Physiology & Medicine / Are there people who lack the ability to become emotionally attached to others?
« on: 19/05/2018 10:42:05 »
Are there people who truly do not have the ability to have any emotional attachments to others. I have been reading a bunch of emotional attachments vs. emotionally unavailable articles. There are some pretty credible doctors that claim some people do not have the ability to emotional attach to others, even thier own children. It is said that this is caused by some kind of trauma as a child. During this trauma, a bunch of sub-self's are created to protect the real self. Apparently, the real self is not strong enough to handle the trauma, which is why these sub-self's step in. I also read that if this happens to someone that they can only improve this condition by participating in very intense therapy, but once they lose the ability to create an emotional attachment and/or bond its gone indefinitely. Is this really possible? Going through life's motions pretending to care just to fit in seems like a lot of work to keep up. Not being able to have emotional bonding with your own children...is this, not a natural occurrence when reproducing? For someone who can't emotionally bond or attach to another human being, how can life be at all fulfilling? Isn't being able to bond with other so very important? I find it hard to imagine not being able to truly bond with anyone, which is why it seems a little far-fetched to me. However, by no means do I think this is completely impossible. Which is why I am asking. Thanks