How sea life is succumbing to plastic pollution...
Interviews about Earth Science
Interviews about geology, palaeontology, archaeology, atmospheric science, climate, climate change and meteorology...
How to safeguard fresh water availability in the face of climate change and rising human populations...
It's not a coincidence that large animals have vanished from every continent after the arrival of humans...
No riddle to solve this time...
The study reveals new insights about the Tsavo region of Kenya...
A polarising idea...
A novel chemical concept to combat excess carbon...
A permeable concrete to fight future flooding...
A global effort to pinpoint vulnerable parts of climate systems...
What we need to keep, and what we could do without...
And what the potential of old mines could be...
Turning polluted soil into thriving farmland...
New energy source just dropped...
From physics, to biology, to engineering...
Only 3 countries produced greater fossil fuel emissions last year...
The 'jaw-dropping' discovery which leads to even more questions...
And what power do the public have to address the issue?
What is the cost of losing - and saving - the species around us?
How do we put a price on the most abundate molecule on Earth?
How the ocean's carbon control machine may itself fall victim to climate change...
But richer countries stand to benefit more than less developed ones...
Motivating and mobilising the population on threats facing life as we know it...
The similarities and differences between these two defining environmental challenges...
How an unprecedented demonstration of people power saved the world...
Spotting the dangerous implications of manmade emissions...