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On the Lighter Side => New Theories => Topic started by: Soyabrock on 02/05/2015 21:23:41

Title: Socrates World
Post by: Soyabrock on 02/05/2015 21:23:41
The phenomenal breakthrough of physical utopia in to real physics and cosmology!

Physicists Ahmed Ali Farag and Sauryas Das arrived on the revised basis of Einstein's equations to the realization that the universe has no beginning or end, therefore, was not a singularity. Professor Laura Messina-Houghton of Carolina University, in turn, has calculated that the gravitational contraction of large-sized stellar bodies don‘t ends in physical absurdity - the dimensionless black hole! According to both exotic physics, the universe is filled with quantum fluid, which consists of the so-called: gravitons. These hypothetical elementary particles hase cause transmission of gravitational forces between bodies
The quantum fluid also may be the kvartons. Yes, kvarton’s field also transfers (creates) the gravitational effects between bodies. Kvartons however, are not only specified kind of "quantum fluid". They have intracorporal  structure whose potential anomality and configuration creates a known spectrum of elementary particles. Kvartons and their internal variability are the source of all physical phenomena.

So, how Socrates tell as: Kvarton Model of  the World,  becomes on physical reality

I therefore decided to publish for the local community readers entire Socrates treatise, about the remarkable world kvarton‘s who hold the phenomena of our physical world.
Title: Re: Socrates World
Post by: Soyabrock on 02/05/2015 22:32:26
Protophysics = searching last matryoshka dolls
All the efforts of physicists whose wore the world has ever directed primarily to finding prime matter, which is derived from any known structure and substance of matter. As a matter of objective reality existing outside of our consciousness. What actually exists even if it is not seen. After all the troubles and the futility of physicists in search of prime matter as the last Russian matryoshka dolls I have to say: there is not the last matrjoška- as the last substance.  The world does not have last physical structure towards the macrocosm to the microcosm neither. It's a rather poor knowledge, but it would be worse to tell  lies to ourselves. We are a tiny speck in dust to the macrocosm (eg. Metagalaxie) while we are an supergiant structure to the microcosm (subnuclear particles).
So have we the sense to look further? Yes, it has. Because knowledge enriches primarily material and spiritual of humanity. But another question is: is the current, official physics on the right path to "bowels" of matter? It is not! It would icebonded by quarks! Physically elusive, obscure quarks with antiphysical behavior. We're missing answers: What are quarks? What creates gluons? What is the physical nature of gluons? How fast and in particular why it changes its physical state, by physicists called color? Physicists do not know; just they argue. What is the causal relationship between quarks and gluons? Silence! It's an impasse! It does not explain us, for example, why nuclei with more nucleons must contain approximately the same number of protons and neutrons. Why do not exist a mononuclear core? Only from protons , or only from the  neutrons. So-called weak interaction (weak power), it is just a mathematical construct, don't  causal explanation to us why this is so!
Answers to these questions and many others can be found from Socrates. About the nature of gravity, about the nature of the transmutation of elementary particles,  Wavelengths and mechanical properties of elementary particles. Everything has a basis in the Socratic notion of 4 fundamental particles (protoelements) whose symbiosis constitutes the fundamental system called kvarton, whose infinite set continuously fills the universe (continuum of kvartons ) and  variable configuration of protoelements includes all the material structure on our  "floor" of the universe. It is not stationary and weightless ether; it's part of all material structures. From "Strands" of kvarton's are compiled all known structures of subnuclear world. But kvartons  are not the last substances of the world. They are just a carrier of "scaffolding" of our "floor" of space.
And all this will tell you gradually by my mouth alone Socrates, a wise monk from the Island of Corfu
Title: Re: Socrates World
Post by: Soyabrock on 03/05/2015 14:12:35
Quite unusual: instead of the end, the introduction[/size]. 

