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"Will people pay me?" - For an everyday job: probably. For your ideas: Highly unlikely.NB. There's lots of people with ideas out there; some of them are even quite well structured.
Like your sense of humor and realism peppercorn...
I had images of being paid to read and then to think and comment.
Was wondering are their people on this site looking for someone they can get their thoughts on things..im not scientist cant spell good but have a brilliant insite on things.
here is a example....the big bang theory..if we have the beginnig of things were did the begining come from..my thoughts their are invisible things like a brain with no thoughts then bam a thought acures...greymatters invisbile greymatter and so on...evolution in things is proven...why evolution the consitancy of survining why.imagine the complete universe is so small it is the size of graymatter's graymatter and so on ok. kinda like holding a needle so you can just see the tip but turn it so you can see the length..think the tip is surrounded by its length..a blackhole.. when pulled from the back thru the tip...sum things up the complete destruction of its self( builds up bam their for things have to be created...thus being the area around it was non existant but now it is as the universe expands...reason for expansion and gravity is blackholes gravity(could be our key element)the begining happend in one spot thus creating many black holes which was created by the same process over and over....blackhole(are another key element) the total distruction consistantly of things.. the heart of the blackhole would be its begining and the end....thus making the univere infinite... like folding a peace of paper in half over and over infinitly i bealieve this is a good concept for why black hole are considered passage ways but in all acuallity its just like a tras bin(paralell universe) ...the end .
i have many ways of thinking of things that are mostly comon sense.
.... if you understand things are really simple and fallow facts you can unlock the other parts of your brain to understand that you cant over thing or under think cause its always right under our nose(you have to breath to survive).....
if you can take these thoughts and do anything with them i will be glad for the world...if you want to pay me for more of my ideas you can have all the credit.
.....i can also work with your ideas and learn from them like a apple seed learns from the ground.....thanks for your time...good luck
Find a direction you are interested in. Get your foot in at the bottom, and work your way up.
That really does make a lot of sense but what if your interested in just about everything!
I am quite happy to provide all of my crazy ideas for free to anyone who wants to make money from them as I don't care.... I would rather that then keep them to myself and not benefit my fellow humankind.
I've wondered a bit about patents. If I have a truly revolutionary idea, I'd like it to be available for all. One concern is that someone else would come along and patent my ideas, and then restrict their applications.
At some companies, if they come up with an idea that they think is not worth patenting, they instead publish a paper which effectively blocks their competitors from trying to patent the same idea.There's no justice!