Naked Science Forum

On the Lighter Side => That CAN'T be true! => Topic started by: Tinker-Bell on 13/12/2016 01:35:42

Title: Is 'eVerYthinG' Fractal or Refractal or Randomatic?
Post by: Tinker-Bell on 13/12/2016 01:35:42
Howdy fellow Crackpots,  :D

Fractal Math peeps have PROVEN the Universe is Fractal BUT they did so from a 2-D snapshot of the Universe (see: attachment) and the little specks of Light in the 2-D photo is what they were going by but ALL specks of Light in that photo were NOT where they appear to be AND they were ALL at different distances AWAY too, yet, GIVEN the VARIABLE Speed of Light/Photons in a Multi-versal OPEN SYSTEM, when ALL of those Photons come-together for the Viewer to SEE/EXPERIENCE the spectacle, it's ALWAYS FRACTAL, and it doesn't matter where you are in this Multi-versal Open System LIFEFORM, "EVERY THING Refractals BACK to Fractal EVERY INSTANCE/TIME." Which that then denotes that the 'Universe' is REFRACTAL, instead of JUST Fractal, which then also PROVES beyond a shadow-of-doubt that the 'Universe' IS a Multi-versal Open System instead of a Single-verse Closed System.  ;)

"Everything's Refractal, Inversely." (Open System LAW of eVerYthinG) - Old Toad Proverb

"No ToE has any plausibility to it if it doesn't explain girls/tits, relative to the boy/*****, at the SAME TIME as COMPLETELY explaining the KNOWN 'Universe'." - Old Toad Proverb

HOWEVER, there's a newer study (see: excerpt of it below) that surfaced on August 22, 2012, on Space-dot-com, that DISPUTES the Fractal nature of the Universe but what the Authors of that study didn't take into consideration is ALL of the Galaxies that are YOUNGER than they are 'distanced from us', we won't be able to see them YET, and what what I mean by "distanced from us" is when a Galaxy is birthed/born 5 billion light-years away, it will be 5 billion years old BEFORE we will ever see it, DUE to the slow-speed of light/photons, but when we do FINALLY see it 5 billion years AFTER birthing, we will ACTUALLY be seeing an INFANT Galaxy, a Quasar. So with a Galaxy that's 5 billion light years away, we won't see it as a 5 billion year old Galaxy until it's ACTUALLY 10 billion years old but the Authors of that study didn't take ANY of that into consideration, because what they were supposed to REALIZE is that the further away they get with their sweet telescope (I'm so jealous), the clusters/groupings of Galaxies will be fewer and farther scattered-about than what they will see CLOSER to us and ALL because the NEWER Galaxies won't be showing-up for some time AND the further out they look, the fewer the Galaxies they will see clustered/grouped-up AND they will be farther scattered-about as well, RELATIVE to what they see CLOSER to us.

- - - BEGIN EXCERPT - - -

"Stars crowd together into galaxies, galaxies assemble into clusters, and clusters amass to form superclusters. Astronomers, probing ever-larger volumes of the cosmos, have been surprised again and again to find matter clustering on ever-larger scales.

This Russian-nesting-doll-like distribution of matter has led them to wonder whether the universe is a fractal: a mathematical object that looks the same at any scale, whether you zoom in or out. If the fractal pattern continues no matter how far you zoom out, this would have profound implications for scientists' understanding of the universe. But now, a new astronomy survey refutes the notion.

The universe is fractal-like OUT to MANY DISTANCE SCALES, but at a CERTAIN POINT, the mathematical form BREAKS DOWN. There are no more Russian nesting dolls - i.e., clumps of matter containing smaller clumps of matter - LARGER than 350 million light-years across."

- - - END EXCERPT - - -

BUT then, the day before that Article showed-up and ALSO on Space-dot-com (August 21, 2012) they came-out with another Article titled: "Einstein Was Right: Matter Is Scattered Randomly Across The Universe." From there, the first blurb/sentence says this:

- - - BEGIN EXCERPT - - -

"Einstein's General Theory of Relativity predicts that in the 'big picture' of the universe, matter is scattered RANDOMLY." (see below: for where RANDOMATIC shows-up on the LIST and then look AT the REST of the CLOSED SYSTEM attributes on the LIST, to then see for yourself WHERE-ALL EVERYONE has been GOING WRONG this WHOLE TIME, not just the ones spoken of above)