Kvarton‘s universe hypothesis, which I here put forward for consideration, I think that a sufficiently credible solves century controversy éterists with relativists. Age-old rivality of the two camps has created an ideological trench mutual misunderstanding of reality: Relativists failed to causally explain the existence of such a limit velocity of all the "empty space", nor known dielectric properties of the "emptiness" - the vacuum. In contrast, éterists can not causally explain the apparently antagonistic properties of "their" ether: the ability to transmit electromagnetic. waves and the highest frequencies. Which is often associated with ultra-high-density hypothetical aether particles, bat with zero resistance while material bodies passing through this ultradense environment. Socrates's solution to all of these views is the ambivalence of both a new perspective on the relationship of material objects and physical fabric of space. This view formulates the following definition:

Matter appears always whenever  is locally disrupted the balance of parity   elements of the structure of the physical vacuum

This is the alpha kvarton‘s physics! This concept don’t make spekulation of yet unknown properties of the internal structure protoelements as fundamental elements of the structure of the vacuum. Just based on pragmatic observation that these protoelements have the ability to materially affect themselves and bonded together to create the system. Ideal internally bound, with total harmonic system of mutual saturation of the material effects of four antipodean protoelements kvarton is still hypothetical, as the basic unit of space of our material, palate 'universe. Therefore kvarton basically Socrates protophysics.
      Fatal error postlorentz‘s physics, which have shifted to contemporary physics physmatics to physmystics was confusing interpretation of results M-M interferometer. The error, however, at the time stemmed from very vague to the mystical concept of the ether as filling space. At that time the concept of the ether, as foreign material, immaterial substance, without any causal links and organic material objects could lead to a correct understanding of M-M experiment. When was the idea of ​​the then primitive physicists around the globe flying the solid with ether after planetary orbit must be measured so called ether wind. The negative result of the experiment M-M, ended general feeling frustration century physicists and felling pillars of physics. In their apology, it should be noted that the material had no clue about the nature and structure of the gravitational field. They understood that hypothetical gravitational field "accompany" each body as it moves through space, but did not realize that along with rotating outer layers of the body structure as well as the globe rotates gravitational field. It is obvious that this rotating gravitational environment in which electromagnetic waves are spreading, showed Michelson interferometer to firmly associated with the rotating surface of the globe is no "ether wind". Luminiferous environment and the structure of the gravitational field body Michelson interferometer were to each other in peace! A completely different situation is Sagnac experiment. There is evidently a local motion of rotating equipment to Sagnac' Light Conductive structure of the gravitational field. And therefore also happens MM experiment was missing: the shift of interference fringes, proportional relative motion Sagnac' device to structure gravifield! It is similar in experiments by Fizeau. Here, the light moves in the aquatic environment, which itself moves against its locally penetrating structure gravifield. Therefore, there is a shift of interference fringes. However, there is a complete "entrainment" of light speed movement of water molecules, but only to an extent which corresponds to a space filled box material molecules and the "empty" space between them due to gravity, (which the molecules move, and it is light propagated axial velocity c . (Another type of "evidence" that there is no ether was an attempt by physicists Trouton and Noble with a charged capacitor)., Even here there is no factual charged capacitor plates move towards gravifield structure, which is necessary for the emergence of "additional" magnetic field with which the calculated T + N).

