Geology, Palaeontology & Archaeology / Re: How to test rocks to see if gold looking stuff is really gold?
« on: 26/10/2007 23:48:00 »
Sorry guys i havent been on since my last post, too much going on around here. ok let me start with
Bass:i dont remember back to school when we learned about igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary -What can i say, i'm lame....
There are layers of flat flakes, yes they break off and disapear when you poke them... Dang, its mica?
Jimbob: I do have a digital camera but my daughter got ahold of it and messed up the lens.The pics i took came out like crap,i couldnt get a close up that was in focus.thats why i didnt post them.
Andrew i found the exact same looking rocks at my storage unit,it made me want to prospect right then and there!
TechmindDidnt i meantion that i'm lame and dont know anything?LOL i didnt know what a amalgam is(i do now-thanks for the link to wikipedia [
]), nor did i know they used mercury to extract the gold...isnt that dangerous?
looking and finding gold for someone like me (who knows didly squat) probably isnt the best match but i like the idea of getting rich quick- lucky for you guys i found some gold test drops(should be here monday) so i wont bug you with every rock i pick up.
Thank you all for your responses [
Bass:i dont remember back to school when we learned about igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary -What can i say, i'm lame....
There are layers of flat flakes, yes they break off and disapear when you poke them... Dang, its mica?
Jimbob: I do have a digital camera but my daughter got ahold of it and messed up the lens.The pics i took came out like crap,i couldnt get a close up that was in focus.thats why i didnt post them.
Andrew i found the exact same looking rocks at my storage unit,it made me want to prospect right then and there!
TechmindDidnt i meantion that i'm lame and dont know anything?LOL i didnt know what a amalgam is(i do now-thanks for the link to wikipedia [

looking and finding gold for someone like me (who knows didly squat) probably isnt the best match but i like the idea of getting rich quick- lucky for you guys i found some gold test drops(should be here monday) so i wont bug you with every rock i pick up.
Thank you all for your responses [