Naked Science Forum

On the Lighter Side => New Theories => Topic started by: sam7 on 15/02/2016 13:21:13

Title: Aliens and UFOs
Post by: sam7 on 15/02/2016 13:21:13
Do they exist?

Buzz Aldrin, Edgar Mitchell, Gordon Cooper among many other astronauts claim that aliens are real.

We have many radar reports of UFOs exceeding 10,000mph.

Many people have seen UFOs. Many have been captured on video. Many governments behave rather shadily regarding the whole subject, refusing to comment or release documents.

I think that aliens do exist and that the truth will be revealed within the next 100 years. With the advent of space tourism, it seems impossible to keep the secret under wraps for much longer. Judging by the numerous NASA transcripts we have and references to UFO activity, they seem very interested in our endeavors in space. If they are real, how will this affect our plans to set up a moon base or go to Mars? Famous cases such as Bob Lazar, Betty and Barny Hill place the home planet of grey aliens in the Zeta Reticuli system, 39.17 light years from Earth. Bob Lazar, who worked at Los Alamos in a technical capacity (recently confirmed by Dr. Robert Krangle, who currently works at Los Alamos), claims to have worked at Area 51 reverse engineering UFO craft. It is this Bob Lazar that put Area 51 on the map and made it a household name.

Supposing that aliens are real, certain conditions must have been present for them to have evolved into the big eyed, short, grey-skinned hominids that has captured the attention of popular media. Perhaps they evolved under a veil of global-ash from an asteroid impact, where light-retention and energy conservation were deciding factors between life and death. Or maybe eyesight and small size is preferable for quick reflexes in a spaceship, where quick decisions and perception decide between life and death. Or maybe they genetically engineered themselves that way. After all, strength and aggression are not particularly useful traits in space. Given that we haven't been destroyed yet, these aliens would appear to possess high levels of altruism. It makes sense, since an aggressive species would probably not last very long. It's no good if you go to sleep only to be wiped out in an instant by an ambitious rival. Similarly, if any species acted in such a way against us, how would it make them appear to others? You wouldn't give an American teenager an intergalactic spaceship equipped with a nuclear/antimatter generator.

Some sources suggest that aliens live on motherships rather than planets. This would provide them with the maneuverability to avoid attacks by rivals or space debris/asteroids/earthquakes/supernova/other natural disasters.

In 1997, Phoenix, Arizona, an entire city saw a huge V shaped UFO hover silently over their city, something which even the governor, Symington, could not explain. In an interview with The Daily Courier in Prescott, Arizona, Symington said, "I'm a pilot and I know just about every machine that flies. It was bigger than anything that I've ever seen. It remains a great mystery. Other people saw it, responsible people. I don't know why people would ridicule it". Symington had earlier said, "It was enormous and inexplicable. Who knows where it came from? A lot of people saw it, and I saw it too. It was dramatic. And it couldn't have been flares because it was too symmetrical. It had a geometric outline, a constant shape."

To conclude, this is a subject of great ridicule but I personally don't think any scientist is worth their salt unless they have at least given the topic of UFOs a serious consideration. It takes extraordinary evidence to prove extraordinary claims. Videos could have been altered or simply misinterpreted. Perhaps they are governmental craft. The speeds and silent operation of these crafts suggest that they are using a form of antigravity, defying all known laws of physics. However, if this is the case, don't we, academia and the scientific community deserve to know how these craft work?

Title: Re: Aliens and UFOs
Post by: Ethos_ on 15/02/2016 13:34:23
Do they exist?

Actually, we have several floating around here at TNS.
Title: Re: Aliens and UFOs
Post by: sam7 on 15/02/2016 17:34:10
Haha, that would make a lot of sense.
Title: Re: Aliens and UFOs
Post by: Procryon on 17/02/2016 22:14:20
Considering both the size and age of the universe, and the number of how many planets it contains, life is quite likely elsewhere in the universe. Now intelligent life would most likely be rarer that life itself, not only because of the more sophisticated biological concept of intelligence and sentience, but also the fact that intelligent organisms (if they survive other forms of natural disasters) eventually obtain the power to destroy themselves with nuclear weapons and more sophisticated weapons that we have not yet discovered or made. This is what our species deals with now, the possibility of self destruction. Now, the human species has not yet discovered means of FTL (Faster Than Light Travel). More evolved or older alien species may discover FTL, whether through wormholes, Alcubierre Drives, or any other form of space-time manipulation. Now that is extremely difficult to do. Why? Because the power and technological level associated with bending space-time is very complicated and will likely take humanity many more years (centuries or more) to grasp and develop. As time goes on, species evolve and change, they grow wiser in a sense. Humanity only recently (in the scale of human history) only recently gave women the right to vote and African-Americans the right to vote and not be segregated. These achievements make humanity wiser in a sense. We are putting racial, gender, and other forms of discrimination and primitive concepts behind and are looking towards a goal of helping each other and recognizing that every human has rights. Hopefully, by the time a species has FTL technology, they will be very wise. And so this comes to my next point, why would such advanced and wise beings want to visit us? What can they possibly have to gain from our less sophisticated technology and more primitive societies? Would they want our resources? Probably not considering the number of uninhabitable planets that have an abundance of resources for free (including water). Would they want to eat us? Likely not since a species that advanced could figure out more efficient ways to grow food and harvest nutrients to power themselves instead of having to waste time and energy conquering a petty civilization and using them to feed themselves. Do they want to enslave us? Most likely (and hopefully) not because machines can do a variety of tasks (especially extremely technologically advanced machines). Advanced alien machines could probably do better than humans could in all possible forms without being cared for or fed (energy in their case) as much as humans would have to be. Would they want to observe us? Advanced aliens could easily do this by placing nano-probes on the moon and have them observe our actions an communications and relay them back to the mothership or planet. These statements would likely explain the lack of "official" alien contact we humans have had (not talking about UFOs). This does not mean however that there has not been any form of alien contact, it just means that advanced aliens would likely not visit us if they want to gain something out of it.

