Technology / Ethanol fuel is the way to go
« on: 02/10/2021 10:33:32 »
Ethanol fuel is the way to go. If you have ever had the problem of water in your fuel then ethanol fuel is the cure as alcohol can mix with petrol and water. They say ethanol fuel is green well yes it does burn that little bit cleaner but is that why it is produced no. When the oil is collected from the deep drillings ocean and groundwater are introduced to the mix this water is a problem for the refinery that prepares the oil and converts it to the fuel that we use. The fuel that is supplemented with ethanol is the refined dregs that contain most of the water that is still in the fuel by adding ethanol the water can mix with the petrol and water so it can be evenly injected into our motors if we have water in the fuel without ethanol the water will collect at the bottom of the tank and be delivered to the engine in concentrated amounts leading to engine stall. If your car is up to the task of handling this fuel then use it no more water problems. Do you believe this is why ethanol fuel was created?