Einstein's idea of ​​total relativity physicalies for decades froze and suppressed fundamental research material structure of the vacuum. When it became relativistic models of relations and in particular the interactions between elementary particles unsustainable, Einstein invented the earliest followers of wave mechanics, later promoted to quantum. A mystical physics occurred in the virtual. Mr. Heisenberg sanctified to virtuals their limited existence, according to the model dressed / undressed and conservation laws given to tails'; course within the Heisenberg uncertainty. Real particles could arbitrarily short time to "produce" any tangible, but the device "elusive", thus virtual particles and at the same time is also absorb. About sensible person asks: why? Why should real elementary particles of its own material substance produce and emit in all directions cloud virtual photons every conceivable weight just to get exchanged with another woman, even extremely remote elementary particle of his slight impulse? What part of the continuous emission spectrum "produced" photons hit the remote particle? What's more: who and what mechanism returns the unimaginably vast mass of unused virtual photons back to the emitting particle, as speculated czech academician Ivan Úlehla? This senseless antiphysicum caused Einstein negation of existence real material structure of the physical vacuum. His adherence to the tenets of reciprocity relativistic effects dilation and contraction, and the absence of absolute motion to the material structure of the vacuum. The superiority of relative motion as the only objective category of movement. If they are made in the future, initially unmanned interplanetary flights by nearlylight speeds, I believe that they will be on their decks conducted experiments proving the existence of asymmetric increased rest body weight to the structure of the vacuum actually is moving. Whatever changes the frequency with known Cepheids or direct physical experiments aboard proving asymetrie mass field the objects. (For more about the nature of these future experiments in the main text).
Socrates kvarton‘s hypothesis space transparently and fairly causally explains the physical nature of gravity without speculative, immeasurable folding space. Logically explains the so-called wave-particle 'behavior of elementary particles without the necessary mathematical "crutch" - the wave function and its anticausal collapse. Illustrates the physical nature of the movement of all elementary particles and their mutual interactions without the help of Virtual mystical of all kinds, as well as so-called "break-up" and the transformation of elementary particles, without the intermediate boson, without birth and annihilation. In Socrates physics four real material objects - protoelementy-not expire or is not born, according to circumstances, only changing the form of their mutual coexistence. To describe the world needs now several hundred various ways diversified called elementary particles, or multiple colors, redolence, and weirdness of quarks, nor need renormalisation endless physical values ​​resulting from the postulates of QED and GTR neider relativistic paradoxes of STR. The whole kvarton physics for a description of the "world" is sufficient to four invariant, ie, "eternal" material protoelements with three types antipodityes whose physical properties are not transferable !!!

All this applies in particular to protophysics the structure of space and material elementary particles. Follow-physics of atomic nuclei, atoms, molecules, solid state physics and applied physics in all fields remain in effect unchanged. Physics kvarton‘s universe does not yet have enough experimental information on the morphology and internal structure of four basic protoelements whose existence postulates. Pragmatically it can be assumed that they are material objects subnuclear size (Rq <10(-18) m) presumably spherical shape with a direct link to the material expected subkvarton structure of space, which mediates interactions between neighboring protoelements and kvartons. About this substructure physical vacuum (subkvarton‘s "ocean" = 2. basement), it is premature to speculate somehow without relevant new experimental data. This will need to be further "dive" into the depths kvarton‘s "sea". Perhaps the one, perhaps inadvertently, contribute ongoing massive "cutting and splitting" kvarton' vacuum structure in ever bigger accelerators. Do they realize that all those scientists' experiments at these massive "blindfolded"? I do not think that their naive "demolishing" the structure of the vacuum  launched  dismantling the entire universe, but  never mind be  careful, right?
What if that kind of smashing vacuum sometime  started the Big Bang? :-)
Title: Re: Socrates World
Post by: David Cooper on 03/05/2015 17:57:40
I would recommend finding someone who speaks both English and your native language who can help you go back and edit all the posts above until they are actually intelligible. The output of Google Translate is not good enough.
Title: Re: Socrates World
Post by: Soyabrock on 04/05/2015 20:50:06
Thanks for the advice. I do not have enough funds for a professional translation! But the test as my translation from English into Czech, while not exact but it was a good clarity. Who wants to, he understands it! I believe that anyone would understand But beyond linguistic purists
Title: Re: Socrates World
Post by: Soyabrock on 06/05/2015 14:57:18
And now just a couple of really opening sentences:
After reading the book Lee Smolin, Physics in trouble, I remembered particularly those of his original idea: „the problem of the foundations of teorie quantum mechanics can be considered as the second major problem of modern physics, it is necessary to address the issues of quantum theory either finding a clear interpretation of the present theory, or finding a new theory "(...) " Quantum mechanics, at least in the form in which it was originally formulated, it is difficult to reconcile with realism " (...)" One way to remedy is: Discovering a deeper theory that will provide a better understanding of nature than quantum mechanics. The fact is that the problem remains unsolved! It is not enough just to find a new way to understand quantum theory. Those who originally formulated it, they were not realists."  (...)  "Just as the apparent smoothness of the surface of the water surface conceals the fact that matter is composed of discrete atoms, and the smoothness of space probably is not realistic. Arises as an approximation of something deeper that is composed of basic units ... Some approaches simply assume that space is made up of discrete elements."
So this is for me the most important essence of the ideas physicist-theorist Lee Smolin. His thoughts. I think therefore (without permission) I will borrow the header of some chapters. And so I just sighed: That it took, sir, I do with those yours "discrete elements of space," communicate " more than 20 years. What if  we will call yours nameless 'building units of space' simply the kvartons?  Do you ask me why? Well, that is my whole long story. But let's  go nicely  from Adam '.
Title: Re: Socrates World
Post by: Soyabrock on 06/05/2015 20:52:52
                                                                             Part I.

