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General Discussion & Feedback => Just Chat! => Topic started by: Dr. Junix on 29/06/2011 01:28:20

Title: How would you describe my condition?
Post by: Dr. Junix on 29/06/2011 01:28:20
Could anyone describe my condition? I can't go to a shrink cause I don't have any money. But here's the deal.

There are times when I dreamed of persons which I have not known/met before, But at a later date I would met them, or I would just be able to see them up close though I have never seen them before in my entire life. And once I see them, it sort of like the dream would flash back in my mind, as if telling my brains that these are the people I saw in my dreams.

Also. They are not exclusive to persons. Sometimes an event or a happening which would occur in my dream, would sometimes occur in real life at a later date in time. Although some of these events are not all that important and surely does not affect the worlds current situation, I am really bothered by this dreams. And I am an active dreamer. I can't remember a day in which I did not dream.

Title: How would you describe my condition?
Post by: imatfaal on 29/06/2011 10:05:39
This sounds like common or garden deja vu - something gets temporarilly misrouted in the brain and we perceive something in the memory before the consciousness.

I cannot paste the link to wikipedia because some clever cloggs has put accents in the webaddress and I cannot bebothered to weed them out - but a google search will bring up a few million hits and I would start with wikipedia
Title: How would you describe my condition?
Post by: Dr. Junix on 29/06/2011 10:10:32
yeah! i was already thinking that. deja vu. But i think it's something else for it is real. I could even go into account of something happening before it does based on my dream, as long as I already identify the event as my dream.
Title: How would you describe my condition?
Post by: imatfaal on 29/06/2011 10:15:28
Everyone perceives deja vu as real. 

Make a dream diary - ensure that it is untamperable (ie you youself cannot change it at a later date) - and then receord the events that you have predicted.  That alone would be enough for Randi foundation to advise you how to investigate further - if you can eventually convince them it is real you can pocket a cool million, and that would be the very beginning. 

However - it is deja vu.
Title: How would you describe my condition?
Post by: CliffordK on 29/06/2011 10:28:17
Perhaps a dream would make a template without details.  And then later you fill in the details with "life", and it makes sense.

For example,
When I read a book, I imagine characters.
Then, if I later see a movie about the book, some of the details are unexpected.  Others aren't.  Eventually the characters in the movie become dominant, and one can hardly imagine the book characters without thinking of the movie characters.

Anyway, you may unconsciously fill in details in the dream with details from observations.
Title: How would you describe my condition?
Post by: RD on 29/06/2011 12:36:18
Very frequent déjà vu can be caused by epilepsy, which is treatable ...

The strongest pathological association of déjà vu is with temporal lobe epilepsy

The average twentysomething experiences it [déjà vu] about three times a year; middle-aged people rarely experience it more than once a decade.

Unless you've been at the waccy baccy ( ...

Q1 What causes psychosis? ... A1 the use of drugs like cannabis

Q2 How do I know if I have psychosis? ... A2 Unusual beliefs called delusions. These very strong beliefs are obviously untrue to others ... Sometimes, you may feel you have special powers. (

e.g. believing you are able to accurately predict the future.
Title: How would you describe my condition?
Post by: Dr. Junix on 30/06/2011 01:01:24
well, i do not really believe I can accurately predict the future. Because I cannot actually do it even if I want to, these things just happen when I least expect it.

And referring to cannabis, I am familiar with that. But I am no longer into that.

Well anyways thanks for the advise guys.
Title: How would you describe my condition?
Post by: Karen W. on 02/07/2011 12:09:02
I have  déjà vu's quite often and I do not smoke the nor do I believe that I can predict the future..LOL. We all have a certain amount of intuition but I do not believe the two are in anyway related.
Title: How would you describe my condition?
Post by: Dr. Junix on 07/07/2011 08:54:54
Wacky-Tobaccy.. yes.. But I don't believe my so called deja vu is related with that.. everytim it happens i am very clearminded..
Title: How would you describe my condition?
Post by: RD on 07/07/2011 11:49:31
Psychosis can occur during drug withdrawal, i.e. not just when intoxicated ...

Various psychoactive substances (both legal and illegal) have been implicated in causing, exacerbating, and/or precipitating psychotic states and/or disorders in users. This may be upon intoxication, for a more prolonged period after use, or upon withdrawal.
Title: How would you describe my condition?
Post by: JP on 07/07/2011 14:47:37
Make a dream diary - ensure that it is untamperable (ie you youself cannot change it at a later date) - and then receord the events that you have predicted.  That alone would be enough for Randi foundation to advise you how to investigate further - if you can eventually convince them it is real you can pocket a cool million, and that would be the very beginning. 

I second this.  The first step is figuring out if it's déjà vu and the dream journal will do that.
Title: How would you describe my condition?
Post by: Dr. Junix on 08/07/2011 02:34:20
maybe JP.. just Maybe...