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Quote from: Europan Ocean on 14/07/2016 13:26:37Einstein was a great scientist and called upon to be a strategist, thankfully he rejected Nazism and worked for the USA, but he invented with his team, the first atomic bomb and advocated it's use. Great at reason, it is said he did not believe in a god behind the universe. But he worked for WW2's biggest war machine, on the Christian nation's side.Are you saying that Einstein worked for Germany? They were likely the most Christian nation at the time, since they actively persecuted non-Christian faiths.
Einstein was a great scientist and called upon to be a strategist, thankfully he rejected Nazism and worked for the USA, but he invented with his team, the first atomic bomb and advocated it's use. Great at reason, it is said he did not believe in a god behind the universe. But he worked for WW2's biggest war machine, on the Christian nation's side.
Quote from: PhysBang on 14/07/2016 15:02:59Quote from: Europan Ocean on 14/07/2016 13:26:37Einstein was a great scientist and called upon to be a strategist, thankfully he rejected Nazism and worked for the USA, but he invented with his team, the first atomic bomb and advocated it's use. Great at reason, it is said he did not believe in a god behind the universe. But he worked for WW2's biggest war machine, on the Christian nation's side.Are you saying that Einstein worked for Germany? They were likely the most Christian nation at the time, since they actively persecuted non-Christian faiths.The Christian nations would be the USA, Ireland, Poland, all of Europe, but for Germany, who burned their Bibles, renounced the Christian faith in favour of bringing in their own third reign. They only kept some Gospels to criticize the Jews and to persuade Christians to turn.
Quote from: Alan McDougall on 14/07/2016 05:39:39Albert Einsteins Quotes On SpiritualityTo bring up these quotations is an act of deception. They are used to support the idea that Einstein believed an a type of deity that he criticized.A nice discussion of one quotation taken out of context, along with a critique, is at https://newrepublic.com/article/115821/einsteins-famous-quote-science-religion-didnt-mean-taught
Albert Einsteins Quotes On Spirituality
Quote from: PhysBang on 14/07/2016 12:38:09Quote from: Alan McDougall on 14/07/2016 05:39:39Albert Einsteins Quotes On SpiritualityTo bring up these quotations is an act of deception. They are used to support the idea that Einstein believed an a type of deity that he criticized.A nice discussion of one quotation taken out of context, along with a critique, is at https://newrepublic.com/article/115821/einsteins-famous-quote-science-religion-didnt-mean-taughtHow on Gods Clean earth can that ever be construed by the least moronic idiot to be a deception? It was word for word quotes direct out of the mouth of Albert Einstein'
Einstein did say if he believed in a God it would be the "God of the Dutch philosopher Spinoza, who was a deist. Einstein was rather vague about his belief in the divine seemly vacillating from that of an outright atheist to a that of a deist
Just because they did things you don't like doesn't make them non-Christian.
QuoteJust because they did things you don't like doesn't make them non-Christian.They no longer prayed to or worshipped the Holy Trinity in Nazism. Hitler wished for sake of persuasion to his cause, that Germany was Islamic. From Mein Kampf. He hated the conscience of Jews and Christians. I saw the translation of one of his speeches. Nazism rejected Christianity, and the periphery, JWs...If Christians don't like something, it could be that it rejects Christ's qualities, love, compassion, conscience, truth. Then it is not Christian.
The perverted idea that atheism is good and right and all religion is wrong and destructive are just historical nonsense?I am defending Christianity only!
You seem to be saying a lot of historically inaccurate things about the Nazis. I'm sorry that it makes Christianity look bad. The killing of people and the advocacy of killing people that Christians do in the USA currently makes Christianity look bad too. However, ignoring the facts doesn't help anyone.