- - - END EXCERPT - - -

<<<(OS) = Open System Concept - vs - Closed System Concept = (CS)>>>

(OS) = Law-of-Zer0 - vs - Law-of-oNe = (CS)
(OS) = Order - vs - Control = (CS)
(OS) = Unity - vs - Chaos = (CS)
(OS) = Equilibrium - vs - Pandemonium = (CS)
(OS) = Dynamic - vs - Static = (CS)
(OS) = Synchropy (source of Synchronicity) - vs - Entropy = (CS)
(OS) = Systematic - vs - Randomatic = (CS)
(OS) = Creation - vs - Annihilation = (CS)
(OS) = Systematic - vs - Randomatic = (CS)
(OS) = Perpetual Motion - vs - Anti-Motion = (CS)
(OS) = Diversity - vs - Twinkie-ism = (CS)
(OS) = Simplicity - vs - Complicated = (CS)
(OS) = Conservative/Conservation - vs - Neglect/Negligence = (CS)
(OS) = Flow - vs - Flux = (CS)
(OS) = Recycles - vs - Wasteful = (CS)
(OS) = Self-Repairing - vs - Decay = (CS)
(OS) = Flexibility - vs - Rigor Mortis = (CS)
(OS) = Life - vs - Death = (CS)
(OS) = Zer0ality (neutral) Reception - vs - Duality Perception = (CS)
(OS) = Actuality - vs - Deception = (CS)
(OS) = Fact - vs - Propaganda = (CS)
(OS) = Efficient/Skinny - vs - Inefficient/Obese = (CS)
(OS) = Clever/Ingenious - vs - Dumb/Stupid = (CS)
(OS) = Cheats - vs - Quits = (CS)
(OS) = CAN Divide by Zer0 - vs - Can't Divide by Zero = (CS)
(OS) = Virtuous - vs - eViL = (CS)
(OS) = Heaven - vs - Hell = (CS)
(OS) = God-like - vs - Satan-like = (CS)

First, the Researchers mislabeled Einstein's Theory, since he did NOT call it "General Theory of Relativity", he called it "SPECIAL" Relativity and I've already explained elsewhere on here that Einstein's Theory of "SPECIAL" Relativity is RELATIVE to Closed System hUmAn IGNORANCE, which IS/WOULD be IDENTICAL to a Single-verse Closed System Universe but since the 'Universe' IS without doubt a MULTI-VERSAL OPEN SYSTEM instead, Einstein's CLOSED SYSTEM Theory of "RETARDED" Relativity is INVERSED/INVERTED of a Multi-versal OPEN SYSTEM and an OTP explains what those Ph.D.'s did wrong:

"Start with BAD Math, end with BAD Math, irregardless the answer." - Old Toad Proverb

Here's what's 'generally' said about Albert Einstein's Theory of 'SPECIAL' Relativity, with added emphasis to BETTER explain its RELEVANCE to hUmAn IGNORANCE:

"In 1905, Albert Einstein determined that the laws of physics are the SAME for all NON-ACCELERATING OBSERVERS (non-accelerating = Self-Motion/Anti-Motion = STATIC System), and that the speed of light in a VACCUM (vacuum = void = empty/ignorant human skull/mind = hUmAn IGNORANCE) was INDEPENDANT of the motion of ALL [outside] observers (aka: Self-Relativity/Anti-Relativity RELATIVE to an OPEN SYSTEM). This was the theory of special relativity."

While Einstein ONLY explained Closed System Relativity, I've explained CLOSED SYSTEM Gravity & Motion with an OTP, which is what's MISSING from Einstein's Theory to COMPLETE/UNIFY IT:

"In a Multi-versal Open System ALL Motion is multi-directional/versal, which is PARTLY explained/shown by Newton's 3 Laws of Motion, wherein Sir Isaac Newton explained the KNOWN bi-directional Open System nature of Motion within tHis specific dimension, the 4th Dimension. Whereas the Motion in/of a hUmAn's Closed System Law-of-oNe 'Allegory of the Cave' zombiefied-mind easily qualifies as Uni-versal Motion, since its self-centered self-serving one-way Closed System Motion ALWAYS gravitates TO the doer's/speaker's ego/opinion/ulterior motive, so rarely does it source the COMPLETE TRUTH, if EVER sourcing ANY TRUTH. Instead, the Closed System will SELF-GENERATE its Truth FROM WITHIN instead of FROM WITHOUT (aka: self-truth/anti-truth RELATIVE to an OPEN SYSTEM), which then sources their 'Gravity' from WITHOUT instead of from WITHIN (aka: self-gravity/anti-gravity RELATIVE to an OPEN SYSTEM), which then ALL of that qualifies as TRUE Anti-Motion (RELATIVE to an OPEN SYSTEM), but a Closed System is INVERSED/INVERTED of an Open System, which means a Closed System is COMPLETELY bassackwards of God/Life/Nature and simply because the 'Universe' is a Multi-versal Open System, whereas hUmAns AND this Planet are ARTIFICIALLY Closed Systems, with the Open System surrounding the Planet controlling, and since an Open System is a Dynamic System (aka: everything is MOVING) and Closed Systems are Static Systems (aka: everything is STANDING STILL), that ALL then explains the Closed System concept known as hUmAn st00pidity; which hUmAn st00pidity is simply Anti-Motion put into motion, with eViL Law-of-oNe ignorance-sourced faith-filled morals fueling the ego-trip ." (Closed System Law of 'SPECIAL' Gravity/Motion (aka: hUmAn st00pidity); see also: Einstein's Closed System Theory of 'SPECIAL' Relativity, which explains hUmAn Ignorance via self-relativity/anti-relativity RELATIVE to an OPEN SYSTEM ) - Old Toad Proverb

