Naked Science Forum

On the Lighter Side => New Theories => Topic started by: mirormimic on 05/06/2010 19:09:32

Title: is phonetics the key to understanding the way the universe functions?
Post by: mirormimic on 05/06/2010 19:09:32
Their is a grand, universal, idiom message lying deep within the languages of man.
Title: is phonetics the key to understanding the way the universe functions?
Post by: John Chapman on 05/06/2010 20:13:20
On it's own that sentence sounds a bit fragmented. Could you please expand? Ta.
Title: is phonetics the key to understanding the way the universe functions?
Post by: mirormimic on 05/06/2010 20:30:29

It is interesting that the letter "L" within the word language approximates as to "sound" the Hebrew abbreviated form/word of the word "elohim". Thus L= "el" the abbreviated form of the Hebrew word for "god".

Following the "el"(L) are the alphabetic characters "angua". That word is very close in "sound"( phonetics) to the English word Angry(i.e....Aye+in+g+y+aye). As well "angua" is very similar in sound as well spelling to the English word "anguish"( "angua"-ish). Is there an idiomatic relevance to this?

So far the "Phonologic" idiom meaning seems to say: "el angua" (" God angry"?) Is there any relationship to God and language? If so does the relationship represent something "occurring"  with regard to language that resulted in "God's anger"? If such relationship were demonstrated would the Phenomenon of phonetics share an affinity. If phonetics IS related to all of this then the question would be: Can phonetics explain other relevant events or things that represent mystery up to the present. Or: Can scrutiny of the "sounds" produced within mans perspective alphabets lead to ANSWERS into THE many inquiries of man.

Genesis 11:1-9...." Now all the earth continued to be of ONE LANGUAGE and of ONE SET OF WORDS...."Look! They are one people and there is ONE LANGUAGE for them all, and THIS IS WHAT THEY START TO DO....CONFUSE THEIR LANGUAGE that they may not listen to one another’s LANGUAGE.....Yahweh(Jehovah) had confused the LANGUAGE of all the earth...."

What do we derive from this? If one reads the account in its entirety they will discover that what the "whole earth" was doing resulted in God's becoming ANGRY. When God altered the original tongue of man (original  Hebrew)They were no longer able to communicate with one another. NO DOUBT the altering of their ability to speak and communicate with one another led to unprecedented "ANGU(ish)" (L..."ANGUA" humankind. Who altered the language? The last two letters of the word "language" phonetically reveals....WHO! Thus: "GE"....JAH! Jah is the abbreviated form of the divine tetragrammaton.

Are all of these phonetic relevancies merely coincidence?
Wait! There is more to be found within the word language.

The last part of the word language is represented by these 5 letters: "guage". What is a "guage"

to appraise, estimate, or judge.
to mark or measure off; delineate.
a means of estimating or judging; criterion; test.
2. evaluate, assess,
1 a : measurement according to some standard or system

Thus the altering of mans original “one set of words” occurred relative to God’s ‘judgment ‘ of man. God was angry with there attempt at false worship. He appraised there actions and was upset at there ambition. So God said: “ Let us go down there and confuse their language.” When God altered the original “set of words” he had given to man they faced much anguish when they lost the ability to communicate effectively. God “marked or measured “ off the original language . God  created a ‘delineation’ in there ability to communicate using what was obviously a superior language or form of expressing oneself and communicating.  God has maintained his “guage” over all mans languages past and present. God has maintained control , a manipulative force over the evolution of mans perspective languages.  That force seems to relate to phonetics. Phonetics …if discerned and understood as relevant in this way…retains many elements of the original Hebrew. As well phonetics retains the reality of GOD! Phonetics bears the innate ability to explain many of the mysteries of the world as well the universe.

Language: ….backward: egaugnal………The Jaw is one of the principle means of  speaking(GAU). Following this event( Genesis 11) a  significant group of people became relevant to biblical history. Jew(Gau). The age of the Jew began( JEW AGE…..GU AGE). The Jews are the ones share the greatest affinity to the “original set of words” that was altered at the Tower of Babel( Hebrew.) No doubt when the language of man was altered it only affected the false religious people who were involved in the building of the Tower of Babel. Noah and some of his family no doubt did not suffer this language demise and were allowed to retain the original language of man.

There are many more phonetic words and idiom meanings to be found within the English word “language”. Upon response I will demonstrate the power of phonetics to explain this word as well as any and all letters, words, sentences. Not just to explain the meaning of the words at superficial glance rather a wealth of phonologic and idiom meaning lying dormant within all of mans languages. The knowledge lying therein is profound

Title: is phonetics the key to understanding the way the universe functions?
Post by: mirormimic on 05/06/2010 20:58:33
the word language transliterated:

French: Langue
German: sprache
Italian: lingua
Afrikaans: Taal
Danish: sprog
Indonesian: bahasa

The phonetic story is growing. Mans perspective languages vary. However the phonetic link is always retained. Can you discern the many phonological and idiomatic words and expressions to be found within the perspective transliterations of the English word "language"? Are these inherent phonetic and idiom words and expressions consistent from one language to the other? What is the "consistent" story that is being told through this unorthodox but profound linguistic methodology.
This is just the beginning. If we were to find the equivalent word for the English word " language" in all of mans languages the information to be found that explains what occurred at the tower of Babel is voluminous. Our own alphabet if considered phonetically in order provides an extensive description of what occur ed at the tower of babel..and how it relates to language( both then and now). Suffice to say; the letters "ABCD"  tells us of what those who were building the Tower were doing. ABCD backward = DCBA. Can you discern what they were doing? DECEBEAYE.........DISOBEY! The letter "B" is used interchangeably with the letter "V" in Hebrew. Thus if we change the consonant "B" with the consonant "V" within the phonetic backward spelling of ABCD we arrive at another relevant English word. DECIEVER (DECEVEAYE). But this is just a drop in the bucket compared to what story the English alphabet tells that verifies the biblical narrative to the "T"! 
Title: is phonetics the key to understanding the way the universe functions?
Post by: Bored chemist on 06/06/2010 10:46:55
Looks like selection bias to me.
Title: is phonetics the key to understanding the way the universe functions?
Post by: mirormimic on 06/06/2010 16:15:49
Acknowledged. Granted their are over 6,000  distinguishable languages extant today. Certainly It would represent a "great undertaking"( much like building a tower to "the heavens)to post all 6,000+ transliterated forms of the English word "language." However those who visit the room feel free to draw into "the mix" any other language equivalent word for the English word "language". There is only one group of people on the earth that possess superior ability to transliterate into more languages than any other earthly institution. I will reserve revealing who that organization is for a latter time.

