Naked Science Forum

Life Sciences => Plant Sciences, Zoology & Evolution => Topic started by: thedoc on 24/10/2014 16:30:01

Title: Why is my budgie afraid of the didgeridoo, but only when i wave my hand over the end?
Post by: thedoc on 24/10/2014 16:30:01
Peter Bardsley asked the Naked Scientists:
We have a Budgie that creeps confidently upside.down under the gable of the cage,we call him"Acrobaticus" I play the didgeridoo & he enjoys it OK, but once cupped my hand over it a few times making a mild popping sound & it flapped in panic to the back of the cage,a seed stuck to the blind beside the cage level with the apex of the gable & a small piece of feces half way up.


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