Naked Science Forum

On the Lighter Side => New Theories => Topic started by: tianman32 on 04/09/2005 14:05:14

Title: Fundamental construction of the universe(1)
Post by: tianman32 on 04/09/2005 14:05:14
1 Four seasons' law refers to the circulation of spring, summer,autumn and winter.The balance and develpoment of four seasons is dominated by control organ.
 Actually, everything in the universe goes through the variation of birth or generation-spring,growth-summer,maturity-autumn,rest or reorganization or death --winter,which is considered to be four seasons' process.
2 Organs and function of four seasons.Different seasons have different organs and function.Spring organ absorbs energy,matter and information .Summer organ generates energy,being power factory.Autumn organ combine matters which get the system stable.Winter organ lets out the energy,matter and information.Control organ dominates the balance and devlopment of four seasons' system.
3 Four seasons whole.Four seasons' whole signifies the organic system having four seasons' organs and function.
4 Life bodies are four seasons' wholes.They are able to absorb matter, energy and information(spring),generate energy(summer),get stable construction(autumn),release matter,energy and information(winter) and keep them in balance development.
For example,a computer is four seasons' whole without automatic development.
5 Four seasons' construction of cell is spring organ:cell membrane,summer organ:mitochondria and choroplast,autumn organ:endoplasm and Gilgi tenden organ,winter organ:cell membrane.Cell nucleus is control organ of cell.
6 Fundamental construction of life bodies.Four seaons' development of life bodies includes two aspects:constant varying and forming oftheir state.The variation and formation of life state constitute ainter-dynamic and inter-feedback system and are in balance.The variation and formation of life state and their balance are respectively realized by state-varying organization,state-forming organization and control organization which are four seasons' structure.So,fundamental construction of life bodies is bi-four seasons' whole containing state-varying,state-forming and control organization.
7 Th Solar System is bi-four seasons' whole,Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus,Neptune and pluto making up the state-varying organization of it and the sun,Mercuty,Venus,the earth and Mars making up the state-forming organization of it.
8 The earth is life body:having state-varying organization:atmosphere,state-forming organization:solid sphere and control organization:hydrosphere.Organisms come from life earth
9 Internal organs of animals constitute bi-four seasaons' structure.

from Unity of physics and biology
Title: Re: Fundamental construction of the universe(1)
Post by: Simmer on 05/09/2005 21:33:53
I think it must have lost something in translation! [:)]
Title: Re: Fundamental construction of the universe(1)
Post by: Pablo on 06/09/2005 01:15:16
So, there are 4 principles that form and control everything.

1) The principle of absorbing energy, called "Spring"
2) The principle of generating energy, called "Summer"
3) The principle of stabilizing energy, called "Autumn"
4) The principle of releasing energy, called "Winter"

Thinking of a cell:

1) Absorbing energy -->  the cell membrane
2) Generating energy --> the mitochondria
3) Stabilizing energy --> the ER and the Golgi apparatus
4) Releasing energy --> the cell membrane.

Thinking of Physics:

1) "Spring" is what we call Gravity
2) "Summer" is what we call Electromagnetism
3) "Autumn" is what we call Strong Nuclear Force
4) "Winter" is what we call Weak Nuclear Force

These four forces control all the matter in the Universe.

Tianman also talks about how this 4 season's law applies to the solar system,Earth and even organisms. How does it apply to societies and/or governments?

Pablo Gonzalez
Title: Re: Fundamental construction of the universe(1)
Post by: tianman32 on 06/09/2005 13:09:53
Very good.
A society is also bi-four seasons' whole.The state-varying organization of it is goverment and state-forming organization of it is economic movement.Control organization is political system.
Title: Re: Fundamental construction of the universe(1)
Post by: tianman32 on 06/09/2005 13:13:59
Spring and winter are attraction and repulsion and are quark confinement.Summer is strong interaction exchanging pi-mesons.Autumn is bond force.Control organ is weak interaction.Electromgnetic force is mixed force.
Title: Re: Fundamental construction of the universe(1)
Post by: Pablo on 07/09/2005 04:43:54
How about the cultural aspect of a society? you only mention the government and the economy...

