Naked Science Forum

Life Sciences => Plant Sciences, Zoology & Evolution => Topic started by: neilep on 18/07/2008 19:08:42

Title: Do Ducks Have Antifreeze In Their Feet ?
Post by: neilep on 18/07/2008 19:08:42
Dearest Fluffy Duckologists ,

See Veronicas Feet here ?

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Nice eh ?

See her there paddling away !..doing what ducks do......well....quacking most of the time !

When it's really cold and icey.....Veronica doesn't seem to really mind her feet being there in the cold......Why's that then ?

I asked Veronica and she just quacked and waddled off......a passerby I approached just ran away and a cricketer who was out on the first ball bowled at him just told me to " duck off" ! rude !!

So....I thought...who else could I possibly ask ? and then I remembered the nice people here !!

So, why does Veronica feet not freeze and/or not give her icey cold painy nastiness ?


Hugs et les shmisheys

Right Royal Ducker !

Title: Do Ducks Have Antifreeze In Their Feet ?
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 18/07/2008 19:53:59
It's to do with bloodflow. Pumping enough warm blood through the feet prevents frostbite. However, that poses a problem with hypothermia. Pumping enough warm blood through the feet means that too much cold blood gets returned to the interior of the body.

To counteract this, in birds who spend a lot of time paddling on ice (or living in cold climates in general) the arteries & veins run very close to each other so as cold blood is pumped from the feet, it is warmed by the arterial blood flowing next to it. That prevents cold blood getting to the interior of the body.

You didn't think I'd know that, did you. Go on, admit it. You didn't. You thought "A-ha, this'll stump that know-all rodent".  Well it didn't, so ner ner thrrrrrp at you! [^]
Title: Do Ducks Have Antifreeze In Their Feet ?
Post by: neilep on 18/07/2008 20:17:23
I bow down and submit myself for rebuttal and beratement in the presence of such greatness !

Such is the magnitude of your authority that ...yes indeed.....when posting the above question all I could think was that the Beave would not know it !!

...and yet, it is with considered gratitude that I prevail upon thee my most gracious of abundant appreciation and recognition !

....why !!..I am not even worthy to breathe the same air  *holds breath*

Title: Do Ducks Have Antifreeze In Their Feet ?
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 18/07/2008 20:18:45
I shall allow you to share my air
Title: Do Ducks Have Antifreeze In Their Feet ?
Post by: neilep on 18/07/2008 20:25:15
I shall allow you to share my air

phew !!!!!!! ............*breathes out !!...waits for girls to give mouth to mouth !!*
Title: Do Ducks Have Antifreeze In Their Feet ?
Post by: Make it Lady on 18/07/2008 20:42:16
Inserts tongue!!!!!

Beaver the only reason you know this answer is because you bight the feet off ducks just for fun. This is also how you know what duck trumps smell like.
Title: Do Ducks Have Antifreeze In Their Feet ?
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 18/07/2008 20:45:16
Inserts tongue!!!!!

Shazza snogged a sheep! Ewwwk!!!
Title: Do Ducks Have Antifreeze In Their Feet ?
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 18/07/2008 20:46:06

Beaver the only reason you know this answer is because you bight the feet off ducks just for fun.

No. It's my Chinese cousins who do that.