Naked Science Forum

On the Lighter Side => New Theories => Topic started by: McQueen on 17/03/2016 02:08:59

Title: Is the concept of an aether relative today ?
Post by: McQueen on 17/03/2016 02:08:59
The concept of an aether is the story of 2500 years of an undetectable medium.  A short summary of the genesis of how the aether might have been created is given at an earlier post :  post (
In short such an aether would consist of innumerable more or less fixed solenoid points that have the capability of orientating themselves in 360 degrees in the direction of propagation of any electromagnetic radiation (photons) , forming a line whose ends rest on infinity.  The theory is that early light was trapped within the bounds of the Universe, as it spread further and further with the expanding Universe it is reasonable to assume that it permeated the entire Universe, while at the same time decreasing in intensity. As the area over which these photons increased the light began to fade and lose energy, until at the point of furthest expansion of the Universe, the light disappeared, but it was still there. The light had lost so much energy that although it retained its structure, it was virtually undetectable. It had such low energies ( on the order of 10 -40 J that it was virtually undetectable. This is the virtual photon aether that permeates the entire Universe. Consider for a moment the properties of such a 'virtual photon aether' , it would be : invisible, odourless, massless, tasteless, colourless, electrically neutral  and most important of all would be undetectable and would be able to pass through matter as if it did not exist. Since the aether has such low energies it means in effect that it can pass through matter as if it did not exist, no atom or electron would have a use for such low energies.  The main thing to remember is that through all this the physical structure of the photon remained unchanged. To recap the GAT model of the photon:
Since the electron is a unit of electrical energy, what could be more probable than that it regulates its energy by  emitting or absorbing pulses of electrical energy. These pulses of energy might take the form of bands of energy that become electrically polarised :
( (
One result of the polarisation is that the electrical energy takes the form of a solenoid, this results in the photon being both massless and electrically neutral:
( (
A depiction of what a photon might look like:
( (
Returning for a moment to the problems posed by the propagation of light. IF light was a particle there would be no problem with its propagation through a vacuum, it is well established that when a stone is thrown in space where a vacuum prevails, it will travel forever, and for a short time with Sir Isaac Newton's assertion that light was made up of particles it seemed that the problem of light propagation had been solved.  However, things turned out to be not so simple as that.  Light as it travelled through space dissipated in accordance with the inverse square law. This meant that light had wave properties and therefore in order to travel from one place to another would require a medium. Yet the problem did not end there, for with the formulation and validation of the photoelectric effect it was found that light possesses one more unique property, it is able to maintain its individual energy or identity for as long as it exists. This means that even if light has been travelling for millions or even billions of light years, its original identity or energy would be unchanged. How is this possible ? It seems to be in contravention of every idea  available to the human mind. And YET HERE for the first time is given a completely commonplace  and acceptable explanation based on one of the oldest mathematical formulas in existence namely: TOTA IN SUMMA EST or TOTA ERGO SUM ( The Total is the sum and : the Total is therefore the sum).
Returning to the GAT model of the photon depicted above, you will notice that the electron emits bands of electrical energy that make up the photon, these bands of energy are separated by spaces that constitute an almost perfect di-electric. This in turn means that the whole photon constitutes a capacitor or condensor  ( which also gives rise to the solenoidal formation) that can STORE energy for long periods of time. THIS IS HOW THE PHOTON IS ABLE TO MAINTAIN its identity or energy.
Thus once a photon is emitted by an electron, the photons of the 'virtual photon aether' form into a line whose ends rest on infinity AND ( this is important) the energy of the photon travels along this line of 'virtual photons'. This is the reason that the speed of light is constant.  It is not the photon itself that travels, it is its energy that is transported.  As the energy of the photon moves along the line of aligned 'virtual photons' it is dissipated to the virtual photons that surround it on all sides. Thus each of the photons surrounding the real photon is promoted to the energy of a real photon. Thus the TOTAL energy of each photon in the line of propagation is passed on to the 'virtual photon' next to it. How is this possible ? In order to understand this concept it is necessary once and for all to discard the old definition of photon emission as being a ONE OFF affair. A photon is emitted, the electron returns to its rest state and after some indeterminable period another photon is absorbed and emitted and so on. SUCH IS NOT THE CASE. The emission and absorption of photons is a dynamic process. When an atom is irradiated with radiation the electron is in a constant state of excitation, it oscillates back and forth absorbing and emitting photons at the same frequency of the light that is irradiating it. This is where the motto TOTA SUMMA ERGO comes into play. The electron ( in effect) keeps track of the number of photons that it is emitting, therefore it is possible to accurately calculate exactly how far that photon ( or series of photons ) will travel, and depending on whether it is coherent or incoherent light that is being emitted) also to calculate exactly how FAR and to WHAT EXTENT IT WILL SPREAD OUT.  This also makes possible to understand how photons can suddenly cease to exist ( i.e.,  merge with the 'virtual photon aether' surrounding them) without gradually diminishing in energy. Only the whole energy of the real photon can be passed on, not a fraction of it. Thus when the energy falls below that threshold, there is in effect no energy left and everything returns to the 'virtual photon aether' state. Thus energy is conserved, what exists still exists.

