Science articles and medical features written by scientists internationally...

21 July 2004

How can you be sure the wonderful facts and figures we science writers tell you are genuine? Just think about the...

14 July 2004

On May 29, 1953, Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary took the last few decisive steps up Mount Everest. Dalya has a look...

07 July 2004

A clinical trial testing an Alzheimer's Disease vaccine was dealt a crushing blow when some of patients showed...

30 June 2004

Exposing patients to x-rays is a gamble between a necessary investigation to aid in forumlating a diagnosis, and the...

23 June 2004

e-Science, including telemedicine, has the potential to revolutionise patient care. Grid technology can ensure flexible...

16 June 2004

Hold the front page! Some white-coated genius somewhere has found a gene for violence: suddenly our streets will be a...

09 June 2004

Dalya Rosner asks whether microchimerism (literally an animal with parts made from lots of animals) causes female...

02 June 2004

The recent rush to denounce the Emmanuel City Technology College in Gateshead overwhelming. What is wrong with a state...

26 May 2004

Historically, drugs have been produced according to a one-size-fits all approach. But now we are in a position to start...

19 May 2004

Research has revealed that part of the brain responsible for smelling grows during pregnancy, at least in rats. This...

12 May 2004

What is a DNA fingerprint and how can it help you to solve crimes, identify a baby's father and suss out the best...

05 May 2004

My mother-in-law loathes science and loves science. She loathes science because it is used to bulldoze her opinion-...

28 April 2004

Imagine if you could turn your muscles into blood cells, or turning your bone marrow into muscle. How about changing...

21 April 2004

It's funny how the microscopic world of bacteria and viruses are so similar to the macroscopic world of human...

14 April 2004

Cloning and genetic modification (GM) of organisms, including plants and animals, has enormous therapeutic potential....

07 April 2004

Animal models of disease help us to understand the molecular, cellular and chemical basis of disease, and to test new...