Cells, Microbes & Viruses / How can I remove an unidentified yellow slimy organism from human skin?
« on: 03/10/2024 07:49:47 »
I have seen 8 dermatologists. They're calling me mad effectively. Even that Semmelweis guy was dealing with things you can't see with the naked eye, so based on things they could they could claim he was mad. I can see this! Some slimy clingy "thing". I have described it as this to try and show my awareness of the limitations of my knowledge. I am open to what it is, but it's not the skin and these people are blundering like mad. Should I write an email to a university's bio-sciences department? I've been talking to chatGPT. Yes, I talk to this chatbot as it's the only thing that listens to me.
Call me a lunatic. But I can demonstrate that I have good observational skills and there must be a way to prove it's there, beyond what I see etc. Fungal swab and bacterial swab were negative. What else is there?
Call me a lunatic. But I can demonstrate that I have good observational skills and there must be a way to prove it's there, beyond what I see etc. Fungal swab and bacterial swab were negative. What else is there?