However i will post 16 more perspective transliterations as follows. All of which continue to expound on the idiom meaning to be found within the "one word"...Language.

Albanian: ajuhe
Barusian: Moba
Catalan: Idioma*****
Croatian: Jezik
Czech: Jazyk
Filipino: Wika
Hugarian: nyelv
Icelandic: Tungumal
Irish: Teanga
Latvian: Valoda
Lithuanian: Kalba
Malteses: Lingua
Norwegian: Sprak
Romanian: Limba
Swahili: Lugha


Before I elaborate on the phonetic/phonological/idiom meaning to be found within those "words" i wish to draw attention to some facts r-evolving around the Tower of Babel. Again it was at this time in history as recorded in the bible that language underwent a "change". I will demonstrate that the English alphabet provides the means to understand these many events.

Title: is phonetics the key to understanding the way the universe functions?
Post by: mirormimic on 06/06/2010 18:22:24

In the month of “AB”(Av… The 11th month of the year in the Jewish calendar(July/August).] A significant historical event began to take place.
An ABBA ‘came to be”. A “father” that would become the progenitor to a lying “seed“(“CD”…cede) was born.

This father had a name. His personality is defined by the Filipino word for the English word “language”. That Filipino word is WIKA(Wicca). He was a Demon or a “male witch”. A WIKAD(wicked) demon determined to usurp  good  exercise of Power and influence over the human race. He desired to introduce evil power and influence into the human race. This Demon was called Satan! He was also called by the title: Devil. That word “devil” means slanderer. As the Latvian word for “language” (Valoda) tells us …he IS the devil(Valoda- davaol). Much like VLAD(valoda) Dracula. Dracula(Satan) figures in to the German word for “language”(Sprache). The Danish word for language( sprog). The Norwegian word for language(Sprak). All three words demonstrate two aspects of Satan. In the word Dracula we find the letters “RACU”. In the 3 words : Sprache, Sprog, Sprak….we also find the phonetic equivalent to the 4 letters “Racu.” Namely: “rache”(Sprache); “rog”(sprog); ‘rak”( Sprak). The words ….Racu, rache, rog, rak…all are similar to the Hebrew word for “breath” or spirit. That Hebrew word is “Ruach”.  The Koine Greek word for “spirit/breath” is “pneuma”. Thus it is not coincidental that the Catalan word for language is “Idioma”. The Hungarian word for language is “nyelv”. The Icelandic word for language is “tungumal” . The French word for language is “Langue”. What is the relationship? Greek= p-NEUMA….Catalin=id-IOMA….Hungarian= NYE-lv….Icelandic= t-NGUMA…..French= la-NGUE. The idiom connection tying these languages into an affinity is related to the P( the “p“ is silent)- NEUMA=(= ioma, nye, nguma, ngue)
Here we have demonstrated that the Hebrew word for “spirit”(ruach) as well the Koine Greek word for “spirit”( Pneuma) is idiomatically found within perspective languages. The idiom word “spirit or breath” is found by considering the perspective language  transliterations of the English word “language”. This makes sense linguistically because when one speaks they use “breath”(air…spirit) from the lungs to vocalize. This accompanied by the utilization of the tongue, mouth, vocal chords, as well the teeth relative to placement of the tongue during pronunciation of consonants. (Note: It is interesting as well that thee English as well French word for “language”(French= Langue) actually suggests that the LUNGS are used in utilizing language. Namely “langu(lung).)

However the deeper idiomatic meaning is with reference to a wicked “spirit” creature that influenced mankind in a way that resulted in the true superior almighty God altering mans languages.

The German word for language, I.e; “sprache” actually phonetically exactly states that the word spirit  is an innate part of the phenomenon of language. The “ch” in the word “sprache” in English also has the “chu” sound as in the word “much”. Thus if we account for this alternate “sound” (phonetic); Sprache would be pronounced spr-ATCHE. In this alternative “sounding” the letters “sprat’ phonetically says: spirit! (es+pe+are+aye+te)…”a spirit”.
The bible refers to “spirit creatures”. A spirit creature is not just a creature with breath in it but has a dual meaning referring to a creature that is not visible flesh and blood rather an invisible creature that breaths. Within our consideration of the perspective alphabet word for language we will continue to see that two spirit creatures (invisible)are being referred to. 1) God almighty. 2) Satan the Devil.

The character Dracula is a Hollywood ideal. However the ideal of Dracula actually has many elements that are consistent with the biblical definition of wicked spirit creatures( Satan and the demons). These spirit creatures are NOT immortal. That element of the Hollywood ideal is false and has no biblical support. However you will notice that Dracula favors the darkness. The Bible states that after the flood Satan and his demons were thrown into Tartarus…”dense darkness”. The bible also states that there is no light in Satan or his demons. In a sense they are lifeless creatures devoid of any true light from God. Satan and his demons are in effect lifeless corpses. Though they are breathing and living they are dead in the sense of hope or real life.
Before the Tower of Babel mankind were utilizing a very complex and profound language. Hebrew. This language was full to overflowing with such life and profuse expression. This Hebrew language was a superior gift that God gave to terrestrial humans. After this language was removed from mankind’s ability their life experiences became dull and lifeless. Their speech became mundane and did not fulfill them they way the original Hebrew did. Language became a “corpse or shell” of what it used to be.  Formally vibrant, full, whole and complete. Satan had a part in causing this to occur. As a corpse himself on “death row” …”in a coffin” of dense darkness he wished to impose such plight upon mankind. Immediately after the flood he and his demon associates began to “breath” bad spirit into mans thoughts. He used particularly the man Nimrod, as well as his brothers to begin to propagate this evil, disobedient and deceptive “spirit”. The bible in many places describes Satan and his demons as having the ability to “inspire”( neustos….”breath) people on earth to do evil, disobedient things. The bible speaks of “inspired utterances of demons”….”Inspired expressions of demons.” Indeed! As is true today:  These wicked spirit creatures right after the flood started to “inspire” ( utter/express…talk to humans through whatever means) man to “rebel” against Gods sovereign benevolent rule. Our alphabet continues to speak as to these realities.

