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Cancer-loving metallic compounds could be ingested to make micro-tumors more visible.
Flood the target area with 0.5 ghz EM radiation
the organo-METALLICS heat up much more than the flesh
organize an array of parabolic radar projecting dishes so that the common focus is upon the target tumor .
As you can see , I definitely thought of this before . I actually researched it for years .
Say , how's about those newer low-intensity X-Rays ? One from the top , one from the side , and ya got the little buggers !
but heating the metals accumulated in the tumors much more .
As for metals being heated by RF ; go ahead and throw some aluminum-foil in your microwave oven . Let me know how that turns out . Lastly , to scientifically compare RF heating of metal vs flesh , make two 6 ft. radio antennas ; one of metal , one of flesh . Compare their receptions . Let me know how THAT turns out also !
My goal is to obtain a pathway to extremely high micro-tumor visibility , done easily and cheaply . Combined with the low-tech hot-needle, this could mean affordable, and constant , micro-tumor elimination . Since tumors create most metastasis , this would be a positive feedback loop . Patients could live out a quality , normal-length life , affordably .Otay , you got's it !..................P.M.