So by your perverse reasoning, anyone who believes in God is a simpleton making you an atheist by default into a highly intelligent exalted enlightened being. There are countless scientists that by comparison to you, with IQ's that far exceed yours that believe in a creator, God.Here is just one list of them?http://www.famousscientists.org/25-famous-scientists-who-believed-in-god/
There is no god and Richard Dawkins is his prophet?A modern day Evangelist doing to others what he despises in them, forcing his beliefs down their throats a prime example of a hypocrite, what is he trying to achieve? He should go home and spend valuable time with his family and grandchildren, instead of going all over the world, convincing the already converted, who already are atheists like him.
Quote from: Alan McDougall on 13/07/2016 17:46:44So by your perverse reasoning, anyone who believes in God is a simpleton making you an atheist by default into a highly intelligent exalted enlightened being. There are countless scientists that by comparison to you, with IQ's that far exceed yours that believe in a creator, God.Here is just one list of them?http://www.famousscientists.org/25-famous-scientists-who-believed-in-god/There's nothing perverse about my reasoning. In fact, everything I said there is right. You simply can't handle it. And I said an advanced alien race would view us as simpletons due to our reliance on religion to explain reality. And they would. And I don't necessarily fault some of these scientists, due to the mass brainwashing they were subjected to both by family and society. And We've learned much since then, and now know that silly magic man in the sky isn't required to explain anything. I mean, like friggin anything at all. Just a completely outdated concept. But unfortunately, most alive right now still were subjected to the mass brainwashing at a time when the silly little magic man in the sky was still necessary, so it will take a few generations for the new awareness to take over. But mark my words, it will. Every advanced race as it progresses, as it learns, will ultimately toss religion aside as an explanation for anything, if they had ever adopted the silliness to begin with. Because with knowledge, with awareness, comes the realization that it is nothing more than a fairy tale for children, and a crutch for those too weak to handle that we are merely alone, on our own, in the vast great universe. There is no 'god'. That's a fact to those of us that have become aware. And no, atheism doesn't make one into a super intelligent exalted being. But those that find atheism through enlightenment are definitely more aware of reality than those still trapped in the delusions of religion. That is fact as well. And when I say there is no god, I mean no god in any sort of an established religion sense, in a "oh magic man in the sky hear my prayers" sense. I won't rule out there being some sort of what I call 'fabric of wisdom' that's inherent throughout everything. But it definitely wouldn't be sentient or able to actively assist you in any way, or kill some while letting others live, or knock up some virgin just so he could have his subjects kill the baby years later so that the kid can fly sideways off the earth into 'heaven' (I love that flying sideways imagery, looking from space, as the mere mortal dude jesus 'ascended' to heaven lmao. My sons crack up at that too!), so that all sinners who then believed in this malarkey would automatically be forgiven for their many transgressions. It really is all quite silly. But brainwashing is also a quite powerful manipulator, that can take hold in even the brightest minds. And mental weakness, the inability to handle the concept of being alone and on our own, is so strong an influence in most as well. So yeah, I totally understand why so many are slaves to the silliness. But that doesn't make it any less silly. And the aliens would still find them all to be as simple as we view cavemen to be. And oh, not that it matters all that much, but I've had several professional IQ tests done throughout my life (yes, real, hours long, in a sound proof room IQ tests) that placed me higher than Einstein and wayyyyy into the genius category. Deal with it. But nah, I'm nowhere near as accomplished as he, so I would never claim to be smarter. But awareness is my forte, this vision to see things for what they are, to just 'know' certain things. Hence, my moniker and identity. I have it for a reason. And that deep beyond what you could ever possibly see awareness gift that I have, shows me without doubt the silliness of religion in our society. How feeble and weak an explanation it is. How Science has since overcome it and how it technically will be on its way out. Those that believe are dinosaurs. They have only so much more time left to roam. But the world will be ruled by atheism, science, logic and reality, in due course. It will take a few more generations, but the process has begun. And though you don't realize it, can't probably comprehend it, that is actually a very, very good thing. There is no good that religion can provide that atheism can't. But so much more devastation, evil deeds, ignorance, bias and hatred that religion is guilty of that atheism finds no need for. Atheism is a good thing. god and religion is not. And one last statement, you said something about us only being biological beings. Well guess what, that is all we are. You show yourself guilty of the mental weakness I referenced above merely by stating your aversion to the concept, as if it would be such a horrible thing to have to accept. But that's your brainwashing talking. Cause there's nothing wrong with the concept at all. Especially since it couldn't be a more factual statement. For we are but merely biological beings, of which the universe could give a rat's fat ass about, we live, do some stuff, we die, we're done. That's life. Get over it.
