Why does wearing wellies result in feeling pressure in a puddle, when going barefoot...
Answers to Physics Questions
Physics, cosmology, astrophysics, electricity, energy, forces, gravity, light and maths...
Is it possible to create noise-cancelling headphones, but for an apartment?
It's difficult to look into the sun or visit this giant ball of fire, so how do we know that it rotates on its own...
Can you get green stars?
What’s the smallest particle we can detect, and how small is it?
Jupiter is referred to as a gas giant, does this mean it is gas all the whole way through, and you could fly through it?
Cosmology and symmetry go hand in hand. If there are black holes, are there such things as white holes as well?
When on the moon, astronauts have many things to contend with, not least temperature and space debris.
How do waterproof coats work? And how does that differ from water resistance?
What are the stats for accidents involving space crafts? How does landing compare to launch in terms of safety?
I've heard that muscles can waste in space because of decreased gravity. Does that mean astronauts return to Earth...
How much energy is in moonlight, and could solar panel technology be used to capture this energy?
I know there have been many missions to the moon and it's incredible to think humans have walked on its surface!...
Izzie Clarke has been investigating this colourful conundrum from David.
Is it real or just a special effect in movies and cartoons?
If the sun was to disappear instantly, would the gravitational effect on the Earth be instant? In other words, the...
If we incorporate Einstein's laws of relative, shouldn't the Universe's age change depending on where...
Is the Universe endlessly repeating itself? Is the Universe endlessly repeating itself?
If fragments of Mars have landed on Earth, could the reverse be true?
If we had a telescope powerful enough to see all the way back to the Big Bang, what direction should we point it?
When should you replace your bulbs: as they break or as soon as possible?
What's the minimum number of photons our eye can detect?
At what altitude above the Earth is zero gravity experienced?