                                                       Space, the bottomless ocean of kvartons

 For centuries dominated the physics this very simple idea: the whole world is made up of a solid or liquid material substance, coated with something so rare, that through it some how can comfortably walk. And all this, apparently loosely, lying around in bleak empty space, in short, like ‚Something' in Nothing. Physics, except ienthusiastic éteristů,  of course primarily interested in it Something tangible. And when we remove  all mass  from the space, we have only empty, intangible and really useless space. Deep Nothing. This could  be true in the time of Aristoteles and that's true, unfortunately, in many places yet today. Only somewhat strange behavior of emptied 'space  in to which you insert  a mass, such as elementary particles with an electric charge, impel the physicists to changed their ideas and  the "empty space", they nominated like the physical vacuum. It definitely sounds better, and  more scientific. But also: "What if one found that the empty space is not so completely empty". May be some of them even suspected that with the "empty" emptiness is not everything in order; that it may be something more.  Well, they may know, know but Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity (STR) to them, under the threat of eternal damnation, commanded consider the existence of something that could, albeit sketchily, to be material, ie material: some Universal System. Any mass of the space  Einstein had been given "forever" to the ban.
So physicists prefer to stay with their musty nonsense surrounding the paradoxes special relativity, paradoxically explained and mutually assured that it simply no other way. (See Section botched paradoxes) The Physicists  ought to have right to ignore this  ancient knowledge of physics on the specific behavior of the vacuum?

                      What physicists have overlooked, or mysterious displacement current.
                           Misunderstood phenomenal discovery: sliding electric current

Long before the publication of Einstein's doctrines STR, physicists was known physical phenomenon called inconspicuously: sliding electric current. This unobtrusive and purely pragmatic name for the phenomenon, as the appendix of Maxwell's equations, covering misunderstood brilliant epochal discovery. For the ignorant only a short description: in the circuit of power source is the  plate of capacitor. Physicists in the old experiments noticed that when the capacitor is charged by an electric charge, appears in the space between the plates measurable vortex magnetic field surrounding the entire cross section of space between the plates. The same vortex magnetic field (but with the opposite vector H) can be measured also  when capacitor  is discharging  Both magnetic fields are exactly the same as any normal magnetic field around the wire by them the capacitor is charged and discharged. It can not be  error to say that the magnetic field around the wire, continues in the space between the plates and creates along the circuit, source - capacitor, toroidal continuous "tube" of magnetic field. This is by no means surprising; experiments with dielectric bodies embedded between the plates inception of magnetic fields in them confirmed and we knows why.

