General Science / Does 'NOW' exist everywhere now ?
« on: Yesterday at 18:37:05 »
I'm Sheepy🐏
This is a nice forum, well done ewe lot.
So, I know that time is all relative and all that and the Universe is big and stuff....and there could be multiple Universes and beyond what we can see there is probably a lot more Universe out there.
Does NOW exist all over the place ? Even if there are time issues...surely 'NOW; exists in whatever time line is being active. Because, if that was the case, there must be a value for NOW that exists the same time as our NOW...
whajafink ?
Does NOW exist all over the place at the same time ?
Hugs and shmishes
mwah wmah mwah
Sheepy Neil
I know I have asked this kweschun before but that was 15 years ago...not NOW !!
I'm Sheepy🐏
This is a nice forum, well done ewe lot.
So, I know that time is all relative and all that and the Universe is big and stuff....and there could be multiple Universes and beyond what we can see there is probably a lot more Universe out there.
Does NOW exist all over the place ? Even if there are time issues...surely 'NOW; exists in whatever time line is being active. Because, if that was the case, there must be a value for NOW that exists the same time as our NOW...
whajafink ?
Does NOW exist all over the place at the same time ?
Hugs and shmishes
mwah wmah mwah
Sheepy Neil
I know I have asked this kweschun before but that was 15 years ago...not NOW !!