I will continue to elaborate on what the English alphabet has to say in these regards. I will do so in subsequent posts.

Note: The German word for “language” is sprache. Backward it spells “ehcarps”.  The letters “carps” phonetically approximate the English word “corpse”. As well the Danish word: “sprog..=grops(corpse). The Norwegian: Sprak..=karps(corpse). It is interesting that within the forward spelling of these words are found the descriptions above of the “spirit” creature… Satan. To reiterate as well: After the Hebrew language was altered what remained was a “corpse” or shell of inferior, lifeless language(es). Though we think highly of our perspective languages; that is a matter of relative view and perspective . What do we know of the original Hebrew language? The modern Hebrew is far from an accurate knowledge of the original language. The original Hebrew is now considered a “DEAD Language.” Indeed! A “corpse”(shell) of what it used to be. What was so profoundly a  superior language  right after the flood has now been relegated to a “peculiar stew “ if you will. (PQR…..STU)!

The “Father “ alluded to above and as found within the first two letters of the alphabet(AB- ßBA) is Satan. What is he the father of? The bible states : “ the father of the LIE.” Who is he the father of? His “seed” or offspring. Those humans and demons who follow and propagate lies. Predominantly this seed is of a religious nature. He is the father of the whole religious system of humankind. All humankind much like the world after the flood have chosen to follow in worship of their father …Satan. Ancestor worship! The full sum of religions on the face of the earth are worshiping their father…The devil!

Does the English alphabet speak of this vividly. Indeed! It does. I will continue to demonstrate  this irrefutably…beyond coincidence. “Beyond a shadow of a doubt”. Thus: If we remove the “shroud” that exists over all languages we will see the phonetic/phonological/Idiom reality of these things.

Genesis 10: 6-10; 11: 1-9
Title: is phonetics the key to understanding the way the universe functions?
Post by: RD on 06/06/2010 21:20:27
Their is a grand, universal, idiom message lying deep within the languages of man.

A cunning linguist who doesn't know "there" from "their"  [:0]

Mirormimic's posts sound remarkably similar to bible code ( bollocks.
Title: is phonetics the key to understanding the way the universe functions?
Post by: Geezer on 06/06/2010 22:48:43
Their is a grand, universal, idiom message lying deep within the languages of man.

A cunning linguist who doesn't know "there" from "their"  [:0]

Mirormimic's posts sound remarkably similar to bible code ( bollocks.

I've heard that, to break the monotony, monks who were transcribing texts would sometimes spell out naughty things using the first character in each line of text on a page, but I don't have any evidence that this is true. However, I do know someone who actually did it in a letter of resignation  [:o]
Title: is phonetics the key to understanding the way the universe functions?
Post by: mirormimic on 06/06/2010 23:32:57
Their is a grand, universal, idiom message lying deep within the languages of man.

A cunning linguist who doesn't know "there" from "their"  [:0]

Mirormimic's posts sound remarkably similar to bible code ( bollocks.

Their is a grand, universal, idiom message lying deep within the languages of man.

A cunning linguist who doesn't know "there" from "their"  [:0]

Mirormimic's posts sound remarkably similar to bible code ( bollocks.

Their verses there is neither here nor they're. There-fore in no way did this "mere typo" really detract from the depth of "sound" reasoning and  linguistic comparisons alluded to in my posts( more to follow).

However it is interesting that you refer to a bible code. In my former posts make reference to Idioms. As well I refer to a "peculiar stew"(PQR...STU)resulting from when God altered the original singular language of Hebrew into "plural" languages. The word peculiar is related to the word code. However the relationship is not one that is easily discerned by merely comparing the definitions or connotations of each perspective word( code and peculiar.) The relationship is equally as idiomatic. The word code spells backward "edos". This word is not dissimilar to the English derivative word "Ideos". )Code=ideos)
What is the definition of ideos? Ideos defined:

a characteristic, habit, mannerism, or the like, that is peculiar to an individual.
2.the physical constitution peculiar to an individual. peculiarity, quirk. See eccentricity.
c.1600, from Fr. idiosyncrasie, from Gk. idiosynkrasia "a peculiar temperament," from idios "one's own" (see idiom) + synkrasis "temperament, mixture of personal characteristics," from syn "together" + krasis "mixture." Originally in English a medical term meaning "physical constitution of an individual." Mental sense first attested 1660s.

Thus: Though RD made the comment seeking to deviate the discussion or distract from the substance of my posts he really served to support my arguments. Consistent with my posts RD draws attention to the “peculiar” (idios-code..backward) nature of language. His retort reminds us of former posts where I drew attention to the “peculiar stew” that occurred when god altered the original Hebrew into a “peculiar” mixing. His comments encourage me to further elaborate by adding that God took the original Hebrew and in an idiosyncratic(code-syncratic) way ’mixed the characteristics’ of the singular Hebrew into a plural language phenomenon. When this occurred each language retained “component parts” of the original quality or “personality” of the original Hebrew. That being true if one were to discern this they would discover the realities I am drawing attention to. That is to say: Each of mans perspective language inherently retains elements of Idiom and phonological meaning that is closely linked to the form Hebrew. By removing the shroud( shroud= superficial understanding of words and definitions) a deeper more eloquent and elegant understanding of what is occurring within mans perspective alphabets …can be discerned. When this is discerned ( gradually at first until the methodology is fully comprehended) one will begin to see the wealth of idiomatic and phonetic “understanding” found within language. Understanding that up to the present has been enshrouded in “surface value” consideration of the importance of letters as defining ..THINGS!
There is a deeper meaning to language. Their(there, they’re)  are a myriad of profound revelations to be discerned if one considers letters as representing “idiom sounds” and phonological meaning. Such discovery will not result from complacently thinking as if we have mastered this peculiar phenomenon we call language. Indeed! Though a linguist would be more able to perceive these relevancies by no means must one be a linguist to “see” these realities. My thread is designed not only to demonstrate that language( alphabets) bears far more “ than meets the eye” but to explain how this is occurring as well to show that it is consistently occurring in a way that transcends language barriers.

