth gravitational wave detection, but this one is different...

10 October 2017

What does DNA look like? Find out for yourself...

10 October 2017

What won the 2017 Nobel Prize for Physics?

26 September 2017

Vanderbilt University’s Ken Catania got his hands on an electric eel, literally, to work out how electric eels deal...

26 September 2017

Izzie Clarke's been boiling down the science of mircowaves

24 August 2017

How can spotting X rays from exploding stars help identify skin cancers?

24 August 2017

How an ancient Babylonian tablet has finally given up its 3,700-year-old mysteries.

15 August 2017

A team at the University of Iowa are listening to the sounds of space ...

15 August 2017

Radio telescopes dotted across the globe have joined up to create the Event Horizon Telescope, which is the size of the...

15 August 2017

What does Saturn smell like?

15 August 2017

In 2020, the European Space Agency will launch a rover onto the surface of Mars on an exploratory mission to look for...

14 August 2017

Only 5% of the universe is made up of physical matter, what else is out there?

01 August 2017

A look at bioremediation and how microbes may help us clean up nuclear waste.

25 July 2017

Deep sea mining could provide us with more renewable energy, however, it could have dramatic impacts on the things that...

25 July 2017

How a mathematical search theory can be used to hunt for sunken ships on the bottom of the ocean.

18 July 2017

The ocean is a noisy place! Underwater acoustics explores what the watery world sounds like and what impact humans are...

11 July 2017

Looking at corals in the dark at the Royal Society Summer Exhibition.