Physiology & Medicine / Re: What about the women who have Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome (POIS)?
« on: 28/01/2016 09:14:30 »
Hi Timey,
Are you a man or a woman? Just curious.. First of all I'm struck by your need to apologise profusely for giving your opinions and suggestions.. Please don't apologise I really appreciate your input!!
Definitely what you said rings many bells for sure. I always feel profoundly disappointed by sex, no matter how pleasurable it's been.. Afterwards I always feel that I didn't get what I actually needed.. And I think your suggestion that the need for closeness and belonging is being missed.. Even though my partners have loved me and wanted to cuddle after and all that, I have always felt that sex could be SO MUCH more, and the potential is always missed... And another thing you spoke of that resonated with me was about the heart... For some reason.. I never have felt much at all in my heart when having sex. It's all been about the 'hot' sexual aspect and love isn't really part of it.. Sigh.. I'm working on it!! Must get to the bottom of this!! Thanks again for your reply and sorry it took me so long to read it.. I posted my message in a moment of desperation and the. Forgot about it until now and came to check if anybody had replied! Was glad to see your thoughtful response.
Are you a man or a woman? Just curious.. First of all I'm struck by your need to apologise profusely for giving your opinions and suggestions.. Please don't apologise I really appreciate your input!!
Definitely what you said rings many bells for sure. I always feel profoundly disappointed by sex, no matter how pleasurable it's been.. Afterwards I always feel that I didn't get what I actually needed.. And I think your suggestion that the need for closeness and belonging is being missed.. Even though my partners have loved me and wanted to cuddle after and all that, I have always felt that sex could be SO MUCH more, and the potential is always missed... And another thing you spoke of that resonated with me was about the heart... For some reason.. I never have felt much at all in my heart when having sex. It's all been about the 'hot' sexual aspect and love isn't really part of it.. Sigh.. I'm working on it!! Must get to the bottom of this!! Thanks again for your reply and sorry it took me so long to read it.. I posted my message in a moment of desperation and the. Forgot about it until now and came to check if anybody had replied! Was glad to see your thoughtful response.