Physics, Astronomy & Cosmology / Science and information theory
« on: 04/04/2022 19:40:39 »
I've recently been trying to have a discussion about the relevance of information, and what exactly is information, at another site.
It didn't really get anywhere and I found myself up against some rather fixed views. Science is meant to be about enquiry, I thought. So why are so many people not willing to examine their own beliefs and ideas, why is there so much fear about examining the possibiity that you don't "really" understand something and might need to adjust those beliefs?
But to the topic: I mentioned Landauer's principle, what it says and tried to examine whether it does pertain to erasure of information.
Well, one person who is a moderator tried to convince me that information isn't physical, so erasing it doesn't make any sense. He also appeared to believe that thoughts aren't physical, although strangely, the process of thinking, or conceiving is physical. I think that's really confused and not particularly enlightening.
So is information physical? Does the question come down to is information a pattern and can a pattern be non-physical? Moreover, is Landauer's principle true? I know it's generally accepted as true, but is that because computers are also heat engines, or are they?
Or take a look at the science of astronomy: is it just an information-gathering disciplne? how is the information gathered physically; what do humans do with this information?
How does the theory that information is not physical, fit into it?
Another question I have is, can information be characterised without the notion of a sender, a receiver, and a communications channel for transmission of signals?
It didn't really get anywhere and I found myself up against some rather fixed views. Science is meant to be about enquiry, I thought. So why are so many people not willing to examine their own beliefs and ideas, why is there so much fear about examining the possibiity that you don't "really" understand something and might need to adjust those beliefs?
But to the topic: I mentioned Landauer's principle, what it says and tried to examine whether it does pertain to erasure of information.
Well, one person who is a moderator tried to convince me that information isn't physical, so erasing it doesn't make any sense. He also appeared to believe that thoughts aren't physical, although strangely, the process of thinking, or conceiving is physical. I think that's really confused and not particularly enlightening.
So is information physical? Does the question come down to is information a pattern and can a pattern be non-physical? Moreover, is Landauer's principle true? I know it's generally accepted as true, but is that because computers are also heat engines, or are they?
Or take a look at the science of astronomy: is it just an information-gathering disciplne? how is the information gathered physically; what do humans do with this information?
How does the theory that information is not physical, fit into it?
Another question I have is, can information be characterised without the notion of a sender, a receiver, and a communications channel for transmission of signals?