Naked Science Forum

On the Lighter Side => New Theories => Topic started by: pasala on 22/05/2016 15:35:27

Post by: pasala on 22/05/2016 15:35:27
                             HOW AN ATOM BOMB EXPLODES

It is true that immense destructive power is derived by the atom bomb from sudden release of energy. How this energy is coming from and where it is stored is of course mystery only.  Well it is also surprise to see that as long as the atom bomb was not detonated, it is in stable condition only.  Only when it is detonated huge amount of energy is coming out, where this energy is stored.  If so, in the atom bomb than how it is in stable condition.

Before moving anything further let us see how an atom bomb explodes:

Scientists have selected radioactive Uranium -235 and plutonium -239 to undergo the process of fission. When nucleus is split than it is divided into two small nucleus and  few neutrons within the atom are freed. When another nucleus is split then neutrons within the atom are released. This is of course a chain like process.

When a nucleus breaks into two smaller nuclei, a couple of neutrons shoot out. This causes the radiation. Naturally occurring uranium and plutonium have atoms constantly undergoing radioactive decay. These are spaced sufficiently far apart so that the neutrons rarely bump into other unstable nuclei. When a neutron,  hit an unstable nucleus it causes that nucleus to break apart and send out another couple of neutrons. By increasing the concentration of these unstable atoms, the probability that a neutron from one decay causes another one increases. The concentration where the reaction sustains itself is called critical mass and the reaction then called a chain reaction.

With each step of the reaction, energy is released and another step or two is started, and so an avalanche of reactions and energy release continues.

Let us think if the total energy is from atomic fission only:
1) When the nucleus of the atom is broken, few neutrons there within the atom are released.
2) And of course when the other atom is split neutrons there within the atom are released.
3) Suppose if we detonate one tonne atom bomb total amount of energy released there from must be less than the weight/area of the atom bomb only.
4) But it is not happening so.

process of Chain like reaction:
When one neutron does collide with an atom of uranium-235, which then fissions and releases two neutrons and some binding energy. Both of those neutrons collide with uranium-235 atoms, each of which fission and release between one and three neutrons, and so on. This causes a nuclear chain reaction.

How this process is happening.  We are not using each and every neutron to collide with each and every atom. There is a chain like reaction which is self detonating, destroys all other atoms.
1)  Chain reactions starts within short time. 
2)  Few neutrons released will be sufficient to initiate chain reactions.
3)  Actually to cause chain reaction and to generate heat lot of concentration is needed.

Here we have to remember one important point that we are using radio active Uranium -235 and plutonium material only and these two are having unstable nucleus and can be detonated very easily.  Further we have to remember one more important point that there is huge energy is present on this earth and it is playing key role in each and every explosion.  Uranium used by us is more prone to this effect since it is radio active. 

There is huge energy is present on this earth and it is exerting pressure on each every thing on this earth.  Since energy is of object oriented  atoms of uranium are also its objects only.  Energy exists from all sides of the atom.  When an atom is split, neutrons comes out  pushes the energy rays from all sides and when an another atom is splits it again pushes energy rays into all directions and within no time energy is boosted within small area and generates heat.  Due to this heat, atoms start splitting without any further effort.  This is known as chain reaction.

When splitting speeds up further addition of energy is boosted and in turn it again pushes energy rays to farther areas. These energy rays are highly charged and generate heat which burns down every thing. I had already discussed about presence of "energy base" on this earth in the theory proposed by me "Gravity".  Actually this energy base is not uniformly spread on this earth. At the center of the earth where it is still releasing lot of energy into open area.  This energy coming from earth is pushing strong energy rays already present on the earth and thus they are charged heavily and  generate heat.  If an atom bomb is exploded here than neutrons coming out due to splitting of atoms, pushes already charged energy and therefore heat is generated within short time. Since energy rays are already charged chain reaction also starts within short time.  Further leads to wide spread damage.  Energy coming from earth pushes existing energy and therefore it touches new heights.

At the poles where earth is already cooled and therefore there is no chance for earth to release any energy.  Here gravity is constant and energy rays present against earth are not disturbed by any energy.  Here existing energy rays are not charged.  Suppose if an atom bomb is exploded here than it may not so destructive as it was at the center.

In the space where energy will be present in a loosed manner as there is no big object for them.  These rays will  be moving in different directions.  Any thing coming into their way will turn as object.  Suppose if an atom bomb  is exploded here than it may not be so devastating as it was on the earth.  Since energy is already present in a loosed manner, energy coming from atom bomb, charges them but existing energy is already in loosed manner, charge is depleted within short time.  Here explosion is also in a different way, as energy is present from all sides explosion is also into all sides.

Let us move out of our universe and in between two universes there is no scope for presence of any energy at all.  Here it is completely vacuum and any energy created/entering here will be moving out freely.  There is no scope for concentration or boosting of energy at any particular place.  Suppose if an atom bomb is exploded here than what happens.  When neutron collides with atom and if that atom is split than neutrons released are freed into open area.  Suppose if we continues the process than more neutrons will be freed and start moving out.  Here there is no scope for any concentration/boosting of energy and thus explosion.

For that any explosion in deep water or in vacuum or in deep inside earth where concentration of energy is weak explosion is also weak only.

At present our main focus is on the explosion and amount of energy released by the atom bomb.  In my view this lead to fighting in darkness.  We are more concentrated on the thing which causes more damage than how to overcome from the problem. If we know exact things behind explosion than we can start research from that angle also.  Let us try to save the earth from this danger hanging on our head.

Note :  Since this forum is attached to University of Cambridge, faculty is requested to give your



Post by: Colin2B on 23/05/2016 16:56:44
Note :  Since this forum is attached to University of Cambridge, faculty is requested to give your
I think you misunderstand the nature of this forum. It is a public forum and not part of the University faculty. It is part of the University's external education programme but is not intended to assess the validity of theories posted here.
However, you might find that members of the forum, drawn from members of the public worldwide, are willing to comment.
Post by: RD on 23/05/2016 17:42:26
... members of the forum, drawn from members of the public worldwide ...

Note: disclaimer at the very bottom of this page ...

Quote from:
... Information presented on this website is the opinion of the individual contributors and does not reflect the general views of the administrators, editors, moderators, sponsors, Cambridge University or the public at large.

Translation : "may contain nuts"   [:)]
Post by: Colin2B on 23/05/2016 19:00:12
Translation : "may contain nuts"   [:)]

Post by: pasala on 24/05/2016 16:06:03
Ok, i will try to follow your advise.  Now hereby i am making an appeal to general public to give their opinion.

Thanking you,