Remarkably, however, is that it does not matter if it is between the capacitor plates a dielectric substance, or a totally blank space, i.e.  genuine vacuum. In dielectrics, it was clear: the change in voltage on the plates of the capacitor in parallel changes the size of the dielectric polarization, which is caused by a classic counter-shift electric charges in the dielectric. (In fact, it is just a spatial displacement of negatively charged electrons) And when you would move charge, so always around his track will "turns" the vortex magnetic field. There is no problem: it is as plain as day. But what  an empty vacuum? Why there  will be also the vortex magnetic field? Indeed, according to the  relativists there  in vacuum is no substance, let alone any bonded electric charges!
Instead as to  physicists would say, beware!, there  also is something in moving! They resolved that it simply creates a magnetic field around variable electrostatic field. Yes, sure there is, but that's only half of the truth. For the truth is necessary to ask: what is actually different of ‚empty' space in which it is distributed electrostatic field from the same area without that elektrostatic field? Or else, what changes in the empty space when I put into him an electric charge? Classics replies: creates an electric field around it. I‘ll ask: what physical process has creates an electric field? Or: What are the specific changes in that space? What will be the classic answers?
He does not know, just there, somehow, arise the electric field after inserting the electric charge.
This is not a serious answer of physics 21st century! It is time to tell what is the nature of the electric field in a vacuum. About dielectrics we know it: when will approach electrical charge to  dielectrics, it will be move the bound electric charges (electrons) inside dielectric and around their movement  arise naturally magnetic field. Yeah, this is quite simple. Therefore would be reasonable to assume that the vacuum is a kind of dielectric matter and that it also contains something bound electric charges.  We knew a long time ago, from Professor Rydnik, that the electric charge embedded in a clean 'vacuum', this vacuum is polarized. (See the following thoughts V.I. Rydnik)
Polarization of Something means from time immemorial in physics somehow move the electrical charges contained in this Something!
What is it, what moves in vacuo at its polarization when polarization means  movement the charge? Is anyone able to guess this? Nature already knows it.  But people are the last  blind. It is high time to raise  head out of the sand! No one else do it for us!  Therefore, I will  offer to all, that the vacuum is filled with something, on the manner by Dirac‘s ocean and Smolin’s  "structual" objects of vacuum, but not in a state of negative energy as was Dirac  expected, but by the real material objects! Objects In the ideal case with  zero external physical condition,  containing four basic elements of matter, two of which bear the antipodean elementary electric charge. Due to the content of the four elements Socrates christened   yet hypothetical objects,  the kvartons. If we will now describe the  "displacement current"
possible to assume that a pair of mutually coupled electric charges inside kvartons, then the electrical charges on the capacitor plates, will pull them out of their nulity positions inside spherical kvartons. Ball shape of all kvartons will be to change and elongate along of the line connecting the plates of capacitor . (From a football ball becomes a rugby ball). And it is this spatial transformation:  from spherical shape of kvartons to oval balls it represents the (polarization) movement of electrical charges within kvartons

The following chart shows what happens in the space between the capacitor plates inside those hypothetical  kvartons, when it is charged and discharged the capacitor

 [ Invalid Attachment ]

Title: Re: Socrates World
Post by: Soyabrock on 19/05/2015 20:34:50
Firstly, the rounded kvartons are chaotically oriented in space. Then, when you insert a small voltage on the plates of capacitor occurs a motion  of charged protoels in kvartons.  This movement of protoels  presents the standard electric current  around  him will appear the magnetic field.
Must be highlighted the relation with the motion of protoels in kvartons and their growing ovality. to him responding the size of magnetic field between the plates. Then  follow  a constant phase of ovality during which  magnetic field vanishes. Then followed discharging phase (depolarization phase)  when the protoels in kvartons return back in to null position. At that time occurs again  the magnetic field between the plates.
Moscow's professor of physics, V.I. Rydnik,tells considering the following: "The cosmic vacuum  surrounding each real electron can be in its immediate surroundings his minus ocean will be pull from him, while the positive ocean will be closer to him . If the vacuum  is still electrically neutral. Then  the  presence  the electron in the vacuum  is the polarizer of  homogeneity of vaccum and a condition called vacuum polarization, which is subject to local deformations described as positive and negative ocean ".

