Are the plants enough?
Answers to Science Questions
Why are you not allowed to use a mobile phone in a petrol station?
Since skin continuously replaces itself, why do tattoos last a lifetime?
Why does your stomach rumble when you are hungry?
Is it true that the Great Wall of China is the only man-made object visible from space?
What gives the best caffeine high, Tea or Coffee ?
Why can birds sit on a power line and not be electrocuted?
Why does petrol and oil make a rainbow effect on water?
Is it me or do men always hog the TV remote control?!
Can you really break a glass with your voice and if so, how?
Why does your hand look funny if you wave it quickly in front of the television or a computer screen?
Can rescue or police dogs still hear their handlers in noisy environments?
Is there any truth in women saying 'my bum looks big in this'?
How old is the eldest person to have reached the top of Mt. Everest?
Why do onions make us cry when we cut them and is there any way to prevent this?
Can people with no vocal cords still snore ?
What is cellulite - I can find lots of claimed 'cures', but no information about what it actually is?