The mystery of language that as formally been “locked” (as in the word “bullock) is gradually being unlocked. My systematic approach to language , though unorthodox, will serve to appropriately and beyond sufficiently demonstrate that the key to unlocking language lies in a deep perusal as well as scrutiny of “sounds” produced within letters. Such sounds and successive letter meanings ( within any word or series of words) indeed represent a “key” or cipher if you will. This key or cipher can demonstratively speak on the biblical Idios( code) as well language Idios( Code.)

 I Appreciate your comments RD as provoking a deeper discussion into THIS phenomenon related to language.

Are you RD( ready)  to continue?

P.S It is also interesting that by using the word “cunning” RD reminds us of the historical reference that I am building this thesis about language around.

Namely…..CUNNING=( backward) GNINNUS. If we add an “es” to the end of the backward spelling of  the word “cunning” it would read…..GNINNUSES. Indeed! RD reminds us of the reality that the only real historical book that defines not only the origin of the singular  language ( Hebrew) but as well the origin of the Pluralizing of language. Both originating with God and both discussed in the 11Th chapter of GNINNUSES.

God was the “genius”( GNINNUS) who created language. God was the GNINNUS( Genus..origin.) (genius) that gave to and thus endowed mankind with the ability to speak. God is the Genius that altered mans language. His Genius is reflected in the reality that within all letters , no matter the alphabet …Gods existence as well manipulation of language has been preserved( and speaks with regard to)  within the idiomatic and phonological nature of language.
Title: is phonetics the key to understanding the way the universe functions?
Post by: RD on 06/06/2010 23:50:41
monks who were transcribing texts would sometimes spell out naughty things using the first character in each line of text on a page

Acrostic ( ?, or did they believe in a god.  [:)] 

It is also interesting that by using the word “cunning” RD reminds us of the historical reference that I am building this thesis about language around.

"Cunning linguist" is a self-cleaning dirty joke, if you had a sense of humour you would have recognised it.

God was the “genius”( GNINNUS) who created language. God was the GNINNUS( Genus..origin.) (genius) that gave to and thus endowed mankind with the ability to speak.

So presumably God created Guinness ( too ?
which if you drink too much of it robs you of the ability to speak.
Title: is phonetics the key to understanding the way the universe functions?
Post by: mirormimic on 06/06/2010 23:54:13
geezer..."I've heard that, to break the monotony, monks who were transcribing texts would sometimes spell out naughty things using the first character in each line of text on a page, but I don't have any evidence that this is true. However, I do know someone who actually did it in a letter of resignation

It is interesting that the "monks" broke monontony. This is rather paradoxical. The monontony resulted from their "MONOTONE" Satanic chanting. Drugging them into a state of "spiritistic" suspense-ion. It is interesting that the Koine Greek word for "spiritism" is "pharmakia". This word 'spiritism" relates to one being under the influence of demonic forces. Much like the "speaking in tongues" of the charismatic "christian" denominations. Not dissimilar to speaking in tongues ...chanting also is a means of numbing the senses through repetitive Monotones. When the senses are dulled in this way the bible states this is a fertile time for demon possession or demon influence over the minds and psyche of the human creatures. The word spritism( Pharmakia) represents and is literally defined as "druggery". Thus through chanting as well other forms of ritualistic "praying" or redundant "singing" man can indeed come under the influence of wicked unseen forces bent on "taking advantage" of humans while in a drug induced spiritistic state. This would be a wicked form of "spirit" creatures participating in "date (!)" through the use of druggery. Numbing the senses and reasoning ability of humans into a state that places them in danger of being spiritually (!)

If the MONKS(phonetic=?) wish to break the monotony. Stop the chanting. "Get out" of the babeling( Babel as in tower of babel means" confussion). "Get out of her my people" ( Babylon the Great= The world empire of Satanic false religion! With their ritualistic chanting and confussing, gibberish-speech as well unintelligible sound making. Free yourself from the drug that is religion. False religion= spiritism."....inspired utterances/expressions of demons'.
Title: is phonetics the key to understanding the way the universe functions?
Post by: mirormimic on 07/06/2010 00:12:31
what do these words or expressions have in common?

"a base"...."base"( in all of its forms...noun, adjective, verb....idiom),kaba, beast, seed, fetus, deify, defy, disobey, deciever, busy, abbasid, bake, baked, deaf, city, effigy, abbas; certify, Ebe, abased,  Nimrod, rebel,sib(ling), , "cut of effigy", "abased effigy"; "a base seed(fetus);kadafi, fade, fecade, 

Title: is phonetics the key to understanding the way the universe functions?
Post by: mirormimic on 07/06/2010 00:25:35
The GENUINE ingredients of the drink Guinness was indeed created by God. Unfortunately as is typical of man that has deviated so far from their( their...."did i get it right this time? lol) GENIUS GENUS maker always finds a way to "dirty" things that were designed for a "clean " purpose. The bible thus God says it is appropriate to drink ( alcohol inn its various forms). That was the extent of Gods benevolent giving of "an inch". Man took the inch and ran " a mile with it" in the typical inordinate manner...and decided for themselves to "get drunk." God does not approve of drunkenness( as it opens one up for demon influence) rather...."drinking in moderation. God gave man the COMMAND to "be fruitfull and become many"( have sex and produce offspring) Man took the command the "extra mile" and decided to frivolously and pervertedly have sex with any and all whom they choose( man woman or beast). As well they conveniently devised a system of religious rituals and beliefs that justified their "breaking the boundaries prescribed by God."