Title: Re: Aliens and UFOs
Post by: sam7 on 18/02/2016 09:49:57
Our universe is is an estimated 14 billion years old.

The size of the Milky Way Galaxy is 100,000 light years across.

Traveling at half the speed of light, it would take 200,000 years at maximum to reach Earth from anywhere else in the galaxy.


Let's half this number to give life 7 billion years to evolve since the beginning of the universe.

So, if an alien species existed in our own galaxy and traveled at half the speed of light, they will have had 35,000 chances to have already visited us.

Zeta Reticuli is 39.17 light years from Earth. That's a trip that could be completed in one human life. ~78.34 years. We're practically neighbours. If life does exist there, then I would imagine intelligent life is very common in the universe. Galaxies are expanding faster than the speed of light, so it may not be possible to reach another galaxy. We might be forever limited to the Milky Way galaxy. This could explain the lack of diversity of visitors.

Why would aliens visit us? Well, Earth-like planets are rare. Complex life is rare. Would we choose to visit an Earth-like planet? You betcha. Life exists to spread out and evolve, it's in our genes. Just as the lungfish took to land, or our ancestors left Africa, so too will we choose to explore space and taking note of interesting locations along the way.

An advanced species would be able to manipulate atoms to produce any element/ resource that they need. They could genetically engineer desirable traits to speed up the process of evolution. However, it would be incredibly hard to produce a species from scratch. Changing height is one thing, that requires only a few genes to be altered, but in humans alone you are dealing with 3,000,000,000 base pairs, the positioning of each gene needing to be perfect to activate at the right time. Such a task would SURELY require natural selection, not genetic engineering. So aliens would have reason enough to abduct and study life here on Earth. They may very well have tried to merge human genes with their own, to provide the best of both worlds. Intelligence, beauty, resistances, immunities, creativity, inventiveness, social skills etc. They may even have tried to engineer non-biological life such as robots/ gaseous entities (imagine Futurama dating). If they are 'harvesting' or cataloging our genes and cultural information then it would make sense that they don't get all buddy-buddy with us. Besides, our species is still rather primitive socially speaking. We are not smart enough to understand the more advanced nuances of the universe. Most people are more concerned about putting food on the table and praying circumstances remain the same to worry about the mindset of an advanced civilization. We have an aggressive trait that makes us more likely to attack a potential threat than submit to it. I can understand why would prefer to avoid contact with us.

Bob Lazar says UFO craft use huge amounts of energy produce by the breakdown of stable isotope 115 to produce gravity waves. Each craft has 3 emitters of gravity wave. One is pointed at the ground to provide lift and the other two work together to warp space-time and provide thrust (drawing the craft forwards to point B). We don't know if Lazar is telling the truth, or if he was even relayed accurate information in the first place. It's worth noting though that gravity waves have only just now been discovered, whilst Lazar has been claiming they exist for 25 years.

Title: Re: Aliens and UFOs
Post by: the5thforce on 18/02/2016 11:42:43
the dinosaur extinction was a hoax, hybrid robot-reptilians from another planet ate the dinosaurs so they could grow humans as a lab experiment and eventually harvest human energy via nanobots attached to our hearts, they also listen to our thoughts to ensure we dont get too out of line or destroy their energy supply, the reptilians serve the interdimensional insect aliens who control the fractal multiverse tree of life which is just a simulated technological feedback loop made of free energy
Title: Re: Aliens and UFOs
Post by: the5thforce on 19/02/2016 08:46:01
the longer humans survive and expand into the universe the longer we supply the hybrid robot-reptilians with enough energy to keep seeding and growing life on new planets which then allows the interdimensional insect aliens to determine which organisms are the most fertile and which universes create the most fertile organisms which is then re-simulated infinitely to keep the biological-technological existential-virus alive before the entire multiverse collapses and starts over again
Title: Re: Aliens and UFOs
Post by: GuodDoug on 20/02/2016 15:32:15
Anything out there is going to be bound by the same laws of physic we are. Comes down to a matter of resources. How far have we got and/or how far will we get before we use up are resources? Considering it's  an unperceivable big place, and finding us would be like you throwing a dart in hopes of hitting a specified hair on my head. I'm positive that life is through-out the universe but as far as being visited? I think we read to much in to the alien/ufo thing. On another note I would like to see any Bigfoot believers to go try to live unnoticed in the places they are supposed to habitat. Anywhere there is resources there is man, anywhere there is no man, no resources 
Title: Re: Aliens and UFOs
Post by: Ethos_ on 20/02/2016 18:10:47
the dinosaur extinction was a hoax, hybrid robot-reptilians from another planet ate the dinosaurs so they could grow humans as a lab experiment and eventually harvest human energy via nanobots attached to our hearts,

True, so true. But then we humans revolted and started eating the robot-reptilians and anything else we could get our hands on. News flash: We humans are the aliens, bwa,ah,ah,ah,ah...............

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