Physiology & Medicine / Re: Why Do People Wave at and Wave From Boats ?
« on: 10/10/2011 15:23:25 »
I live in a little village in Bulgaria near to the Turkish border. For the last few months the main European Highway from the border has been closed and much of the traffic diverted through our cobble streeted village. My mate and I can oft-times mid afternoon be found sitting outside a local bar hostelry sampling the local beverages. Two coaches pass us each day, one from Istanbul the other returning to said Capital. Both drivers started to acknowledge us so we raised our glasses in homage to them. Now they honk at us as they pass and often passengers raise their imaginary glasses as they covet our cold beers. Turkish long distance lorry drivers now give us a blast on their air horns. They sound like an ocean liner. Often the lorries travel in convoys and they all give us a blast. So I guess my mate and I must have some ship like qualities or perhaps we have just become a local landmark.
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