Before I continue, it's OBVIOUS the CalculusTurds on this Rock don't KNOW that MODERN Medical Researchers have been calling the SELF-REPAIRING hUmAn BODY an OPEN SYSTEM for OVER 30 years, in Medical Research Papers/Reports, whereforth an Open System CANNOT exist ANYWHERE within a SINGLE-VERSE Closed System Universe!!!!!

Lastly, I just loved (NOT!) the Discovery Channel Program titled "How the Universe Works" and HOW it was ABSOLUTELY VOID of Newton's 3rd Law of Motion, as well as ignoring other KNOWN LAWS of PHYSICS, like how PRESSURE, from MASS, is what GENERATES the HEAT NECESSARY to keep the CORE of Planets MOLTEN but in the videos, the planets were SELF-GENERATING their own HEAT, as well as being MOMENTUM-SINKS. And the REST of the Program is FULL of sHiTe TOO, and ABSOLUTELY NONE of THEIR 'Hypothesis' were ANY GOOD!




Ha! Ha! Ha!

I love how ALL of the Ph.D.'s associated with that Discovery Channel Program are about to be BLACKLISTED here SOON for ABSOLUTELY IGNORING the KNOWN LAWS of PHYSICS! The ones in Australia that just got through proving the Universe is NOT Fractal, they did NOT ignore KNOWN Laws of Physics, they just OVERLOOKED something, so they won't be BLACKLISTED but those involved with that Discovery Channel Program, they will ALL BE BLACKLISTED here SOON!!! It's what happens when you IGNORE KNOWN FACTS and then you USE your CREDENTIALS to TOUT that WHICH IS AN ABSOLUTE LIE!!!!!

Tsk! Tsk!

"Common Sense ain't common." - Will Rogers

"oNe/Zer0 (1/0) = Infinite + 1 = Equation of an Open System" (Open System Law of "Neutrality Rules-the-Roost of an Open System") - Old Toad Proverb

"In an Open System, Neutrality rules the Roost ABSOLUTE, inversely sourcing Perfect Love (aka: Compassion) from Logic." (Open System Law of "Inversed Logic SourCes Perfect Love") - Old Toad Proverb

"(Love (1) / Logic (0)) = Compassion (Infinite +1) = Perfect Love" - (Open System Equation/Law of Perfect Love) - Old Toad Proverb

"In a Closed System Universe/World there are about as many Truths as there are Mistruths, with both being numerous, but in an Open System Universe/World there's ONLY oNe Truth, the REST is I-magi-nation, and that oNe Truth is Logic, inversely refueled/resourced DIRECTLY from Common Sense, with Time (aka: God/SourCe) being the originating SourCe of ALL." - Old Toad Proverb

"The birth of a Question is what begins the Circle/Cycle of Life and the Answer completes the Circle/Cycle, for another Question to be birthed from, to then continue the Circle/Cycle forever." (Open System Perpetual Motion nature of qUesTi0niNg eVerYthinG) - Old Toad Proverb

"Life and virtuous Law-of-Zer0 Common Sense go/work together (aka: Open System concepts) just as Death and eViL Law-of-oNe Duality-Perception (aka: opinionated) sourced Morals go/work together (aka: Closed System concepts), yet they are inversely relative to one-another when swapped-around, because if/when the blind-folded ignorant sHeePle give Life to eViL opinionated Morals, via Faith, then Death occurs to Common Sense, which then also tosses Logic to the wind of the sHeePle's faith-filled ill-tempered farts, which is just as Newton's 3rd Law of Motion dictates/says will happen if/when Logic's POLARITY is inversed/inverted; dUmB/st00pid/reTarDed eViL farts will follow/happen EVERY INSTANCE/TIME." - Old Toad Proverb

