Biology Articles

Articles about biology, genetics, ecology and evolution, insects, mammals, marine science, plants and zoology...

09 February 2017

In a world where data storage is becoming increasingly difficult, can we look within our own cells to find a solution?

06 February 2017

Far beneath the surface of the sea – beneath the rolling swell, the breaching whale, the schooling fish – you’ll find...

22 January 2017

Decoding a fruit smoothie with a DNA sequencer.

06 December 2016

Shona's story of living with a rare condition called Marfan Syndrome, and how scientific research offers a new...

01 December 2016

Trillions of pieces of plastic are floating in the oceans, potentially damaging human health, killing wildlife, and...

26 November 2016

Think of the horsemeat scandal. Do the ingredients in your ready meal match the labelling? There is no better way to...

20 October 2016

Overfishing threatens more than 90 species in Europe with extinction. But it turns out fish farming can actually make...

10 October 2016

Would you eat insects to save the planet and improve your health?

03 October 2016

Real life superheroes from the animal kingdom, and how they could help humanity.

12 August 2016

The naked mole-rat is hiding secrets in its genes that could provide cures for strokes and even increase our lifespan...

20 July 2016

Why would parasitic worms have evolved to help their human hosts? The long co-evolution of parasite and host can cuase...

16 June 2016

The number of options we face when buying food may thwart a natural body mechanism that regulates how much we eat.

26 May 2016

Could we use nature’s own resources instead of pesticides to increase yields?

05 May 2016

It's not just your pet cats and dogs that have their own personalities...

21 April 2016

Intensive bouts of meditation have an immediate and visible impact on practitioners’ sleeping brainwaves...

24 March 2016

Is gluten really something we should all be cutting from our diets? And just what causes coeliac disease?

15 March 2016

A new way of looking at life considers it a set of self regulating chemical reactions.

25 February 2016

Beetles, wasps and flies could be at the forefront of the next agricultural revolution...

05 February 2016

Darwin’s theory of evolution underpins all of biology from the intricate workings of a cell to the fascinating...

14 January 2016

Sea sponges could be used on an industrial scale to soak up pesticides, lead and even dangerous bacteria from Europe’s...

04 January 2016

Should you New Year's resolution be to eat more Brussel sprouts? Discover the health benefits of the humble veg...

29 October 2015

As well as unique fingerprints, we might be identifiable by a personalised bacterial cloud.

24 September 2015

What is the purpose, if any, of pain? Would we be better off without it?

17 September 2015

Can we manipulate DNA to create "living factories" for a greener tomorrow, or is this technology beyond our...