When it comes to man They have either chosen to remain within the healthy and profitable constraints of divine principle and dictate or "break the principles and laws" and that to an excess. God doesn't force anyone to abide by his laws and standards. However we should not blame God for allowing us the choice to decide. We must blame ourselves for choosing to disregard Gods wise decrees . we must blame ourselves for the hangover, for vehicular manslaughter, for sexually transmitted diseases, as well all the other consequences for the misuse of divinely given freedom.
Title: is phonetics the key to understanding the way the universe functions?
Post by: RD on 07/06/2010 02:07:26
Examples of Cognitive Problems Associated with Schizophrenia ----

--Making up new words (neologisms)
--Becoming incoherent or stringing unrelated words together (word salad)
--Frequent loose association of thoughts or speech- when one thought does not logically relate to the next. For example, "I need to go to the store to buy some band-aids. I read an article about how expensive AIDS drugs are. People take too many street drugs. The streets should be clean from the rain today, etc" The need to go to the store to buy band-aids is forgotten.
--Racing thoughts
--Nonsensical logic
--Obsessive compulsive tendencies- with thoughts or actions

Examples of Delusions----

--Delusions of reference- thinking that random events convey a special meaning to you. An example is that a newspaper headline or a license plate has a hidden meaning for you to figure out. That they are signs trying to tell you something.
--Religious delusions- that you are Jesus, God, a prophet, or the antichrist.
--Delusions of grandeur- the belief that you have an important mission, special purpose, or are an unrecognized genius, or famous person.

Changes in Behavior associated with schizophrenia ----

--Intense and excessive preoccupation with religion or spirituality

Disclaimer: The [above] symptoms overlap with many other diseases such as bipolar disorder, major depression, the various kinds of personality disorders (specifically paranoid and schizotypal personality disorders), and other problems such as brain tumors and temporal lobe epilepsy. There is no "typical" case of schizophrenia. Everyone has different symptoms. Seek the opinion of your doctor always.

Title: is phonetics the key to understanding the way the universe functions?
Post by: mirormimic on 07/06/2010 13:55:49
Referrence Wicapedia( followed by comments from mirrormimic)

"Phonology (from Ancient Greek: φωνή, phōnḗ, "voice, sound" and λόγος, lógos, "word, speech, subject of discussion") is the systematic use of sound to encode meaning in any spoken human language, or the field of linguistics studying this use. Just as a language has syntax and vocabulary, it also has a phonology in the sense of a sound system. When describing the formal area of study, the term typically describes linguistic analysis either beneath the word (e.g., syllable, onset and rhyme, phoneme, articulatory gestures, articulatory feature, mora, etc.) or to units at all levels of language that are thought to structure sound for conveying linguistic meaning. It is viewed as the subfield of linguistics that deals with the sound systems of languages. Whereas phonetics is about the physical production, acoustic transmission and perception of the sounds of speech, phonology describes the way sounds function within a given language or across languages to encode meaning. The term "phonology" was used in the linguistics of a greater part of the 20th century as a cover term uniting phonemics and phonetics. Current phonology can interface with disciplines such as psycholinguistics and speech perception, resulting in specific areas like articulatory or laboratory phonology."

"In addition to the minimal units that can serve the purpose of differentiating meaning (the phonemes), phonology studies how sounds alternate, i.e. replace one another in different forms of the same morpheme (allomorphs), as well as, e.g., syllable structure, stress, accent, and intonation."

"On the other hand, it must be noted, it is difficult to analyze phonologically a language one does not speak, and most phonological analysis takes place with recourse to phonetic information."

"However in English, different spellings can be used for the same phoneme (e.g., rude and food have the same vowel sounds), and the same letter (or combination of letters) can represent different phonemes (e.g., the "th" consonant sounds of thin and this are different)."

"Part of the phonological study of a language involves looking at data (phonetic transcriptions of the speech of native speakers) and trying to deduce what the underlying phonemes are and what the sound inventory of the language is. Even though a language may make distinctions between a small number of phonemes, speakers actually produce many more phonetic sounds. Thus, a phoneme in a particular language can be instantiated in many ways."

"The /t/ sounds in the words tub, stub, but, butter, and button are all pronounced differently in American English, yet are all intuited to be of "the same sound","

..."human speech perception is so robust and versatile....
it could be pointed out that some sort of analytic notion of a language beneath the word level is usual if the language is written alphabetically. So one could also speak of a phonology of reading and writing."

"Phonology also includes topics such as phonotactics (the phonological constraints on

what sounds can appear in what positions in a given language) and phonological alternation (how the pronunciation of a sound changes through the application of phonological rules, sometimes in a given order which can be feeding or bleeding,[1] as well as prosody, the study of suprasegmentals and topics such as stress and intonation."

"...phonology is based on a set of universal phonological processes which interact with one another; which ones are active and which are suppressed are language-specific."
"Phonological phenomena are no longer seen as operating on one linear sequence of segments, called phonemes or feature combinations, but rather as involving some parallel sequences of features which reside on multiple tiers."

"Government Phonology, which originated in the early 1980s as an attempt to unify theoretical notions of syntactic and phonological structures, is based on the notion that all languages necessarily follow a small set of principles and vary according to their selection of certain binary parameters. That is, all languages' phonological structures are essentially the same, but there is restricted variation that accounts for differences in surface realizations."

"In a course at the LSA summer institute in 1991, Alan Prince and Paul Smolensky developed Optimality Theory — an overall architecture for phonology according to which languages choose a pronunciation of a word that best satisfies a list of constraints which is ordered by importance: a lower-ranked constraint can be violated when the violation is necessary in order to obey a higher-ranked constraint. The approach was soon extended to morphology by John McCarthy and Alan Prince, and has become the dominant trend in phonology."

".....phonology is the study of how sounds and gestures pattern in and across languages, relating such concerns with other levels and aspects of language. Phonetics deals with the articulatory and acoustic properties of speech sounds, how they are produced, and how they are perceived. As part of this investigation, phoneticians may concern themselves with the physical properties of meaningful sound contrasts or the social meaning encoded in the speech signal (e.g. gender, ethnicity, etc.). However, a substantial portion of research in phonetics is not concerned with the meaningful elements in the speech signal." (end quote)

I would also encourage RD to research the word Idiom.

