COVID-19 / Re: COVID: what does the future will look like?
« on: 27/12/2021 22:03:35 ». Paying for vaccines in the developing world, may reduce it circulating but won’t stop it circulating and mutating as the vaccines don’t prevent someone catching or transmitting the virus ,they only reduce the likelihood.declaring the USA an inherently unsafe area..It already was.
But the issue sin't so much the USA where they are too dim to vaccinate.
The problem is those parts of the world where they are too poor. (It's no coincidence that polio remained longest in poor countries). countries).
The sensible rich nations need to pay for the vaccines in the developing world, otherwise the virus will circulate and mutate there rendering any elimination protocol impossible.
In a study by nature magazine 90 % of immunologists, virologists etc believe it will never be eradicated and will become endemic.