                   What manners electron dropped into a vacuum

V.I. Rydnik basically tells a direct connection to the vacuum polarization electric field implies , "by inserting electric  charge in a vacuum, this vacuum is polarized and of course there "arose" a proportional  electric field " Thus, even according to professor Rydnik, and others, say: the polarization of vacuum  and  the creation of electric field in the space around electrical charge are two parallel and identical events
 Rydnik's  fears,  from the highest authorities of physics and thus obscures reality: instead of discrete idea of  local real microobjects electric charge  carriers he  vague fantasizes about , the electrically charged, oceans, which to somehow close to electric charge opposite to each other moved  But the professor Rydnik  completely avoid natural question that occurs by everyone:  what substance  is the ocean?! Which  consistency? Is It  absolutely stiff when it moves like a monolithic whole?  Now imagine that there is in  some space, scattered 'several of the same charges. Where will  the poor monolithic charged ocean throws first?! No, this "way" is not the right way! This idea was limping on all fours! Awl still climb  from the bag. It is time to see the truth. '

                                What  whispers in our vacuum?

Have anyone ever thought what happens with natural structure  of empty space when in it  creates or changes the mysterious electric field?
However since Rydnik'  unfortunate ideas of charged oceans  as by Dirac', oceans of electrons with negative energy' was only a small step to understanding that the entire universe is filled with real sub-microscopic material objects in which they are together bound  bearers electric charges,like in the dielectric material! Unfortunately, physicists seem to have legs tied, they are not able to do this step! Even wise Lee Smolin is not  able to describe his, heretical 'thoughts! It is most logical that, like in dielectrics mass also in the vacual ‚dielectric' between the plates must make at charging and discharging of capacitor into contrary motion of charges. Quite real carriers of positive and negative electric charges. Real electric charges, real Smolin units bound in the basic structural units of space. Around these internal movements of electrical charges in qartons creates a magnetic vortex field we already know. Yes, it can be simply and elegantly explain the existence of a variable magnetic field between the plates, without crutches "intangible" of fluid-electric field. It is interesting that no one from established physicists interested  what is the material substance  of the electric field! They contented themselves with saying that it is a state of the material field in empty vacuum.
They created a formula, of this "field" mathematically describe the material but the essence of the "field"  no interest of them.  It was enough to realize well-known reaction of the vacuum by embedded electrical charge. The result is both a polarization of vacuum and simultaneous formation of an electrostatic field in it. 1 +1 is often two Also in kvartons vacuum it applies: moving carriers of electric charges inside kvartons  causes the longitudinal polarization of vacuum, called the electrostatic field and displacement current with the magnetic field around it. Everything is connected to everything! It should just realize that the electrostatic field is nothing more than a polarized vacuum, ie opposite electric charges move from zero positions within kvartons. Going back to the question raised above: what is actually different between ,empty' space in which there is an electrostatic field and the same space, without this electrostatic field? Now it's clear: in space without the electric field  have not polarized a Smolins ​​ hypothetical "basic building blocks", while in the space with an electric field has a polarization of kvartons proportional to the intensity of the electric field. It is clear how the Sahara.
It is certainly equivalent to speak about of either variable electrostatic field, or variable polarization of the vacuum. However,  polarization of building elements , in contrast with  the vague  concept of electric field, have  the logical material base! About material essence of building elements vacuum polarization (kvartons), we can  to convince, in immaterial existence in the electrostatic field we just have to believe. It offers the following relationship: the intensity of the electrostatic field in vacuum E = P, which is the degree of polarization of kvartons. Along with decreasing polarization, ie, with the return of bounded electrical charges into positions in kvartons   shall lapse  electric fields in this area; And this polarizing movement of electrical charges within kvartons, coupled with the existence of  a variable magnetic field can be experimentally detected. All those mysterious physical fields (electric, magnetic and gravitational) we get by Kvarton Model of Vacuum (KMV) in "tangible" material form. It is always induced by deformation and configuration "building blocks" vacuum - kvartons. It is simply a "blacksmith" physics.