"Faith is to Logic what Death is to Life, because Faith will eventually birth Doubt, which the Doubt will then kill your Faith, resulting in Purgatory; whereas Logic only births Common Sense and Common Sense has never killed anything but the Mistruth/Anti-Truth, resulting in Perfection." - Old Toad Proverb

"Faith replaces Logic when Ignorance rules-the-roost, then that Ignorance based Faith supplants Common Sense with eViL Law-of-oNe Closed System Duality-Perception (aka: opinionated) sourced Morals, to then form the most closed-minded idiot(s) possible, also known as sHeePle/Zombiefied-Bait." - Old Toad Proverb

"A cauliflower is nothing more than a cabbage with a college education." - Mark Twain

Ribbit  :)

Ps: The Black Hole known as Old Faithful is a Galactic Egg Timer, because every time it erupts, a Galaxy was born somewhere, along with Tri-Souls being birthed with the birth of every Galaxy. And the Energy Surge that NASA has registered TWICE now, that's what's known as a Galactic Birthday Party, which occurs after 144-THOUSAND Galaxies have been birthed and the average lifespan of a Galaxy is approximately 75 Billion earth years. Plus, the timeframe between the Energy Surges is Relative to ONE Universal Second or 5th Dimension Second, which takes almost 7 earth years, but Time is STACKED as you go UP in Dimensions/Realms.  ;)

Also, it's already known that in a Closed System, when a Black Hole opens-up it won't ever close nor heal, but that's because a Closed System is a non-self-repairing system. Whereas Open Systems are self-repairing systems, so in an Open System, Black Holes will eventually close and heal and many times spatial scaring occurs but all it takes to fix that is for the 'spatial scar' to come into contact with a Black Hole and the Black Hole will 'suck' all of the contaminants out of the Particles of Space that are contaminated, rejuvenating those Particles of Space as if they were NEW, just like Iodine will do to healthy cells, when applied transdermally.  ;)

And I authored my Bi-versal Transdermal Energy Transfer (B-tet) Theory 5 years ago, which explains how the ONE-WAY Flow of Magnetic Energy passing thru Space INTO the Under-verse creates a magnetic vacuum behind it, inversed of Bernoulli's Principle, and it's the magnetic vacuum that creates the 'pull' known as Gravity and most of the Energy seen exiting Quasars and Black Holes at the Center of Galaxies is the Magnetic Energy, that was 'leeched' into the Under-verse, being FORCED/PUSHED OUT of the Under-verse and it creates a Universal Electrical Short and the Energy EXPLODES partly because of the electrical shorting going down, as well as from the Inversion process that goes down during the TRANSFER, which also assists in the exploding of the Energy upon exit.  ;)

fyi: The Under-verse is NATURALLY Inversed/Inverted of this Verse, so the Inversion process is a NATURAL process and requires NO Energy to be used to Invert the Energy during either transfer. Thus, there's Zer0 ENTROPY involved with the energy transferring in either direction.  ;)

Lastly, when it comes to the Big Bang & Big Crunch Theories, the Big Crunch Theory is SOUND but the Big Bang Theory is ABSOLUTELY FLAWED, to the point only a DELUSIONAL MORON could possibly think the Infinite can born in less-than a Second FROM an EXPLOSION. Whereas how the Infinite is born is via an Entropy Collapse in the 'beginning' and the MOMENTUM of the Collapse causes both Verses to go BEYOND finite and they then pass through one-another and emerge on the 'other' side INVERTED and the Infinite is formed INSTANTANEOUSLY (aka: Zer0-Time):

1/f = Infinite

So the Infinite is birthed from INVERSION, not an EXPLOSION!  ;)

Ribbit-Rubbit-Ribbit  :P
Title: Re: Is 'eVerYthinG' Fractal or Refractal or Randomatic?
Post by: smart on 13/12/2016 11:32:31
You might be interested by this research paper:

The Fractal Nature of the Brain: EEG Data Suggests That the Brain Functions as a "Quantum Computer" in 5-8 Dimensions
John Gardiner, Robyn Overall, Jan Marc


