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Mirrors are weird. To truly understand them, we'll need not only ray and wave optics, but also photons, wave functions, probability, and quantum mechanics.
Clarification: In my quantum animations, that is not multiple photons taking different paths. It is a single photon taking multiple paths simultaneously. We're releasing only one photon at a time. Adding those phasor arrows together gives us the probability of receiving a single photon at any given moment.Minor Correction: I show the paths leaving the source at the same time and arriving at the detector at different times, when it should actually be the other way around. Paths that take more time should be leaving the source earlier in order to arrive at the detector at the same time as the others. The reason we can add the phasor arrows together is because the paths arrive at the detector at the same time.
Quote from: Zer0 on 18/08/2021 02:10:15In the Double Slit Experiment...Where is the Gun pointing at?1st Slit or 2nd Slit or Right in the Centre of both Slits?There are two more possible locations: Outside of both slits. Any serious model should successfully predict that removing the outer sides of light barriers changes the light pattern on the screen. The width of the central bright would be double of side bright lines. The aperture would effectively be a thin wire, which would produce interference pattern similar to single slit diffraction, according to Babinet's principle.
In the Double Slit Experiment...Where is the Gun pointing at?1st Slit or 2nd Slit or Right in the Centre of both Slits?
//www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWu4U-ngMjkI’ve been teaching microwave polarisation wrong! - A Level PhysicsQuoteSo it turns out the way I've been teaching microwave polarisation is wrong!! Well, it's not so much wrong, it's the fact that the 'picket fence' analogy for polarisation isn't what it first seems. Where the picket fence only allows vertically polarised light through, a corresponding polarising filter only allows horizontally polarised light through! Watch this video for more explanation.
So it turns out the way I've been teaching microwave polarisation is wrong!! Well, it's not so much wrong, it's the fact that the 'picket fence' analogy for polarisation isn't what it first seems. Where the picket fence only allows vertically polarised light through, a corresponding polarising filter only allows horizontally polarised light through! Watch this video for more explanation.
Here is a demonstration of photoelectric effect, which is thought as an evidence that light behaves like particles. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-1zjdUTu0oThe video shows that visible light cannot release electron from the metal plate, while UV lamp can. The follow up questions would naturally occur. What would happen if we use lower frequency radiation, such as infrared, microwave, radio wave, or induction heater? What if we use higher frequency, such as X ray and gamma ray? Can strong enough red laser release the electrons from the plate?
In his new model, Thomson postulated the coexistence of two forces: a radial inverse cube repulsive force "diffused throughout the whole of the atom," and a radial inverse square attractiveforce "confined to a limited number of radial tubes in the atom." 28 Thus,inside such a radial tube both forces would be present, and by setting upthe equation of motion of an electron in it, Thomson readily demonstrated that the electron could oscillate about an equilibrium position with a frequency depending on the force constant of the repulsive force. Onceagain, that was all Thomson required, for now an incident wave wouldcertainly find an electron with which it could resonate, and if, after beingset into oscillation, some "casual magnetic force" moved it laterally out ofthe tube, it would come under the "uncontrolled action" of the repulsiveforce and be expelled from the atom.
Assume that the incidentradiation-electromagnetic waves-sets a bound electron into oscillationby resonance, and that after a certain timer the electron's energy becomeslarge enough for it to be released from the atom. (Sommerfeld later36 estimated r to be on the order of 10- 5 second, a small, and in 1911, unobservable, delay, but nonetheless one that is inconsistent with Einstein'sinterpretation.) Substituting the electron's kinetic and potential energiesinto the above condition, transforming the result by partial integration,and introducing the electron's equation of motion, Sommerfeld provedthat T = hv0, where vo is the natural frequency of the electron in the atom.