Pablo Gonzalez
Title: Re: Fundamental construction of the universe(1)
Post by: tianman32 on 07/09/2005 13:16:36
Culture is the reflection of men's quality and society's quality or is state characters of men and society.Culture develops with  the development of men and ociety.Culture and religion belong to human body science.

see Buddhism and relativity.
Title: Re: Fundamental construction of the universe(1)
Post by: Simmer on 07/09/2005 19:36:07
I'm not familiar with all the terms you use and may well be missing something, if so sorry in advance! [:)]

Are you proposing that there is a fundamental relationship between, for example, the apparently abitrary human division of the year into four seasons and the four known forces? Or are you just pointing out a rather neat analogy?
Title: Re: Fundamental construction of the universe(1)
Post by: Pablo on 08/09/2005 13:09:06
The relationship between the seasons and the 4 forces is not fundamental, but they help illustrate the fourfold nature of reality. Any system (planetary or biological) follows the principle of absorbing, generating, stabilizing, and releasing energy.

Pablo Gonzalez
Title: Re: Fundamental construction of the universe(1)
Post by: tianman32 on 08/09/2005 13:10:23
see Four seasons' movement of the universe

In pholosophy, the unity of substance and consciousness is that of state-varying organization,state-forming organization and control organization.State-varying organization(consciousness) make the system tend to vary.State-forming organization(substance) make the system tend te be stable.Control organization dominate the balance of state-varying and state-forming organization.Sustance and consciousness couple
Title: Re: Fundamental construction of the universe(1)
Post by: tianman32 on 08/09/2005 13:14:24
See Four seasons' movement of the universe

In philosophy,the unity of subatance and consciousness is that state-varying organization,state-forming organization and control organizatio,State-varying organization make the syatem tend to vary.State-forming organization make the syatem tend to be stable.
Substance and consciousness couple.
Title: Re: Fundamental construction of the universe(1)
Post by: Simmer on 08/09/2005 21:24:15
Certainly four is a significant number in European thinking, dividing just about anything into four parts - years, hours, pennies and even the universe in the case of the alchemical elements, seems to be satisfactory.  