Deduction( verses delusion):

The sounds within letters “encode meaning”.  “phonology describes the way sounds function within a given language or across languages to encode meaning.”  “Sounds” retain meaning regardless of the language. “Sounds” ( of letters) transcend language barriers. Therefore idiom meaning is retained regardless of  the transliteration process. It is NOT  “difficult to analyze phonologically a language one does not speak.” It is true that phonological as well idiomatic meaning is “transferred” from one language to another thus NOT knowing a particular language does not impede the ability to discern the affinity all languages share in common. That is to say phonological and idiom meaning(s). Thus, “a phoneme in a particular language can be instantiated in many ways.” “Phonology is based on a set of universal phonological processes which interact with one another; which ones are active and which are suppressed are language-specific.” Language , regardless of differential alphabets , represent UNIVERSAL PHONOLOGICAL PROCESSES that are consistently retained no matter the alphabet used. All languages though seemingly “distinguishable” interact with one another as a result of universal principle law processes. All languages are “active”( versatile, robust…relatively). The “suppressed”( sub-under)) meanings can be perceived relative to a unique approach to language. This approach is being explained in my posts. “Phonological phenomena are no longer seen as operating on one linear sequence of segments, called phonemes or feature combinations, but rather as involving some parallel sequences of features which reside on multiple tiers.”. Phonological phenomena is not constrained nor confined to one linear procession(sequence) of alphabetical characters. Rather, all languages share phonological/idiomatic “parrallel’s”. These parallelisms reside in the “multiple” languages ( tiers) . “That all languages necessarily follow a small set of principles and vary according to their selection of certain binary parameters. That is, all languages' phonological structures are essentially the same, but there is restricted variation that accounts for differences in surface realizations.”
Thus: My posts are not delusion; rather: consistent with ( though elaborating upon) Linguistic principles already stated. As linguistics is a scientific approach to language so too my posts represent a series of scientific postulates that have undergone many years of experimentation and refinement.

“phonology is the study of how sounds and gestures pattern in and across languages,.” Here again my underlying theme ( “sound”... meaning and idiom; as able to be transferred from one language to another without being lost or obscured) is supported by scientific data. 

RD has a lot of work and research to do ….to “ketchup” (on your face).

P,S…Word History: The word ketchup exemplifies the types of modifications that can take place in borrowing—both of words and substances. The source of our word ketchup may be the Malay word kēchap, possibly taken into Malay from the Cantonese dialect of Chinese.
 Idiom: “ Play ketchup”. For those idiomatically challenged( RD) This does not mean “go play in ketchup”. Sigh!

Title: is phonetics the key to understanding the way the universe functions?
Post by: mirormimic on 10/06/2010 17:27:49
“What do these words or expressions have in common?

"a base"...."base"( in all of its forms...noun, adjective, verb....idiom),kaba, beast, seed, fetus, deify, defy, disobey, deciever, busy, abbasid, bake, baked, deaf, city, effigy, abbas; certify, Ebe, abased, Nimrod, rebel,sib(ling), , "cut of effigy", "abased effigy"; "a base seed(fetus);kadafi, fade, fecade,”

A(A=aye)=…… “to be”
AB( AB)=………  “month of July- August
A..B(V)=………….   “ Month of July- August
B.C(bece)…………….  “ Before Christ”
 BC( bece)………………. “Busy”
BCD( bec(k)ede)…………… “ baked”)
CD (cede)………………………. “City”
CBA( ce(k)..beaye)………………..”Kaba”
AB( ayebe)…………………………. “abbey”
EFG (eefdge)…………………………  “effigy”
DCBA(deecebeaye)……………………    ” disobey”
BC(bece)……………………………....     “ base”

DCB(V)A( decebe(ve)aye)……………..”deceiver”

-A BC CD BC (“ aye bece cede bece)……..“a base(adjective) city base(noun))
-DCBA (de ce be aye ) ……………………” disobedient“
 -BCD ( becede)………………………….. “ a beast(ly)”
- CD (cede)……………………………....... “seed”
 -A  ABCD CD (ayebecede cede)………    “ a(an) abased seed”
-A DCBA ( aye [de ce be aye] )………….. “ a(an) disobey(disobedient)
- FDC CD(efdece cede)………………… “ a fetus seed”
- DEF (deeef(eh))……………………… “ defy”
-DCBA AB([de ce be aye] Ayebe)…….. “ disobey Father”
- BC BC ( bece bake )…………….…… “ busy bake(baking-(bricks))

“building a”…..

AB(ayebe)…………………………….... “abbey”
CBA( ce….(k)beaye)………………….. “Kaba”
EFG( eefdge)………………………….  “ effigy”(!)

“to the god”

AB(ayebe)……………………………. “Ebe”

“This god representing their deified Father(s). Their “rebel father“ !

AB AB(ayebe ayebe)………………… “ Ebe Abbah”

Nimrod! As well as his brothers. The word/name “Nimrod” corresponds to the Hebrew word “himrid” and means REBEL! R= are; EBE= ebe; L=el(abbreviated form of the Hebrew word for “god”). Thus the AB( Abbah) being deified was none other than Nimrod( AB= (ebe)= “cushite diety). Nimrod was Cushite. Cush was his father. Thus the children of Nimrod ( fetus, seed,) were involved in the disobedient act of idolizing or worshiping their Father(Nimrod). This represented the pagan practice of ancestor worship. Nimrod was worshiped by all the earth under the figure- god: Ebe! Nimrod= (Ebe) = r..EBE…l( rebel).
Most likely the Tower of Babel was an AB( abbey) centered around worship of their deified Father(AB= Abba). This represented a contemptuous form of “snubbing the nose” at the true God and Father( GOD-Yahweh). The Tower was a Phallic effigy to God.  The Tower represented Nimrod as well as his “seed” rebelling against the sovereignty of Jehovah. Yahweh had just destroyed the entire wicked world through a worldwide deluge. The flood covered all land area of the earth ; towering above the highest mountain. The Tower of Babel was a wicked pagan message designed to mock God as if to say “ send another flood , we  now have a tower  to high for any flooding.” These children of Nimrod (and his brothers) were deceived into such disobedience as to be reprehensible. Their reprehensibility was demonstrated and dealt with by the sovereign God Yahweh. As we shall see.

