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Just Chat! / what a terrible month!
« on: 28/12/2008 23:43:44 »
hi guys. i know i haven't been here in forever so i really have no right to make you all read my drama...but this has been a bad month. lol. scott's car broke down at the beginning of the month so we were sharing mine. then my brakes went bad. no big deal, right? especially when you have a boyfriend who can fix those sorts of things...EXCEPT...i bought the car used and it has locking lugnuts on it and i apparently didn't get the key. and nobody except the dealership can get them off...for $200...plus the cost to have it towed there (I have AAA but they'll only tow it so many times and then you have to pay)plus $100 an hour (AN HOUR!!!!) for labor, plus the parts for the new lugnuts and the new brakes and since it's a problem with the brake line, who knows how much they'll charge for that, but they can't let it leave the dealership with bad brakes. So, we have one car (he got a new one). which i guess isn't such a huge deal because i'm apparently going to lose my driver's license...my car insurance was up in september and i somehow or another forgot to renew it. babies steal brains. they sent out some random mail survey to check for proof of financial responsibility. i'm apparently irresponsible. so, that's $125 plus the insurance which costs way more after you lose your license, plus new license plates and registration...
but it gets better....2 days before christmas my face swelled up like a chipmunk. i have an abcessed tooth. i ended up going to the emergency room on christmas eve because i couldn't open my mouth and the swelling was about the size of my hand. have i mentioned that since i thought it was a good idea to just work part time i no longer have health insurance? ha...oh and two days later i had to go back to the hospital because i had a fever of 103....and they finally drained the abcess. gross...(everyone go floss...right now). so that's two hospital visits and 2 days of missed work.
and then today...today is kinda the straw that broke the camel's back because unlike everything else, this isn't required to live...today our $1500 plasma tv died. the one that the warranty for just expired.
i'm going to let spencer type now because he's been very patient and a very good boy...
chjjbbbbbbbbbbbbn xxgxxgchv ch v
there ya go. sorry guys. had to let it all out
but it gets better....2 days before christmas my face swelled up like a chipmunk. i have an abcessed tooth. i ended up going to the emergency room on christmas eve because i couldn't open my mouth and the swelling was about the size of my hand. have i mentioned that since i thought it was a good idea to just work part time i no longer have health insurance? ha...oh and two days later i had to go back to the hospital because i had a fever of 103....and they finally drained the abcess. gross...(everyone go floss...right now). so that's two hospital visits and 2 days of missed work.
and then today...today is kinda the straw that broke the camel's back because unlike everything else, this isn't required to live...today our $1500 plasma tv died. the one that the warranty for just expired.
i'm going to let spencer type now because he's been very patient and a very good boy...
chjjbbbbbbbbbbbbn xxgxxgchv ch v
there ya go. sorry guys. had to let it all out
Just Chat! / this might not work...but it's my baby saying dada!
« on: 23/12/2008 04:00:07 »
<embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i322.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid322.photobucket.com/albums/nn433/spenceriscute/MVI_0433.flv">
so if it doesn't go here....
so if it doesn't go here....
Complementary Medicine / What is heat rash and how is heat rash best treated?
« on: 02/08/2008 04:04:48 »
my little 51/2 week old baby has a heat rash. he looks terribly uncomfortable, and i want to help him...but i've been advised not to sprinkle baby powder on him....anyone know anything else...other than air conditioning..that will help?
Just Chat! / i'm sure you're sick of my pictures, but....
« on: 29/07/2008 04:40:42 »
i'm adding more. we'll start with this one, specifically for neily....
were you expecting it to be sheep related? nope, just my huge belly. that was the day before my due date. huge baby...
were you expecting it to be sheep related? nope, just my huge belly. that was the day before my due date. huge baby...
Just Chat! / so what's been going on?
« on: 29/07/2008 04:29:05 »
i'm out of the loop. tell me what i've missed and new people, introduce yourselves. i'm kadie. nice to meet you
Just Chat! / DIARY ENTRIES & GENERAL CHAT !!!!!!! (VER 9)
« on: 16/11/2007 01:05:30 »
*knock knock*
Physiology & Medicine / Why do I feel pregnant some days, but other days I don't?
« on: 15/11/2007 00:08:20 »
hi all. some days i can definitely tell that i'm pregnant. i'm emotional, i feel sick, and and overall very... pregnant. some days though, like yesterday, i felt completely normal. why would this be? should i be concerned that i don't always feel pregnant?
Physiology & Medicine / why do earplugs make me gag?
« on: 06/11/2007 16:33:22 »
no, i wasn't eating them... i got some ear plugs to wear to bed because my neighbors are really noisy. i put them in as directed, but they somehow made me feel like i was choking. any suggestions?
Physiology & Medicine / prenatal vitamins and hair growth... help!
« on: 28/10/2007 03:58:23 »
my hair is growing uncontrollably! i knew the prenatal vitamins made your hair grow faster, but i've only been on them two weeks and already i have gone through a whole pack of razor blades and i swear the hair on my head has grown an inch. i used to have to shave my legs every two or three days, but now if i want them to be hair free i'd have to shave twice a day. is there something wrong with me, or is this just what i'll have to deal with until the baby is born?
Physiology & Medicine / questions about burn relief...
« on: 27/10/2007 03:53:28 »
today i burnt my hand in my mom's oven.. don't ask. it was stinging like crazy no matter how much cold stuff i put on it... or burn relief gel. when i got home i wanted to take a bath. at first the hot bath water hurt the burn, but in a few seconds the pain went completely away... hasn't hurt or stung yet, and my bath was two hours ago. is hot water supposed to help, or did it maybe just kill some germs that were on the burn?
Just Chat! / what is the strangest thing you've ever lost?
« on: 24/10/2007 16:18:42 »
*stomps on paul's foot* wow those really work well paul... anyway, as a spin off of the strangest thing you've found thread, what's the strangest thing you've lost?
Physiology & Medicine / what do benign tumors do?
« on: 09/10/2007 01:16:29 »
some tumors cause cancer.. or vice versa.... but what do other tumors do exactly?
New Theories / has anyone googled tsp?
« on: 08/10/2007 01:33:45 »
i just did. the only websites picked up were us and two other forums. the only person, seemingly, on the entire world wide web who believes this crap is our own dkv here... while the names were different on the other forums, the writing style was the same as well as the fun equal sign lines... just thought anybody who thought about believing what he's saying should know...
Physiology & Medicine / a question about ovulation...
« on: 03/10/2007 05:02:07 »
if a woman is on a regular twenty eight day menstrual cycle, does ovulation always occur on the same day of each cycle, or does it vary?
Physiology & Medicine / can an electric blanket hurt you?
« on: 01/10/2007 03:35:49 »
my grandma recently gave me an electric blanket. i love this thing! it's like a full body heating pad! but that got me thinking... leaving a heating pad on for too long can be bad for you... can my blankie hurt me if i leave it on all night?
Just Chat! / Just a reminder
« on: 23/09/2007 21:54:50 »
The new season of House starts Tuesday @9. YAY
Physics, Astronomy & Cosmology / how close is the closest star...other than the sun?
« on: 19/09/2007 01:48:26 »
the sun is a star, right? so it's the closest... but how far away is the next closest star? has anyone figured out where it is yet?
Physiology & Medicine / swollen glands... what, where, and why?
« on: 15/09/2007 05:31:26 »
when you have a sore throat, you often have swollen glands. what are these glands, and why do they swell? also, are there some located in places other than your neck?