Interviews with Scientists

Interviews about medicine, science, technology and engineering with scientists and researchers internationally...

01 December 2014

To boldly go... just make sure you don't have any hitchhikers.

24 November 2014

Lunar Mission One launches a crowdfunding drive on Wednesday, which offers donors a chance to have a digital memory box...

24 November 2014

The 5:2 diet, or intermittent fasting, has become an increasingly popular strategy to achieve weight loss. But does it...

24 November 2014

A 70 kg man has climbed a glass wall using Spiderman style technology, by mimicking the feet of geckos.

24 November 2014

Sneaky seals have learned to listen out for acoustic tags on fish to find their next meal.

24 November 2014

Bankers are routinely accused of being dishonest - but is there any science that backs this claim? New research claims...

19 November 2014

How will brain findings shape future societies? Will we all become part machine? Is there a dark side to brain research?

19 November 2014

How brain findings are being used to help convict, or acquit, individuals in the courts of law.

18 November 2014

What has the world response been to Ebola? Was it helpful? Was it proportionate?

18 November 2014

Why has Ebola been so hard to contain? Some say too little was done too late...

18 November 2014

A third of gorillas worldwide have been wiped out by Ebola. Can a vaccine protect them?

18 November 2014

Where is the Ebola vaccine? Several candidate vaccines have now progressed to human trials and may soon be available...

18 November 2014

Diseases like malaria are not being treated due to the resource strain caused by Ebola...

18 November 2014

We hear from someone in a new treatment clinic in Sierra Leone, lending their hand to the fight against Ebola.

18 November 2014

What is Ebola and how is it transmitted? How is it treated and where did the current outbreak come from?

18 November 2014

UK University energy bills are more than £400 million per year. Cambridge University is running 'Switch off Week...

18 November 2014

Lightning looks set to strike twice as often in future thanks to global warming, a new study predicts...

18 November 2014

By monitoring Wikipedia, scientists can predict outbreaks of diseases up to a month before they emerge in waiting rooms...

18 November 2014

European space scientists made history when they landed a probe onto the surface of a comet, but not everything went...

17 November 2014

Evening relaxation and chats at a jolly good scientific poster session.

17 November 2014

Meeting the founder of the International Neuroethics Society, to find out the motivations and history.

17 November 2014

Exploring the ethical issues surrounding using robots in warfare, healthcare, and the classroom.

17 November 2014

Meet Brian: he encourages those with Dementia to eat. Casper helps with food preparation and Tangi helps get people...

17 November 2014

Students taking smart pills to try to improve their school grades. What will be the long terms consequences?