Guest Book / Science assignments
« on: 24/03/2009 12:18:17 »
Dear All,
I am currently in my fourth year of a degree course in services engineering-science is not my stongest subject [] , and I much rather the practical 'on site' and managment side of the work [] . Never the less I have had to get on with it [] , and to date I am stuck on eight questions out of six assignments (so basically eight out of about 120 questions!!! [] ) but I am seriousley stuck on them [] , I am now more than ready to just hand in the assignments as they are and run the risk of failling the module [V] -I have had help from my tutor etc, but as I said, science is not my forte and I simply cant do it!! Anyone willing to help, please reply and I will send you a word document with them on-they are general questions on SRI, pressure, convection etc. Any help would be graetefully accepted!!
I am currently in my fourth year of a degree course in services engineering-science is not my stongest subject [] , and I much rather the practical 'on site' and managment side of the work [] . Never the less I have had to get on with it [] , and to date I am stuck on eight questions out of six assignments (so basically eight out of about 120 questions!!! [] ) but I am seriousley stuck on them [] , I am now more than ready to just hand in the assignments as they are and run the risk of failling the module [V] -I have had help from my tutor etc, but as I said, science is not my forte and I simply cant do it!! Anyone willing to help, please reply and I will send you a word document with them on-they are general questions on SRI, pressure, convection etc. Any help would be graetefully accepted!!