However, it is quite humanly incomprehensible and inexcusable that by physicists this undeniable fact in the study of the structure of the vacuum was ignored. They would then have been understand that in a vacuum, similar in material dielectrics, there must be "invisible" carriers of charges (as well as those electrons in dielectrics), the real, material objects, which contain bounded, carriers of electric charges. We can only imagine what it would mean for the development of physics. Physics would have walked completely different way! We could avoid the embarrassing rape Einstein's STR and later dilemmas QED, including mystical and ridiculous virtuals. What bothered physicists  in the recognition of the existence of material objects? Their invisibility? Even our old familiar atoms are also only invisible carriers of electric charges. Although they are invisible to the naked eye, yet safely, we know that they exist and that they are full of real, electrically bonded carriers of electric charges. And imagine that these "our" atoms are at least about 7 orders of magnitude bigger than the hypothetical vacuum-kvartons objects. We'll still amazed that they are invisible and with our technical means are unidentical? Although, a variable magnetic field between capacitor's plates is evidential and therefore it evidences real existence of electrical charge carriers in vacuo. Like the trace of tiny bubbles in the Wilson' chamber.
 Summarize: In the circuit in which the capacitor is connected on electric current  between its plates, is the  electric field with changing intensity. But we already know that the electric field is just another name for a field of polarized,  material elements of vacuum -kvartons. Due to the variable size of the electric charge Q on capacitor's plates  electrical charges (protoels) in  "invisible" objects - kvartons,  between plates, will move against each other protoels  and around them naturally generates real, measurable magnetic field. Proven existence of a variable magnetic field between the plates is a flagrant proof about existence of real bound electric charges in the physical objects - kvartons - in vacuum! Already this indisputable evidence should convert all the physics of vacuum. Unfortunately, all remains on the ice! Why this knowledge, is by  mainstream of physicists consistently ignored?
Even the ‚woods‘ physicists, starting by Maxwell, long ago they did observe phenomena between the plates and they called them displacement current. I.e. they saw  there some movement, shifting! So why did the later, postrelativists are so dumb?!
Title: Re: Socrates World
Post by: Soyabrock on 03/06/2015 23:04:32
But it was not always so "glaciation" For centuries before  genius Michael Faraday, that all matter together, despite the seemingly empty space, something touching and physical influences. Even he knew nothing about atoms, elementary particles, etc. he suspected that between the bodies of solid phase must be some corresponding physical environment that allows bodies direct physical contact. But how this undisputed evidence the presence of weight in a vacuum enforce against implacable Einstein's idea of ​​an empty, intact space, him confirm the Michelson-Morley experiment.? It was once again a step back into an  obsolete ancient paradigm: Something in Nothing. In this respect, it can only say that Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity its long  research and knowledge of the structure of the vacuum, was return to ancient physics. the Its great authority  for a long time   "cuts off stairs" into "basement"  of world instead so as to  interaction between material objects proceed in material environment.  Einstein  gave to the  material objects only questionable ability to somehow "bend" geometry of empty space. It absolutely not transparent : his material  objects   affects intangible, abstract concept, geometry of space! Whither slip down  physics?

