Regular listeners may remember the Genomethics survey I mentioned in a recent podcast. Led by Anna Middleton, it's designed to discover public attitudes towards genetic testing. Now the first results are in, with 98 per cent of the 7,000 people from 75 different countries who've taken the survey so far saying that they want to be informed if researchers looking at their genetic data find gene faults or variations linked to serious preventable or treatable disease. However, fewer wanted to know if their genomes revealed information about less serious conditions, or had currently uncertain consequences for their health.
This is important because while scientists have identified many genetic markers for certain diseases, just carrying a particular gene fault or variation linked to a particular condition isn't a guarantee that you'll develop it. there's still much about our genes and genomes that we don't understand, let alone be able to use to benefit people's health. But studies like the Genomethics survey help to reveal public attitudes to genetics research, which will help scientists and policymakers ensure that their plans fit with what the public want.
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