Technology / Can we use isotopes that decay faster for nuclear power?
« on: 06/03/2009 19:18:48 »
We don't run most reactors on decay, we use induced fission (except for things like radioisotope thermal generators, which convert the heat from decay into electricity). Fission has the advantages of being able to control the output, so you can effectively shut it down when you want to, and releasing more energy than in a typical decay, by a large factor (decay energies are typically several MeV, while fission of U-235 releases about 200 MeV).
So the materials used in the power plant have to have the long half-life. If they had decayed away, there would be no fuel.
So the materials used in the power plant have to have the long half-life. If they had decayed away, there would be no fuel.