Blah blah blah blah. God is nothing, a nobody, a pos creation of the weak that causes the weak to commit evil in his name. No good comes from that pos. Only evil. Atheism is superior by far. By far. God isn't real, not in the sense that you perceive him to be anyway. That much is fact. Yes, fact. All those with heightened intellectual awareness know this. He's a nothing, a nobody, a figment of imagination. We live, we die, we're done. Period. Religion is for the weak. Those that believe are dinosaurs, and will be going extinct just the same. Maybe then as a society we can finally progress. Cause all religion does is hold our intellect back. But no, he isn't real, he isn't a spirit, he exists not at all. When you die soon (you're old right?) you're gonna be sooooo damn disappointed lol.
Quote from: IAMREALITY on 15/07/2016 16:34:31Quote from: Alan McDougall on 13/07/2016 17:46:44So by your perverse reasoning, anyone who believes in God is a simpleton making you an atheist by default into a highly intelligent exalted enlightened being. There are countless scientists that by comparison to you, with IQ's that far exceed yours that believe in a creator, God.Here is just one list of them?http://www.famousscientists.org/25-famous-scientists-who-believed-in-god/There's nothing perverse about my reasoning. In fact, everything I said there is right. You simply can't handle it. And I said an advanced alien race would view us as simpletons due to our reliance on religion to explain reality. And they would. And I don't necessarily fault some of these scientists, due to the mass brainwashing they were subjected to both by family and society. And We've learned much since then, and now know that silly magic man in the sky isn't required to explain anything. I mean, like friggin anything at all. Just a completely outdated concept. But unfortunately, most alive right now still were subjected to the mass brainwashing at a time when the silly little magic man in the sky was still necessary, so it will take a few generations for the new awareness to take over. But mark my words, it will. Every advanced race as it progresses, as it learns, will ultimately toss religion aside as an explanation for anything, if they had ever adopted the silliness to begin with. Because with knowledge, with awareness, comes the realization that it is nothing more than a fairy tale for children, and a crutch for those too weak to handle that we are merely alone, on our own, in the vast great universe. There is no 'god'. That's a fact to those of us that have become aware. And no, atheism doesn't make one into a super intelligent exalted being. But those that find atheism through enlightenment are definitely more aware of reality than those still trapped in the delusions of religion. That is fact as well. And when I say there is no god, I mean no god in any sort of an established religion sense, in a "oh magic man in the sky hear my prayers" sense. I won't rule out there being some sort of what I call 'fabric of wisdom' that's inherent throughout everything. But it definitely wouldn't be sentient or able to actively assist you in any way, or kill some while letting others live, or knock up some virgin just so he could have his subjects kill the baby years later so that the kid can fly sideways off the earth into 'heaven' (I love that flying sideways imagery, looking from space, as the mere mortal dude jesus 'ascended' to heaven lmao. My sons crack up at that too!), so that all sinners who then believed in this malarkey would automatically be forgiven for their many transgressions. It really is all quite silly. But brainwashing is also a quite powerful manipulator, that can take hold in even the brightest minds. And mental weakness, the inability to handle the concept of being alone and on our own, is so strong an influence in most as well. So yeah, I totally understand why so many are slaves to the silliness. But that doesn't make it any less silly. And the aliens would still find them all to be as simple as we view cavemen to be. And oh, not that it matters all that much, but I've had several professional IQ tests done throughout my life (yes, real, hours long, in a sound proof room IQ tests) that placed me higher than Einstein and wayyyyy into the genius category. Deal with it. But nah, I'm nowhere near as accomplished as he, so I would never claim to be smarter. But awareness is my forte, this vision to see things for what they are, to just 'know' certain things. Hence, my moniker and identity. I have it for a reason. And that deep beyond what you could ever possibly see awareness gift that I have, shows me without doubt the silliness of religion in our society. How feeble and weak an explanation it is. How Science has since overcome it and how it technically will be on its way out. Those that believe are dinosaurs. They have only so much more time left to roam. But the world will be ruled by