How did God deal with this contemptible pursuit?

 Did the….. ABCD AB‘s( ayebecede ayebe‘s))= Abbasid fathers……( Nimrod and his brothers) succeed at “building a tower to the heavens” as well at “deceiving” their children into idolizing the patriarchs? They succeeded at the deception thus resulting in their “seed” “disobey-ing” and participating in the false worship of their parents and assisting in the construction of the tower. They did NOT succeed in finishing the construction of this pagan temple. Why did they Not succeed? Divine Sovereign intervention!  Thus: God…..

ABCD(ayebecede)………………. “abased”……………………………..

…..The tower,  as well  God “abased” the……. BC(bece)= “base”…… seed(CD=cede)

God brought “dire” consequences upon the builders of the Tower as well the Tower itself. This Tower served two purposes to the ancestor worshipers as well the ancestors being worshiped. The Tower was an “ image or representation” of the deified man Nimrod. Remember that Nimrod in Hebrew is “himrid”. That word written backward is: “ dirmih”. In the eyes of the offspring worshipers of their father(s) this tower was a DIR MIH( “dear image”). The offspring adored and worshiped their progenitor father(s). However to God the implications of the image represented  a blatant, malicious, “disobedient”  and rebellious spirit. A spirit that the whole world apparently shared. Thus to God the tower was a DIR MIH( “dire image”). The word “dire” when defined expresses how “righteously indignant” the true One God and Father (Jehovah) was and how he viewed the actions of the entire earth at that time.

Word dire defined:

 “causing or involving great fear or suffering; dreadful; terrible: a dire calamity. 2.indicating trouble, disaster, misfortune, or the like urgent; desperate: dire
1567, from L. dirus "fearful, awful, boding ill," from Oscan and Umbrian, cognate with Gk. deinos, Warning of or having dreadful or terrible consequences; calamitous.”

Indeed! The actions and ambitions of the entire world  led to “dire consequences” from God. While they were about the building of the tower they were complacent in their false worship represented by deifying their parents. They were so  fooled  relative to the  false  assurances given to them by their  fathers and uncles. The wicked fathers, starving for equality with God, duped all of their offspring in believing that their would be no bad results for their contempt toward God. Were their “ bad consequences” for elevating the image( likeness) of their earthly mortal fathers above the image (likeness) of the immortal almighty sovereign father …God. Indeed!  “Terrible, dreadful, disastrous, fearful, calamitous, urgent, desperate, foreboding, troublesome,…DIRE… Consequences occurred. Their “dear image”( DIR MIH= Phallic/Nimrodic.. temple/tower) was “abased” by God. This tower was designed to deviate  the worlds attention  away from the benevolent righteous and true God and  into false worship of imperfect, wicked and disobedient “dear earthly fathers’. Thus this was actually Idolatry: Elevating any human or creature above the true God; as to worship. Thus this Tower in God’s eyes was a “dire image”…one that provoked God to anger. God relegated the worship of the offspring as well as the fathers who were receiving such worship due to deception. God “relegated” or “brought low( “abased“= ABCD) the wicked false religious people. He also literally relegated or “brought low” the Tower itself.

In ONE OMNISCIENT ACT God  accomplished 2 things instantaneously and simultaneously. 1) bringing low the false religious pursuits of the world.2) Bringing low… “to the base”( the very core of) the tower itself. How did he accomplish this…. and “swiftly” at that?

It has to do with LANGUAGE! How did god….. CD EF  EFG? ( “cut/(shut) off effigy“)? How did god dissipate and “spread” the worshipers at the “abbey” or; Tower of Babel  to other parts of the earth thus interfering with their temple pursuits( as well unified worship). Indeed! What caused man, formally united at one place on the earth, to become ’ scattered from there over all the surface of the earth’?  How did God deal with the: “base”;  “seed“ ; “fetus“; “sib( relatives=(CB)=cebe)”; “ beast“; “disobedience“; “deception“; “base of tower“; “abbey“; “Abbasid(s)”’…. false “Abba’s(father’s)”?

The English alphabet continues to elaborate on this in such a comprehensive, consistent, and harmonious( with the Bible) way as to be “beyond coincidence”. We will come to understand this through a systematic, successive and  phonetic scrutiny of the English alphabet. Suffice to say as a prelude….and as a means of reiteration: IT HAS TO DO WITH LANGUAGE!

Title: is phonetics the key to understanding the way the universe functions?
Post by: rosy on 10/06/2010 17:43:25
What's wicapedia? The online encyclopedia preferred by the neopagan community?
Title: is phonetics the key to understanding the way the universe functions?
Post by: mirormimic on 10/06/2010 17:51:02


Hebrew word for "rebel"= "maradh"..... (P) ramadh
Title: is phonetics the key to understanding the way the universe functions?
Post by: mirormimic on 10/06/2010 18:01:11
*** Place a “mirror” along the red line on the accompanying picture. Point the reflective side toward the red arrow( toward the words/ expressions in “quotation”)

The following picture is courtesy of: words added by mirrormimic)

Title: is phonetics the key to understanding the way the universe functions?
Post by: mirormimic on 10/06/2010 18:03:11
What's wicapedia? The online encyclopedia preferred by the neopagan community?

Wicapedia despite any bias leanings is an appropriate historical source.
Title: is phonetics the key to understanding the way the universe functions?
Post by: Geezer on 11/06/2010 03:42:00
What's wicapedia? The online encyclopedia preferred by the neopagan community?

No - that's Wiccapedia.