The brain has been traditionally viewed as a deterministic machine where certain inputs give rise to certain outputs. However, there is a growing body of work that suggests this is not the case. The high importance of initial inputs suggests that the brain may be working in the realms of chaos, with small changes in initial inputs leading to the production of strange attractors. This may also be reflected in the physical structure of the brain which may also be fractal. EEG data is a good place to look for the underlying patterns of chaos in the brain since it samples many millions of neurons simultaneously. Several studies have arrived at a fractal dimension of between 5 and 8 for human EEG data. This suggests that the brain operates in a higher dimension than the 4 of traditional space-time. These extra dimensions suggest that quantum gravity may play a role in generating consciousness.
Title: Re: Is 'eVerYthinG' Fractal or Refractal or Randomatic?
Post by: Tinker-Bell on 13/12/2016 16:00:09
You might be interested by this research paper:
The Fractal Nature of the Brain: EEG Data Suggests That the Brain Functions as a "Quantum Computer" in 5-8 Dimensions
John Gardiner, Robyn Overall, Jan Marc


The brain has been traditionally viewed as a deterministic machine where certain inputs give rise to certain outputs. However, there is a growing body of work that suggests this is not the case. The high importance of initial inputs suggests that the brain may be working in the realms of chaos, with small changes in initial inputs leading to the production of strange attractors. This may also be reflected in the physical structure of the brain which may also be fractal. EEG data is a good place to look for the underlying patterns of chaos in the brain since it samples many millions of neurons simultaneously. Several studies have arrived at a fractal dimension of between 5 and 8 for human EEG data. This suggests that the brain operates in a higher dimension than the 4 of traditional space-time. These extra dimensions suggest that quantum gravity may play a role in generating consciousness.

WOW!  :o

ABSOLUTELY spot-on!  :D

BTW, in your Artificial Telepathy thread you ONLY asked about "Artificial Telepathy" and you forgot to add actual Telepathy to your question.  :P

Watch the Elvis movie to find-out about how to form TRUE Telepathy (aka: a Multi-Channeled mind).  ;)

Also, read-up on Andy Warhol and the 'weird' things he was known to do.  ;)

Also, there's a 3rd Telepathy I haven't mentioned that's known as Remote Sensing, which is different than the other 2 I've now talked about. And I've already explained one way to achieve Artificial Telepathy (hallucinogens) but there SHOULD be 1 more way to do it, besides Remote Sensing, for a total of 3 different ways to form Artificial Telepathy, but I haven't bumped into the 3rd way ... yet (see: 23 Enigma).  ;)

I loved the Article!  :D



Ribbit  :)

Ps: I had to remove the hyperlink from your post (in the quoting of you), since the forum's CENSORSHIP FORBIDS me from COMPLYING with International COPYRIGHT Laws, if you didn't catch that with my OP here (Space-dot-com quotes).

Copyright Laws REQUIRE you to provide a LINK to the Article or you are GUILTY of Copyright Infringement and since it's NOT my fault I did NOT provide the links, whoever's fault it is, they are the ones that get sued by the owner of the Copyrighted Material, NOT me! Plus, the owner of the Forum has to make it EASY to comply with ALL applicable Laws but if they make it difficult to comply with the applicable Laws, like this place has, not complying with the Laws is THEIR fault, it's not the fault of the itty-bitty member!  ;)

Also, I did notice that Cambridge University is worth 4 Billion Pounds and Queen Elizabeth is also attachable, since Cambridge is technically OWNED by the Crown, and she's worth even more than Cambridge is worth.  :D

Peeps who are NOT Lawyers should NOT attempt to RUN any online BUSINESS, without having their RULES & PROCEDURES 'reviewed' and 'officially approved' by an Attorney and Cambridge University HAS it's OWN Law Skewl and IGNORANCE is NOT a viable EXCUSE in a Court of Law!  ;)

Why do peeps think they can be a Lawyer, when they don't have the EDUCATION/KNOWLEDGE NECESSARY to pull it off? Especially since Practicing Law WITHOUT a License is a CRIME and Lawyers get taught Contracts Doctrine in Law Skewl, so they CAN Author Civil Contracts WITH their LICENSE to PRACTICE Law and NOT end-up violating LAW in the PROCESS!  ;)

Tsk! Tsk! 

