General Science / What is the GPS of the highest point of BIG BEN using 3 percengates: (%, %, %) ?
« on: 21/03/2024 09:30:42 »
GPS point is Latitude, Longitude and Altidude.
Since latidude and longitude can be seen as two polar coordinates angles both within the interval 0 to 360 and altitude can be seen as an interval between, zero, center of the planet and K?rm?n line, let's say: 100 km, to make it more metric.
For instance Big Ben meridian intersection in the equator (prime Meridian in the equator) at sea level would be: 0%, 0%,(6371000/ {100000+ 6371000})= 98.454643 %.
So, if that point in the equator would be GPS: (0%, 0%, 98.454643 %) what the Big Ben highest point would be?
Note, one of the next cities in the two angles from zero to 360 would be Oslo, because is more up North and East. You get it.
- remotemass
PS - 24 digits would be used for GPS/LLA: (xx.xxxxxxxx %, yy.yyyyyyyy %, zz.zzzzzzzz %).
Since latidude and longitude can be seen as two polar coordinates angles both within the interval 0 to 360 and altitude can be seen as an interval between, zero, center of the planet and K?rm?n line, let's say: 100 km, to make it more metric.
For instance Big Ben meridian intersection in the equator (prime Meridian in the equator) at sea level would be: 0%, 0%,(6371000/ {100000+ 6371000})= 98.454643 %.
So, if that point in the equator would be GPS: (0%, 0%, 98.454643 %) what the Big Ben highest point would be?
Note, one of the next cities in the two angles from zero to 360 would be Oslo, because is more up North and East. You get it.
- remotemass
PS - 24 digits would be used for GPS/LLA: (xx.xxxxxxxx %, yy.yyyyyyyy %, zz.zzzzzzzz %).