Naked Science Forum

Life Sciences => Physiology & Medicine => Topic started by: omid on 07/03/2010 14:36:46

Title: Is too much chocolate harmful for health?
Post by: omid on 07/03/2010 14:36:46
Omid finishes these four bars in 36 hours which is equal to one and a half day[:P] [:P] [:P]

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Could it be harmful for omid's health????????????? [:-'(] [:-'(] [:-'(]
Title: Is too much chocolate harmful for health?
Post by: Bored chemist on 07/03/2010 17:16:33
It seems it's not good for your arithmetic.

A bunch of bars of chocolate isn't a problem (I assume you are not diabetic or some such).
It might be a problem if you did this often, but as long as you are eating other things to provide a balanced diet and you are getting enough exercise that you are not gaining excess weight then it's not an issue (apart from the risk of tooth decay- don't forget to brush your teeth).
Title: Is too much chocolate harmful for health?
Post by: neilep on 08/03/2010 00:31:02
If ewe ate the wrappers too then this might cause a problem !  [;D]
Title: Is too much chocolate harmful for health?
Post by: neilep on 08/03/2010 00:41:31
Here's some nice info on choccy just for ewe :

Chocolate is made from the seeds of the tropical cacao tree
 Research suggests chocolate may have health benefits
 Chocolate cravings may be a symptom of addiction
 Chocolate contains the same 'happy' chemicals found in some recreational drugs.

A Stack of chocolate relaxing yesterday

The first chocolate bars
In the 1800s, solid chocolate became popular, with the invention of moulding processes. Mechanical grinders crushed cocoa beans to a fine powder that could be heated and poured into moulds, forming shapes as it cooled.

Dutchman Coenrad Van Houten perfected the extraction of cocoa butter from cocoa beans in 1825. The beans are crushed to a paste, which is subjected to very high pressure, forming chocolate liquor and cocoa butter. The extracted butter is smoothed and treated to remove any odours.

In the 1880s, Rudolphe Lindt of Switzerland started adding extra cocoa butter during chocolate manufacture, to make it smoother and glossier. Cocoa butter melts at around 97°F, which is human body temperature. That's why chocolate melts in the mouth.
Some Cocoa Pods hanging around yesterday

Chocolate craving
The love of chocolate goes beyond the call of sweetness. Chocolate can induce craving in a way that other sugary products like toffee or marshmallow don't. Chocolate makes us feel good, but can it really be addictive?
General sweetness aside, there are various chemical elements specific to chocolate that may help to stimulate cravings. In fact, chocolate contains over 300 chemicals and it is not known how all of these affect humans.
A Cup of chocolate...err..yesterday !

Many women report particular chocolate cravings when pre-menstrual. This is possibly because chocolate contains magnesium, a shortage of which can exacerbate pre-menstrual tension. Similar cravings during pregnancy could indicate mild anaemia, which chocolate's iron content may help to cure.

Love drug?

Chocolate contains a natural 'love drug'. Tryptophan is a chemical that the brain uses to make a neurotransmitter called serotonin. High levels of serotonin can produce feelings of elation, even ecstasy - hence the name of the designer drug that also works by increasing serotonin levels.
A chocolate orgy earlier today !

Lust drug?While tryptophan could be considered 'chocolate's ecstasy', another chemical called phenylethylamine has earned the nickname 'chocolate amphetamine.' High levels of this neurotransmitter help promote feelings of attraction, excitement, giddiness and apprehension. Phenylethylamine works by stimulating the brain's pleasure centres and reaches peak levels during orgasm.

A Cake with some chocolate sauce earlier today !

Chocolate chemistry
Like other sweet food, chocolate stimulates the release of endorphins, natural body hormones that generate feelings of pleasure and well-being.General sweetness aside, there are various chemical elements specific to chocolate that may help to stimulate cravings. In fact, chocolate contains over 300 chemicals and it is not known how all of these affect humans.

Many women report particular chocolate cravings when pre-menstrual. This is possibly because chocolate contains magnesium, a shortage of which can exacerbate pre-menstrual tension. Similar cravings during pregnancy could indicate mild anaemia, which chocolate's iron content may help to cure.

Err..not chocoltate but coffee beans !!...

Title: Is too much chocolate harmful for health?
Post by: omid on 09/03/2010 08:22:47
Thank ewe Neil [;D]

Omid DID find the info above quite useful [^]
Title: Is too much chocolate harmful for health?
Post by: neilep on 09/03/2010 11:40:46
Ewe are welcome Omid......I am curious as I do not recognise that brand of choccy !...what brand is it ?
Title: Is too much chocolate harmful for health?
Post by: Don_1 on 10/03/2010 15:56:04
Chocolate is nectar from the gods.

The great god Lindt
The great god Green & Blacks
The great god Jaques

Oooh I must go and get some now.

Roll on Easter (
Title: Is too much chocolate harmful for health?
Post by: Geezer on 11/03/2010 03:33:34
They say it's toxic for dogs, but I know of a dog that consumed a Mars Bar every day without any apparent negative effects.
Title: Is too much chocolate harmful for health?
Post by: Bored chemist on 11/03/2010 19:20:49
Chocolate is toxic to dogs, but not very. Mars bars don't have a lot of chocolate in them. It is still an ill advised experiment.

With a bit of luck I'm off to Belgium for a day or two before Easter :-) [;D]
The effect of this may be that I can experimentally verify that too much chocolate is toxic to humans. [xx(]