atheism, science, logic and reality, in due course. It will take a few more generations, but the process has begun. And though you don't realize it, can't probably comprehend it, that is actually a very, very good thing. There is no good that religion can provide that atheism can't. But so much more devastation, evil deeds, ignorance, bias and hatred that religion is guilty of that atheism finds no need for. Atheism is a good thing. god and religion is not. And one last statement, you said something about us only being biological beings. Well guess what, that is all we are. You show yourself guilty of the mental weakness I referenced above merely by stating your aversion to the concept, as if it would be such a horrible thing to have to accept. But that's your brainwashing talking. Cause there's nothing wrong with the concept at all. Especially since it couldn't be a more factual statement. For we are but merely biological beings, of which the universe could give a rat's fat ass about, we live, do some stuff, we die, we're done. That's life. Get over it.I have no difficulty handling what you say, I just disagree with you, how do you did you dig up that my disagreement is somehow bound up with not accepting your "Truth" , which is not my truth but yours?It is a matter of opinion your reasoning is perverse and that is my stated opinion. You simply cannot alter reality by disbelief or belief reality, remain unaffected by what we believe or do not believe.We know our universe is almost unimaginable ancient when compared to our the history of our civilisation. Thus it is logical given the vast boundless universe of untold billions of stars and even more planets that there might be other civilisation a billion years in advance of ours.And they would have absolutely no problem convincing you they were Almighty God or make you bow down and worship them as deities.So why not go a step further and imagine an intelligence that is beyond human comprehension , that has created the universe, set its boundaries and mathematic laws in which to sustain its existence.If you could go back to the middle ages, with all the paraphernalia of our modern world and demonstrate some of it on the primitives, they would bow down and worship you as God incarnate.God is just a huge extrapolation on that reasoning. Our universe is bound up by cause and effect, but it can't go back forever at some point the must be something everlasting outside the confines of time an "Uncaused Cause" of all existence and that my friend is the Almighty God who you so passionately dispise.
Quote from: Alan McDougall on 16/07/2016 03:33:36Quote from: IAMREALITY on 15/07/2016 16:34:31Quote from: Alan McDougall on 13/07/2016 17:46:44So by your perverse reasoning, anyone who believes in God is a simpleton making you an atheist by default into a highly intelligent exalted enlightened being. There are countless scientists that by comparison to you, with IQ's that far exceed yours that believe in a creator, God.Here is just one list of them?http://www.famousscientists.org/25-famous-scientists-who-believed-in-god/There's nothing perverse about my reasoning. In fact, everything I said there is right. You simply can't handle it. And I said an advanced alien race would view us as simpletons due to our reliance on religion to explain reality. And they would. And I don't necessarily fault some of these scientists, due to the mass brainwashing they were subjected to both by family and society. And We've learned much since then, and now know that silly magic man in the sky isn't required to explain anything. I mean, like friggin anything at all. Just a completely outdated concept. But unfortunately, most alive right now still were subjected to the mass brainwashing at a time when the silly little magic man in the sky was still necessary, so it will take a few generations for the new awareness to take over. But mark my words, it will. Every advanced race as it progresses, as it learns, will ultimately toss religion aside as an explanation for anything, if they had ever adopted the silliness to begin with. Because with knowledge, with awareness, comes the realization that it is nothing more than a fairy tale for children, and a crutch for those too weak to handle that we are merely alone, on our own, in the vast great universe. There is no 'god'. That's a fact to those of us that have become aware. And no, atheism doesn't make one into a super intelligent exalted being. But those that find atheism through enlightenment are definitely more aware of reality than those still trapped in the delusions of religion. That is fact as well. And when I say there is no god, I mean no god in any sort of an established religion sense, in a "oh magic man in the sky hear my prayers" sense. I won't rule out there being some sort of what I call 'fabric of wisdom' that's inherent throughout everything. But it definitely wouldn't be sentient or able