Studying for a PhD at Cambridge University? Not graduated yet? Want to communicate science for a national broadcaster?
The Naked Scientists are a team of science radio and podcasting professionals who make engineering, science and technology radio programmes for broadcasters internationally, including BBC 5 live, ABC Radio National Australia and Talk Radio 702 in South Africa. We also publish a multi-award-winning podcast.
We're offering up to 3 paid internship placements for early career researchers working within engineering and the physical sciences at Cambridge University to join our team and learn to do what we do. Across the 8 weeks, you'll learn how to:
- Produce podcasts
- Create content for national and international radio broadcast
- Interview leading scientists publishing new discoveries in the world's best science journals
- Uncover, research and write accessible engineering and science articles and develop enhanced skills as a communicator.
- Critically, we are not just looking for future broadcasters: the skills you will learn will be valuable throughout your future career.
This opportunity is OPEN NOW and will extend to those who have finished their research, or will have finished their research by 31/1/2020, but have not yet graduated. The 8-week placement is open to EU applicants and must take place from when you have finished your research but before you graduate.
If you are interested in applying, please email a covering letter and CV to Izzie Clarke on by 23:59 on Sunday 9th December 2018, stating when your research ends.
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