Technology / Why so Hot for the JET Reactor?
« on: 23/02/2022 14:06:15 »
I recently heard about the JET Fusion Reactor and the latest "promising" experiment. I've known that they have been working on these things for many years. One thing that has peaked my curiosity is the temperatures they are working with. 100-150 million degrees and "TEN TIMES THE TEMPERATURE OF THE CENTER OF THE SUN!!!". JET is using Tritium, Deuterium and Beryllium in their work which are much heavier elements. The amount of power needed to generate 150 million degrees and the pressure required is enormous! For enough juice to boil 60 kettles for 5 seconds?
Why not do as the Sun does? Convert H to He at the temperature/pressure of the center of the Sun. The Sun seems to do okay with that amount of temperature and pressure, and has done for about 4.5 Billion years.
Why not do as the Sun does? Convert H to He at the temperature/pressure of the center of the Sun. The Sun seems to do okay with that amount of temperature and pressure, and has done for about 4.5 Billion years.