United in the
Compassion and
Kindredness of the

Pps: I had to say ALL of that to COVER my LAWFUL butt, that way I can't be held liable for NOT abiding by the APPLICABLE LAWS (see: Ray Stevens Law below)!  ;)

"Good Faith based 1st Amendment PROTECTED Civil Public Speech, OVERRULED by ANARCHY (aka: personal censorship) on the Information Super Highway, also known as the Internets, or in ANY other Open Public Forum, online or real world or ANY Social-Media website, is BLATANTLY VIOLATIVE of DUE PROCESS, as well as IGNORING the 13th Amendment ABSOLUTE, and is also FLAGRANTLY VIOLATIVE of 15 U.S.C. 2 AND 18 U.S.C. 241, 242, 1581, 1584, 1589, & 1590; whereas 18 U.S.C. 1464 is NOT applicable to the Internets, but the Internets IS a Highway for the purposes of 18 U.S.C. 241 AND 42 U.S.C. 1985; and 17 U.S.C. 201, 202, & 501, & 42 U.S.C. 1983 are also FULLY applicable; and the portion of 17 U.S.C. 202 (aka: Copyright Embedment Law) that says "absence of an agreement" is referring ONLY to a Lawful/Constitutional “FOR-HIRE” Employment Agreement/Contract, NOT an Unlawful/Unconstitutional “SLAVE” Agreement/Contract, because ANY Agreement/Contract that FORCES an individual to SIGN-AWAY their Copyright Ownership of their personal intellectual works/words for NO monetary benefit or comparable payment to the Author/Owner AND simply for the ALLEGED ‘privilege’ to have the ability to speak-out PUBLICLY for-or-against a matter being discussed PUBLICLY or to instigate a new PUBLIC DISCUSSION nearby, does NOT qualify as a Lawful Agreement/Contract that can be DEMANDED NOR ENFORCED by ANYONE, since it EASILY QUALIFIES as a SLAVE CONTRACT and Slave Contracts are UNLAWFUL IN TOTO, because Good Faith based 1st Amendment PROTECTED Civil Public Speech is an ABSOLUTE RIGHT, NOT a PRIVILEGE, because once just ONE person is ALLOWED to openly/publicly insert an argument for-or-against a matter being discussed PUBLICLY, then ALL PERSONS have the IDENTICAL DEMOCRATIC CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to speak-in about the matter, with ORDER controlling the situation, not CONTROL controlling the situation, and EVERYONE has the DEMOCRATIC CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to speak-in about the matter AND in the nearest-vicinity to WHERE the matter IS being discussed PUBLICLY, within reason, and once ALLOWED to insert a Good Faith based argument, the PERSON’S words CANNOT be DELETED afterwards or ONE-WAY SPEECH is going down, which is ABSOLUTELY VIOLATIVE of the FREE TRADE of Ideas that’s embodied in the First Amendment and also ABSOLUTELY VIOLATIVE of Antitrust Laws WORLDWIDE; which the Free Speech GUARANTEE of the First Amendment SourCes directly out of the Good Faith Doctrine, built into Article 4 Section 4 (RFoG Clause U.S. Constitution), first-and-foremost, and to DELETE someone's Good Faith based 1st Amendment PROTECTED Public Speech, inserted lawfully ANYWHERE online, also EASILY QUALIFIES as Theft of Intellectual Property. Furthermore, Good Faith based 1st Amendment PROTECTED Public Speech is NOT allowed to be CENSORED for CONTENT on the Internets NOR in ANY other Open Public Forums, which is also why Public Nudity is NOT unlawful in ANY Open Public Forums, since SIMPLE Nudity qualifies as Symbolic Speech, which is also the foundation for why Public Streaking is NOT unlawful, and that's because Public Streaking qualifies as a Lawful Civil Protest, thus, Public Streaking and/or simple Public Nudity is a PROTECTED First Amendment Constitutional RIGHT, too, online and offline, just don't go over-the-line with your Civil Public Speech but that LAWFUL LINE is drawn by the Good Faith Doctrine and LAWS, not someone's PERSONAL OPINION." (aka: Ray Stevens Law) - Old Toad Proverb

[see: Watchtower vs. Stratton (2001); Hustler vs. Falwell (1988); Perry Ed. Assn. vs. Perry Local Educators’ Assn. (1983); Women Strike for Peace vs. Morton (1972); Edwards vs. California (1941); Slaughterhouse Cases (1873); Martin Luther vs. Borden (1849); Passenger Cases (1849); and the Good Faith Doctrine, Common Law, and Contracts Law.]
Title: Re: Is 'eVerYthinG' Fractal or Refractal or Randomatic?
Post by: Tinker-Bell on 13/12/2016 19:12:16
Just in case anyone here isn't well versed with Einstein, I offer the attached 2 memes to clear-up any ill-conceived misconceptions anyone may have had about DIVIDING-by-Zer0.