to actively assist you in any way, or kill some while letting others live, or knock up some virgin just so he could have his subjects kill the baby years later so that the kid can fly sideways off the earth into 'heaven' (I love that flying sideways imagery, looking from space, as the mere mortal dude jesus 'ascended' to heaven lmao. My sons crack up at that too!), so that all sinners who then believed in this malarkey would automatically be forgiven for their many transgressions. It really is all quite silly. But brainwashing is also a quite powerful manipulator, that can take hold in even the brightest minds. And mental weakness, the inability to handle the concept of being alone and on our own, is so strong an influence in most as well. So yeah, I totally understand why so many are slaves to the silliness. But that doesn't make it any less silly. And the aliens would still find them all to be as simple as we view cavemen to be. And oh, not that it matters all that much, but I've had several professional IQ tests done throughout my life (yes, real, hours long, in a sound proof room IQ tests) that placed me higher than Einstein and wayyyyy into the genius category. Deal with it. But nah, I'm nowhere near as accomplished as he, so I would never claim to be smarter. But awareness is my forte, this vision to see things for what they are, to just 'know' certain things. Hence, my moniker and identity. I have it for a reason. And that deep beyond what you could ever possibly see awareness gift that I have, shows me without doubt the silliness of religion in our society. How feeble and weak an explanation it is. How Science has since overcome it and how it technically will be on its way out. Those that believe are dinosaurs. They have only so much more time left to roam. But the world will be ruled by atheism, science, logic and reality, in due course. It will take a few more generations, but the process has begun. And though you don't realize it, can't probably comprehend it, that is actually a very, very good thing. There is no good that religion can provide that atheism can't. But so much more devastation, evil deeds, ignorance, bias and hatred that religion is guilty of that atheism finds no need for. Atheism is a good thing. god and religion is not. And one last statement, you said something about us only being biological beings. Well guess what, that is all we are. You show yourself guilty of the mental weakness I referenced above merely by stating your aversion to the concept, as if it would be such a horrible thing to have to accept. But that's your brainwashing talking. Cause there's nothing wrong with the concept at all. Especially since it couldn't be a more factual statement. For we are but merely biological beings, of which the universe could give a rat's fat ass about, we live, do some stuff, we die, we're done. That's life. Get over it.I have no difficulty handling what you say, I just disagree with you, how do you did you dig up that my disagreement is somehow bound up with not accepting your "Truth" , which is not my truth but yours?It is a matter of opinion your reasoning is perverse and that is my stated opinion. You simply cannot alter reality by disbelief or belief reality, remain unaffected by what we believe or do not believe.We know our universe is almost unimaginable ancient when compared to our the history of our civilisation. Thus it is logical given the vast boundless universe of untold billions of stars and even more planets that there might be other civilisation a billion years in advance of ours.And they would have absolutely no problem convincing you they were Almighty God or make you bow down and worship them as deities.So why not go a step further and imagine an intelligence that is beyond human comprehension , that has created the universe, set its boundaries and mathematic laws in which to sustain its existence.If you could go back to the middle ages, with all the paraphernalia of our modern world and demonstrate some of it on the primitives, they would bow down and worship you as God incarnate.God is just a huge extrapolation on that reasoning. Our universe is bound up by cause and effect, but it can't go back forever at some point the must be something everlasting outside the confines of time an "Uncaused Cause" of all existence and that my friend is the Almighty God who you so passionately dispise.Even if this line of reasoning were strong, it would not follow that the "God" imagined would have ay of the characteristics that lead people to take up any kind of values. It would not promote anything like Christianity and it would not promote the oppression and murder of homosexuals and women.
You do not know or could know the thoughts and minds of a sentient being from a civilisation a billion years in advance of ours so your statement is meaningless speculation. We might be like cockroaches are to us, to be stepped on in disgust?