Sommerfeld drew attention to both a similarity and a difference between his theory and Einstein's. The theories were similar in that both predicted that as the electron was ejected from the atom, a discreteamount of energy would be abstracted from the incident radiation. Thetheories were different in that Sommerfeld, unlike Einstein, but likeThomson, envisioned a resonance phenomenon. This difference had observable consequences. Whereas Einstein's equation predicted that theelectron's energy should be entirely independent of any atomic frequencies, Sommerfeld's theory predicted that a plot of energy versus frequency ·'should possess, for each natural frequency of the atom, a maximum."(Had Thomson not concentrated only on the case of complete resonance,he would have been driven to the same conclusion.) Which theory fit theexisting data better, Sommerfeld's or Einstein's? Sommerfeld had theanswer. J. R. Wright in Millikan's laboratory at the University of Chicagohad recently shone ultraviolet light on aluminum and had demonstrated''with certainty ... that the maximum photoelectron energy does not vary approximately linearly with the frequency." Furthermore, Wright had found evidence that the photoelectric effect depends on the plane of polarization of the incident radiation. "With respect to both points," Sommerfeld concluded, "our theory is in better accord with Wright'smeasurements than Einstein's light quantum theory."
Can strong enough red laser release the electrons from the plate?
PHOTOELECTRIC EFFECT INDUCED BYHIGH-INTENSIlY LASER LIGHT BEAMFROM QUARTZ AND BOROSILICATE GLASSJ. J. MurayStanford Linear Accelerator CenterStanford UniversityStanford, California Work performed under the auspices of the U.S, Atomic Energy Commission.
ABSTRACTUsing a high-intensity light beam from a rub;r laser, the number ofphotoelectrons from quartz and the number of photoelectrons for borosilicate glass were measured as a function of the laser output power.The number of electrons is an exponential function of the field in thelight beam. The delay between the maximum of the electron current andmaximum intensity of the light pulse decreases with increasing outputpower. Previous low-intensity experiments on photoelectron emissionfrom borosilicate glass have shown that the photon energy must exceed4.9 electron volts, but in the present experiments electron emission wasobserved with 1.78 electron volt photons. Thus the present experimentscannot be explained purely on the basis of the photoelectric effect.However, by using the theory of thermal breakdown in a dielectric surface the observed electron current as function of the light beam power can be explained. The yield of electrons from borosilicate glass exceeds the yield from quartz at the same photon intensities.
Quote from: Bored chemist on 13/08/2021 13:27:15Quote from: hamdani yusuf on 13/08/2021 13:16:47How does the polarization behave?Just the way you showed it did in your experiments.List of random facts doesn't represent scientific knowledge. It should contain general rules governing behaviors of objects in various but related situations. Comprehension is a data compression process. I designed the filters in my experiments with microwave based on antenna theory as shown in the old training videos by Royal Canadian Air Force. //www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bDyA5t1ldU//www.youtube.com/watch?v=md7GjQQ2YA0//www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iV_YICgifA
Quote from: hamdani yusuf on 13/08/2021 13:16:47How does the polarization behave?Just the way you showed it did in your experiments.
How does the polarization behave?
We often hear about duality of light, which says that light sometimes behave like a wave, but some other times like a particle. But it's less often mentioned what kind of wave would light behave. There are many kinds of waves which have different behaviors, like sound, water surface, drum surface, music string, chain, and slinky.
There are other kinds of wave less often mentioned in physics courses. For example, wave formed by stream of particles, like bullets coming out of machine gun.//www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXjWHYst1NkAnother example, water stream coming out of vibrating hose.//www.youtube.com/watch?v=4g2KjWYGEmEIn the first case, interaction among streaming particles is negligible. But in second case above, the interaction is significant.
In the modern world, we humans are completely surrounded by electromagnetic radiation. Have you ever thought of the physics behind these travelling electromagnetic waves? Let's explore the physics behind the radiation in this video.
Is there a cutoff frequency that makes the underlying mechanism different?
But it doesn't seem to work for higher frequency
Quote from: hamdani yusuf on 01/09/2021 12:45:09But it doesn't seem to work for higher frequency In what way?
Quote from: Bored chemist on 04/09/2021 14:08:27Quote from: hamdani yusuf on 01/09/2021 12:45:09But it doesn't seem to work for higher frequency In what way?Since their first discoveries, X-ray and gamma ray have never been explained as the result of oscillating electrons on a conductor. There's no obvious structure that act as transmitting antenna.
Electrons are elementary particles that have both negative charge and mass.