"Anytime any 'thing' divides itself by itself, to include the infinitely Open System number of Zer0 (0) and/or the infinitely Open System concept of Logic, Mathematical Incest goes down and the end result/product is ALWAYS the Closed System Incestual Bastard of 'oNe'." (Open System LAW of Mathematical Incest -or- Open System Law of Self-Division; see: n0thing's ABSOLUTE Paradox) - Old Toad Proverb

“Look DEEP into nature and then you will understand everything better.” – Albert Einstein

"There's NO greater natural wilderness to explore than Mathematics, which is why Math qualifies as the quintessential of Life, as well as the Creator, but don't forgo/overlook Nature in your pursuit of the Truth!" - Old Toad Proverb

Ribbit  :)

Ps: It's POSSIBLE to be able to DECIPHER Calculus even if you can't read nor speak it. ALL it takes is basic knowledge and understanding of Open System Sub/Super-Dimensional/Linear/Versal Quantum Math (aka: Open System Math). Because with Open System Math you can Psychoanalyze Calculus and know HOW it thinks, which then you can read Calculus's twisted and perverted Closed System MIND, instead of ONLY reading WHAT it SAYS with its MOUTH.  ;)

It's known as Open System Mathematical Telepathy or Remote Sensing!  :P
Title: Re: Is 'eVerYthinG' Fractal or Refractal or Randomatic?
Post by: Tinker-Bell on 13/12/2016 23:49:07
Whoever MOVED this Thread, you won't have a job SOON! And that is NOT a THREAT, it does not qualify, so it does NOT violate the Rules of the Forum, instead, it qualifies as a PROMISE!

Cambridge is one of the ULTIMATE Math Universities SUPPOSEDLY on this ROCK and THIS Thread is PURE OPEN SYSTEM MATH and MATH is the GREATEST SCIENCE OF ALL SCIENCES!

I am now writing my letter of protest to Dean Fulda!


And tell jeffreyH to pack his bags too!

Ribbit  :P
Title: Re: Is 'eVerYthinG' Fractal or Refractal or Randomatic?
Post by: Tinker-Bell on 14/12/2016 01:07:45
“Great spirits have ALWAYS encountered VIOLENT opposition from MEDIOCRE MINDS.” – Albert Einstein

"When Complicated meets Simplicity, Complicated sees Complicated, whereas Simplicity sees the Truth!" - Old Toad Proverb

Common Law Ethics dictates: (applicable to ALL businesses, governments, & parents; and parent INCLUDES Online Forum OWNERS and THEIR MODERATORS, since BOTH are OFFICIALLY acting in loco parentis)

“In the concern of-and-for the INDIVIDUAL Employee’s/Child’s/Citizen’s inherent Rights & Safety and ALL other Employees’/Childrens'/Citizens’ inherent Rights & Safety, as well as appropriate inherent self-concerns of the business/government/employer/owner/parent, when handling the Employee(s)/Child(ren)/Citizen(s) the government/employer/owner/parent is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN from using EMOTIONAL or PHYSICAL VIOLENCE or any other INTIMIDATING and/or HUMILIATING TREATMENT, since such ALWAYS forms a SLAVE and are also considered RETALIATION; which BOTH forming a Slave AND Retaliation are FELONY Criminal Crimes.” - Common Law [business/governmental/parental] Ethics (U.S. protection provided by 18 U.S.C. 1584 and enforceable by 5 U.S.C. 1221/1222 (aka: Federal Whistleblowers Protection Act))

I see Cambridge University does NOT realize the LIABILITY this OFFICIAL Cambridge University FORUM (see: Official Cambridge University Logo on Banner of Forum) is placing on them!

"No child has ever made a mistake, the parent/government didn't make first." - Old Toad Proverb

Whoever you are, that moved this thread, you can kiss your Job good-bye, as well as being INDEFINITELY BANNISHED from this PUBLIC FORUM!


Ribbit  :P

Ps: If you are NOT a Lawyer, you should not 'OPEN YOUR MOUTH' (or BUTTON) and PROVE IT!

Also, the Milgram Experiment PROVED ABSOLUTE that ANY & ALL of the PERSONS pushing those 'BUTTONS' know that what you are doing is WRONG! And INTENT is 9/10'ths of the LAW, when it comes to ACTION CRIMES! SO INTENT is ABSOLUTELY INTENTIONAL, which makes it EXTREMELY EASY to PROSECUTE!

