General Science / Re: Does 'NOW' exist everywhere now ?
« on: Today at 00:46:56 »Does NOW exist all over the place ?A philosophical question, not so much a science one, and yet the first reply is by alancalverd, and outspoken critic of philosophy in general.
There being zero empirical evidence for an objective present, 'now' can only refer to a relative thing such as [simultaneous with the posting/utterance/bleat of the word]. As such, it is a reference to an event, and an event is local, so the answer is pretty much 'no'. Relativity of simultaneity says that for distant space-like separated events (anything not 'here'), there is no empirical way to determine the objective ordering of said events. The ordering thus becomes a matter of choice of coordinate systems, an abstraction at best.
surely 'NOW; exists in whatever time line is being active.Again, depends on if you're using an objective or relative definition of 'now'. There is no evidence of the latter, and the former is a convention, not anything physical.
Got a link for the old topic? Love to see how the users back then replied.