Post by: McQueen on 17/03/2016 03:11:51
All light has a fixed amount of energy for instance blue light at 490 nm will have a different energy than blue light at say 500 nm and 500 nm will have a different energy than 501nm or 502 nm and so on. The amazing thing is that this light even after it has travelled literally billions of light years ( almost greater distances than the human mind can comprehend) still retains its original ( or close to ) energy.  The energy for light is calculated using the equation
Thus for blue light at 500 nm the individual photon energy would be equal to:
h = 6.626 x 10 -34 J/sec
C =  3 x 10 8m/sec
wavelength needs to be in metres, 500nm x 1m/ 500 x 10 -7m.
= 1.8 x 10 -27 / 5 x 10 -9  = 3.6 x 11-19 J
What this means is that as light propagates through space it will reduce in intensity, (i.e., there will be less photons available per centimetre squared) but the energy of those individual photons will remain the same. 
Title: Re: Is the concept of an aether relative today ?
Post by: McQueen on 17/03/2016 10:46:32
The question that must be on the minds of those members or guests who are new to the naked scientists science discussion forum and who happen upon this post might be something like this: "some of the greatest scientific minds, of this and the previous Century; Einstein, Neils Bohr, Lorentz, Heisenberg, Schrodinger, have combined forces to work on these problems. How is it then that someone can be audacious enough to put forward new theories that don't seem to agree with the generally arrived upon consensus ?  Is there in fact anything wrong with the Standard Theory and the Quantum Mechanics theory on the propagation of electromagnetic radiation."

Unfortunately yes, there is only too much that is wrong with the current theories on the propagation of electromagnetic radiation.  It might have all begun with James Clerk Maxwell. Why ? Because the advent of Maxwell on the scene of the Royal Society was not a natural occurrence but one that was contrived in the exclusive clubs and Institutions of the time by the movers and shakers of the British Empire. The background is something like this:

Michael Faraday was making waves in the Scientific World, he had achieved the fame (notoriety) of a celebrity like Cagliostro, as someone who was constantly uncovering and revealing new facts and scientific wonders. But to the great men of the Empire , ensconed in their clubs and sacred institutions, there was a serious flaw in Faraday, he was completely incompetent in anything to do with mathematics, unable to solve the most basic equations, or the simplest problems in trigonometry and barely competent at simple arithmetic. All eyes were on Faraday and his discoveries, it was only a matter of time before some brilliant mathematician from the continent on the lines of Coulomb or Descartes unleashed a mathematically irrefutable theory on the propagation of electromagnetic radiation on the world. Yet, there was a slender gleam of hope. There was a brilliant young Scottish alumni of Cambridge University who was a mathematical genius. It occurred to the great men of the Empire that if Maxwell was made conversant with all of Faraday's work and theories that it was highly likely that the young Scotsman, less than half the age of Faraday at the time, would be able to come up with some mathematically brilliant explanation for electricity and electromagnetic radiation, which would bring huge prestige to the Empire.  That the young Maxwell did succeed in achieving this goal is History, that Faraday must have bitterly resented this intrusion and stealing of his limelight is more a matter of conjecture. However, the fact remains that IF Faraday had been left alone a better theory might have emerged. I know that most people will be shocked at this statement, but to a mathematician, if the end result is known it is not difficult to arrive at a theorem that gets you there.  Cook the books in other words. Although Maxwell meticulously, researched his work and based his theories on those of Faraday and Ampere, given the facts it was (fatally) preconceived and contrived.  However, in the final analysis, in spite of the extremely beautiful mathematical and philosophical basis of his work on 'A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field' it is apparent that the theory is very much a vision in keeping with the age in which it was conceived.  For instance, the waxing and waning electric and magnetic fields that re-generate are analogous to the steam engine. Thus Maxwell's theory is nothing less than an iron butterfly, moving on rails into space.  IF Faraday, had been left to his own devices it is probable that the theory of a medium or aether through which the lines of force traveled would have become clearer much earlier and won widespread acceptance.

Thus while Maxwell's theory and equations work well enough to describe electromagnetic radiation as a wave it fails utterly at the most basic level when it is adapted to the particle view of light and although supporters of the theory might state that it (Maxwell's equations) has been adapted "perfectly" ( these QM adherents are very free with superlatives), in actual fact the truth is dismally the opposite.  Yet the dreamers will persist in dreaming. Here is one such explanation:

  Now, one thing Maxwell’s equations don’t contain is quantum mechanics. They are classical equations. But if you take the quantum mechanical description of an electron, and you enforce the same charge conservation law/voltage symmetry that was contained in the classical Maxwell’s equations, something marvellous happens. The symmetry is denoted “U(1)”, and if you enforce it locally - that it, you say that you have to be allowed make different U(1) type changes to electrons at different points in space, you actually generate the quantum mechanical version of Maxwell’s equations out of nowhere. You produce the equations that describe the photon, and the whole of quantum electrodynamics.

This is the most stupendous falsehood, it completely ignores normalisation and renormalisation where infinities amounting to 1012 are routinely written off. HOW can anyone claim perfection with such glaring anomalies ?

GAT theory is the only theory that perfectly fits the facts.

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