"Good Faith based 1st Amendment PROTECTED Civil Public Speech, OVERRULED by ANARCHY (aka: personal censorship) on the Information Super Highway, also known as the Internets, or in ANY other Open Public Forum, online or real world or ANY Social-Media website, is BLATANTLY VIOLATIVE of DUE PROCESS, as well as IGNORING the 13th Amendment ABSOLUTE, and is also FLAGRANTLY VIOLATIVE of 15 U.S.C. 2 AND 18 U.S.C. 241, 242, 1581, 1584, 1589, & 1590; whereas 18 U.S.C. 1464 is NOT applicable to the Internets, but the Internets IS a Highway for the purposes of 18 U.S.C. 241 AND 42 U.S.C. 1985; and 17 U.S.C. 201, 202, & 501, & 42 U.S.C. 1983 are also FULLY applicable; and the portion of 17 U.S.C. 202 (aka: Copyright Embedment Law) that says "absence of an agreement" is referring ONLY to a Lawful/Constitutional “FOR-HIRE” Employment Agreement/Contract, NOT an Unlawful/Unconstitutional “SLAVE” Agreement/Contract, because ANY Agreement/Contract that FORCES an individual to SIGN-AWAY their Copyright Ownership of their personal intellectual works/words for NO monetary benefit or comparable payment to the Author/Owner AND simply for the ALLEGED ‘privilege’ to have the ability to speak-out PUBLICLY for-or-against a matter being discussed PUBLICLY or to instigate a new PUBLIC DISCUSSION nearby, does NOT qualify as a Lawful Agreement/Contract that can be DEMANDED NOR ENFORCED by ANYONE, since it EASILY QUALIFIES as a SLAVE CONTRACT and Slave Contracts are UNLAWFUL IN TOTO, because Good Faith based 1st Amendment PROTECTED Civil Public Speech is an ABSOLUTE RIGHT, NOT a PRIVILEGE, because once just ONE person is ALLOWED to openly/publicly insert an argument for-or-against a matter being discussed PUBLICLY, then ALL PERSONS have the IDENTICAL DEMOCRATIC CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to speak-in about the matter, with ORDER controlling the situation, not CONTROL controlling the situation, and EVERYONE has the DEMOCRATIC CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to speak-in about the matter AND in the nearest-vicinity to WHERE the matter IS being discussed PUBLICLY, within reason, and once ALLOWED to insert a Good Faith based argument, the PERSON’S words CANNOT be DELETED afterwards or ONE-WAY SPEECH is going down, which is ABSOLUTELY VIOLATIVE of the FREE TRADE of Ideas that’s embodied in the First Amendment and also ABSOLUTELY VIOLATIVE of Antitrust Laws WORLDWIDE; which the Free Speech GUARANTEE of the First Amendment SourCes directly out of the Good Faith Doctrine, built into Article 4 Section 4 (RFoG Clause U.S. Constitution), first-and-foremost, and to DELETE someone's Good Faith based 1st Amendment PROTECTED Public Speech, inserted lawfully ANYWHERE online, also EASILY QUALIFIES as Theft of Intellectual Property. Furthermore, Good Faith based 1st Amendment PROTECTED Public Speech is NOT allowed to be CENSORED for CONTENT on the Internets NOR in ANY other Open Public Forums, which is also why Public Nudity is NOT unlawful in ANY Open Public Forums, since SIMPLE Nudity qualifies as Symbolic Speech, which is also the foundation for why Public Streaking is NOT unlawful, and that's because Public Streaking qualifies as a Lawful Civil Protest, thus, Public Streaking and/or simple Public Nudity is a PROTECTED First Amendment Constitutional RIGHT, too, online and offline, just don't go over-the-line with your Civil Public Speech but that LAWFUL LINE is drawn by the Good Faith Doctrine and LAWS, not someone's PERSONAL OPINION." (aka: Ray Stevens Law) - Old Toad Proverb

[see: Watchtower vs. Stratton (2001); Hustler vs. Falwell (1988); Perry Ed. Assn. vs. Perry Local Educators’ Assn. (1983); Women Strike for Peace vs. Morton (1972); Edwards vs. California (1941); Slaughterhouse Cases (1873); Martin Luther vs. Borden (1849); Passenger Cases (1849); and the Good Faith Doctrine, Common Law, and Contracts Law
Title: Re: Is 'eVerYthinG' Fractal or Refractal or Randomatic?
Post by: chiralSPO on 15/12/2016 22:34:24


I don't know who you are talking to, but this kind of language is NOT acceptable in this forum. Continuing to post offensive and aggressive rants will certainly lead to a permanent ban. This is your last warning.

I have deleted your entire previous post and will remove the bit that I quoted up above after I have given you some time to see it.
Title: Re: Is 'eVerYthinG' Fractal or Refractal or Randomatic?
Post by: Colin2B on 16/12/2016 07:34:15
This user has been banned for repeated violation of forum rules despite a warning.
This site will not tolerate users who behave as if they are prepuberty trolls.