To the physical magic? And I just ask you today koryfejs of physics: How to bend intangible, abstract geometry of space, ie intellectual constructs, that have created the human entity as well as the coordinate system,which is only the mathematical description of space? Does this mean that  between material bodies is empty space in  which bends imaginary geometric lines? But if a material effect on the geometry of space is accepted ( with the condition that the weight has effect again only and only on the weight, it is then necessary to admit to the space some "filler" discontinuous structural modality, which actually is not even in conflict with my view of the world. This, however, Einstein categorically ruled: for him is the space intangible environment,  with geometric-mathematical structures;  like 'intangible bottomless pool with twisted lines. What a pity, the laws of the weight world could be further to many miles !
        The question therefore no longer worth so  if in vacuo is real carriers of electric charges, but what kind   structure have those so far hypothetical objects in ,ocean vacuum'. This will be the content of next part of kvarton model of space (KMV).
Title: Re: Socrates World
Post by: PmbPhy on 04/06/2015 16:06:45
Quote from: Soyabrock
The phenomenal breakthrough of physical utopia to real physics and cosmology!
I'm curious. This is a discussion forum. So far all I see you do is talking to yourself. Is there a reason that you didn't put all of your "observations" in the opening post?

Quote from: Soyabrock
Physicists Ahmed Ali Farag and Sauryas Das arrived on the revised basis of Einstein's equations to the realization that the universe has no beginning or end, therefore, was not a singularity. Professor Laura Messina-Houghton of Carolina University, in turn, has calculated that the gravitational contraction of large-sized stellar bodies don‘t ends in physical absurdity - the dimensionless black hole!
The problem with this is that many other physicist have concluded otherwise. A good physicist doesn't merely assume someone is right merely because someone claims otherwise. Where is this so-called "revised basis of Einstein's equations"? We need to study that first to determine whether it holds water.
Title: Re: Socrates World
Post by: Soyabrock on 09/06/2015 18:36:33

According to you, mister PmbPhy,
  good physician does not ask like theoretician Lee Smolin, or professor of Moscow Rydnik: What fills outer space ?! A good physician does not ask what it differs from completely empty space without any physical field, from the same area in which eg. the electric field. Good physicist knows that the difference is that in the first case there is not electric field and in the second case there is an electric field. Perfect oxymoron! Good physicist believes authorities.
Yes, there is a huge number of physicists who believe, who are not asking for anything. But history knows a few oddballs who ask and who push the physics forward. I can assure you, mister PmbPhy: you're not sure it!
Title: Re: Socrates World
Post by: Soyabrock on 04/07/2015 15:36:27
Vacuum, as a kvarton spawn  of the world.

Lee Smolin "... Some approaches simply assume that space is made up of discrete elements ..."
I have no problem affirming this view. The above described principle of displacement current leads straightforwardly to the existence of such discrete elements, which assumes Smolin. Robert Feynman once called phenomenon interference elemementary particles on the doublespot, the heart of quantum electrodynamics (QED). (Even the so-called quantum phenomenon will be later explained in the kvarton‘s model). The same  phenomenon of of displacement current   should be marked  the heart of vacuum physics'. This phenomenon is principally instructive for understanding the physical structure of the vacuum. Because we know that the magnetic field is generated around a moving electric charges (nobody so far failed to reverse it, because the variable external electric field is a result of ongoing changes in the polarization of the vacuum elements considered in above speech), look for the answer in the vacuum actually moves. Yes, we've already said, they are generally mechanical motion of electric charges inside kvartons. But who are the real hub carrier material and what is the degree of freedom? If the hypothetical electric charges in vacuum were completely free, no-ties, about how QED postulates the existence of short-living 'free virtual cartridge pairs would create in the whole area, instead  polarisated dielectric vacuum electrolyte and we would never have the renowned capacitor recharged! Believe me! Even the obligatory conductive ball, that him once used fyzicus to their attempts at the beginning of the discovery of electricity. Free virtual electric charges in space by these electrically charged props immediately neutralized. But this is obviously not the case! Free virtual particle with an electric charge in a vacuum, to the liking of QED are therefore unsustainable, unrealistic fiction! Would be transformed in vacuum to conductive electrolyte. That would be the end of all electrical and electronics! Hypothetical  carriers of electric charge in vacuum must be somehow tied in Something, something that limits their movement, which logically explains why the vacuum behaves as a dielectric, not as an electrolyte. The key instrument of QED - virtual  particles-, in terms of it behavior in the displacement current is physically unrealistic.

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