Wicapedia is the online encyclopedia preferred by the basket weaving community.
Title: is phonetics the key to understanding the way the universe functions?
Post by: mirormimic on 11/06/2010 22:08:27
Despite the unyielding and petty IRR-ationals of a few visiting this thread may I reiterate:

The above definitions of Phonetics as well phonology are accurate and reliable. Nothing that has been referenced deviates from the definitive understanding(s) of what phonetics as well phonology represents.

Feel free to "pick the reference" That best suites YOU as a means of contradicting the references source(s) that I have provided.

"Loud assertions" contrary to my posts  (without legitimate proof texts or references demonstrating otherwise) are not sufficient.

with regard to the "rosey" comments from the chemistry "student" I will simply say:

Himrid.....(P)RIHMID. Followed by:

Thank you for contributing to the discussion about HIMRID.( Nimrod). Of course you didn’t realize it but within the word “Chemistry“ is as well a phonetic allusion to HIMRID. Namely :  c+ HEMIRYT-st. Indeed! Thank you for your contribution to the(che)-MYSTERY…that is phonetics!
Title: is phonetics the key to understanding the way the universe functions?
Post by: Geezer on 11/06/2010 22:26:19

Referrence Wicapedia( followed by comments from mirrormimic)

Here are a couple of references for your perusal;
Title: is phonetics the key to understanding the way the universe functions?
Post by: mirormimic on 11/06/2010 23:09:39
Consider this strange phenomenon called phonetics as efficient in retaining idiom meaning despite language barriers.

Koine Greek word for tree= DENDRON
English word……………….INORDINATE

Dendron backward = NORDNED(INORDINATE)……….Genesis 2: 16,17; 3: 6, 17-19

English word……………. NAVEL
English word…………….LEVEN

NAVEL(LEVAN)…………………….Leven is used in the Bible to denote sin or corruption. Adam and eve sinned. The bible states that as a result every “child is born”(navel- umbilical chord) …”in sin”. After Mary gave birth to Jesus she presented a “sin offering” relative to the Mosaic law which states that every woman “opening the womb”( childbirth…..resulting in more leaven/sin added to the world) was to present a sin offering. Nimrod was part of the “offspring” of man. As such he was a sinner. As well he went a step further by DELIBERATELY sinning against God.

Language was altered after the first mass sin was committed by the builders of the Tower of Babel. Is it surprising that the Koine Greek word for sin is “hamartia”.? No! Remember the first rebeler ( significant  deliberate sinner…Levener) after the flood was named “HIMRID”. Thus here again the idiom phonetic connection is demonstrated. SIN=(Hamartia-..GK)= (HIMRID=Hebrew)= NIMROD=English.

Thus the phonetic link is embodied within 3 words( Crossing language barriers)…SIN-LEVEN-REBEL!

English word ………………………….CENTER
English word ………………………….RETINAS(word “center” backward= retnes)
Hebrew word for “eye”………………..AYIN (c-AYIN-ter= center)

English word ………………………….Eyeball
English word…………………………..Labia
English word …………………………Pupil

Word “eyeball” backward=………………………… llabeye (phonetic= “a labia”)
Word “pupil” backward=……………………………lipup( Phonetic: el+eye+pe+u(p)=( leyepeu)=“labia”)
Definition of the word “center”: the middle point,  the source of an influence, action, force, etc
the core or middle of anything:  concentrate on, focus on, revolve about, revolve around. A point or place that is equally distant from the sides or outer boundaries of something; the MIDDLE…………………………..(Genesis 3:3...”tree that is in the MIDDLE of the garden”)-(Genesis 3: 7...”Then the EYES of both of them became OPENED…”)

Gk kéntron= “CENTER (Greek word for tree=d(endron)

Tree= d-ENDRON: Center= k-ENTRON. EYE= AYIN(c-AYIN-ter)

 (Genesis 3: 6.. “something to be longed for to the EYES, yes, the tree(dendron:  ‘in the kentron=  ‘CENTER’ of garden)  was desirable to ‘LOOK UPON(AYIN=EYE)”( ‘LOOK UPON’ WITH THE RETINA(center, middle, focus,…..tree!

Mathew 5: 27-29; Luke 11:34;

More of the Phonetic/idiom meaning relative to the English alphabet to follow
Title: is phonetics the key to understanding the way the universe functions?
Post by: mirormimic on 11/06/2010 23:33:39
Once again thank you geezer for providing yet another link that is consistent with my arguments related to the phonology of language. The following represents what I gleaned( and you should have ) from the site:

 While some words ADMIT MULTIPLE SPELLINGS…………………..
Misspelling can also be a MATTER OF OPINION when VARIENT SPELLINGS ARE ACCEPTED by some and not by others. For example "miniscule" (for "minuscule") is a misspelling to many,[3] AND YET it is listed as AN ACCEPTABLE VARIENT IN some DICTIONARIES.[4][5]
A phonemic orthography is a writing system where the written graphemes correspond to phonemes, the spoken sounds of the language. In terms of orthographic depth, these are termed shallow orthographies, contrasting with deep orthographies. These are sometimes termed TRUE ALPHABETS, but non-alphabetic writing systems like syllabaries can be phonemic as well.
Methods for phonetic transcription such as the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) aim to describe pronunciation in a standard form. They are often used to SOLVE AMBIGUITIES IN THE SPELLING of written language
There have been two periods when SPELLING REFORM of the English language has ATTRACTED PARTICULAR INTEREST
Arguments for reform
Advocates of spelling reform make these basic arguments:[citation needed]
[edit] Spelling changes should match pronunciation changes
PRONUNCIATIONS CHANGE change gradually over time and THE ALPHABETIC …….PRINCIPLE English (and every other alphabetically written language) gradually BECOMES CORRUPTED. If the MAINTAINance of REGULARITY in the orthography of English IS DESIRED, then spelling needs to be AMENDed to account for the changes.
SPELLINGS DO CHANGE [11], regardless of conscious public resistance(geezer), just slowly and not in any organized way. Music was spelt as musick until the 1880s, and fantasy was spelt as phantasy until the 1920s[12].

Sigh! Must I go on and one in support of these REALITIES. NAH, NO; Notta! ( All acceptable terms)…..FOR the word NO?.Thus: In answer to my rhetorical question……NO!