However I understood that traditionally Chinese philosophical thinking was based more five - tastes, directions, elements and so on?
Title: Re: Fundamental construction of the universe(1)
Post by: tianman32 on 09/09/2005 12:54:05
Four seasons' movement of the universe
The circulation of spring,summer, autumn and winter is suitable to all bodies or things.Generatig in spring,growing in summer,maturing in autumn and regulating or dying in winter of all matters,bodies and wholes in the universe are considered as four seasons' movement and variation.
Four seasons of matters refer  to the process of their occuring,growth,state keeping and change.four seasons of organisms mean the process of their birth,growth,maturity and death.Four seasons of heavenly bodies signify the cycle of their emerging,developing,maturing and erupting or death.
Four seasons of nation such as a dynasty are taken to be the process of rising.getting powerful,getting corrupt and recession or extinction.Four seasons of economy mean the cycle of recovery,upsurge,recession and depression or adjust.Four seasons' phenomena of nation and economy are called odd circle of four seasons and stop the progress of society.
Title: Re: Fundamental construction of the universe(1)
Post by: tianman32 on 09/09/2005 13:03:53
It seems to be difference between west  and east thinking.The five of east constructs a whole:four seasons or five Xing.However,  Ther are also four kinds of seeds in Buddhism like Aristol's.
The universe containing Buddhism are also grouped into four kinds of state:3-dimensional,2-dim.,1-dim, and 0-dim, states
Title: Re: Fundamental construction of the universe(1)
Post by: tianman32 on 09/09/2005 13:15:45
Four kinds of state include that of matters,galaxies,economy,society,human bodies and so on.
Title: Re: Fundamental construction of the universe(1)
Post by: tianman32 on 11/09/2005 12:31:21
Four stages of science development
The realization to nature and space-time proceeds from the outside to the inside,from the part to the whole,which depends on the human being's quality.There are four states of sscience  and space-time development.
1 The period of apparent science and static space-time.Due to low quality of human being,his understanding of nature is apparent.Surface law and moving bodies in low speed in the nature is recognized and  apparent science and static space-time was produced.The personage of the period is Newton.
2 The period in studying internal structure and law of matters and dynamic space-time.Owing to the increasing of man's knowledge,he wes able to find out internal structure and law in the nature and to describe the bodies in high speed and dynamic space-time was recognized.Einstein is the personage of the period.
3 The period of whole science and state space-time.The universe as a whole is being researching in the period.For example,the structure and function of the Solar System,the Galaxies and extra-galaxies will be discussed.Individual maatters and bodies in the universe having been in full study by now,science snd technology are getting into new stage in which all matters and bodies in the universe will be linked as a unified whole.Whole science and state space-time is prodced.
4 Cosmic age and free space-time.Human being will have been finished the knowing of nature and remaking of his existence surrounding and himself.Light speed aircraft will be made.Human body will be remade and reach high level state of relativity and internal energy.Human being will escape from the Solar Systen and get into cosmic age,which will happen in the middle of 21st century.
Title: Re: Fundamental construction of the universe(1)
Post by: tianman32 on 13/09/2005 12:27:19
Four seasons' construction of proteins
Proteins and enzymes are organism macromolecules consisting of various kinds of amino-acid.20 natural amino-acids can be grouped into four seasons' amino-acids according to their function:1)spring amino-acids:R-redical being polar and uncharged;2)summer amino-acids:R-redical being positively charged;3)autumn amino-acids:R-redical being no polar and hydrophobic;4)winter amino-acids:R-redical being negatively charged and5)multi amino-acids:aromatic amino-acids whose R-redical being no polar.For seasons' amino-acids automatically combine to form four seasons' wholes:proteins.This is why proteins have life activity though they have no DNA.
Title: Re: Fundamental construction of the universe(1)
Post by: Pablo on 13/09/2005 22:49:28
How can you be so sure that humans will leave the Solar System around 2050?

Pablo Gonzalez
Title: Re: Fundamental construction of the universe(1)
Post by: tianman32 on 14/09/2005 12:53:58
Fundamental construction of DNA

DAN is control center of four seasons' life activity of cell.Because  fundamental construction of life body contains state-varying,state-forming and control organizations,the control of life activity is finished by joint participation of three organizations.State-varying organization makes life body tend to vary and state-forming organization makes life body tend to be stable.That is to say,variation direction of state-varying organization and state-forming organization is opposite.Hence,DNA is made of two anti-parallel complementary chains.Control organization's function is to keep the balance between state-varying and state-forming organization.So,two anti-parallel complementary chains is linked by base-pairs and a code is decided by 3 base-pairs.

The secrets of the universe have been solved.
Title: Re: Fundamental construction of the universe(1)
Post by: tianman32 on 15/09/2005 14:16:04
Four kinds of state in Buddhism

1 Yujie(in Chinese) is 3-dimensional world
2 Sejie(in Chinese) is 2-dimensional world
3 Wusejie(in Chinese) is 1-dimensional world and human body is  in high-level reletivity
4 Foguojingjie(in Chinese) is 0-dimensional world or absolutely free world.

Eight frontiers of science come from Zero Space-Time Theory
Title: Re: Fundamental construction of the universe(1)
Post by: tianman32 on 25/09/2005 11:51:27
Book of Changes describes four kinds of state of the universe
1 Taji is 0-dimensional state
2 2 Yi is 1-dimensional state
3 4 Xiang is 2-dimensional state
4 8 Gua is 3-dimensional state
(from Zero Space-Time Theory)

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