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Spring-Heeled Jack.
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Tags: spring-heeled jack
How do "spring hammers" work and why are they better?
Started by jbpostalBoard Technology |
Replies: 2 Views: 5999 |
14/06/2008 21:57:25 by qazibasit |
7 comets added to 3D simulation of solar system (Siding Spring, Lovejoy, Halley,
Started by MitoBoard Physics, Astronomy & Cosmology |
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21/01/2014 12:43:53 by Mito |
How would two orbiting objects behave, if they were connected by a giant spring?
Started by sethBoard Physics, Astronomy & Cosmology |
Replies: 25 Views: 13889 |
23/06/2008 22:04:45 by lyner |
Is a mass bouncing on a spring affected by gravity like a pendulum?
Started by rmolnavBoard General Science |
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18/09/2017 17:25:08 by Colin2B |
What determines when a steel spring develops metal fatigue?
Started by YahyaBoard Technology |
Replies: 4 Views: 3856 |
10/06/2018 17:47:04 by Colin2B |