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Life Sciences => Plant Sciences, Zoology & Evolution => Topic started by: @ColynK on 07/07/2011 22:01:02

Title: What would the world be like without wasps?
Post by: @ColynK on 07/07/2011 22:01:02
@ColynK asked the Naked Scientists:
Picnics would be more bearable, but what would the world be like without wasps?

What do you think?
Title: What would the world be like without wasps?
Post by: Don_1 on 07/07/2011 10:11:48
There are over 100,000 different species of wasp, but I assume the one you are concerned with the most is the Vespula Vulgaris or Yellow Jacket as known in the USA or just 'Wasp' in the UK. Boy can they be nuisance when your trying to enjoy a picnic or just a cold beer in the back garden. They just don't seem to give up, do they!

But without them, yes we would be in trouble. Almost every other species of insect pest has a wasp which predates on them and adult wasps also carry out important pollination of flowers.
Title: What would the world be like without wasps?
Post by: CliffordK on 08/07/2011 06:23:31
It is rare that I get stung by bees...  and sometimes in the past that has been because of swatting them away from my ears.  In a sense, I think yellow jackets have gotten a bad rap.

At some point, (if not already being done), humans will start selecting annoyance species, and driving them into extinction. 

Various decomposers might fall into that group.  However, things like flies, maggots, bees, and ants provide a valuable service to get rid of waste.  Imagine if dead animals, or even excrement would just pile up beside the road.

And, of course, various insects provide an important food source for birds, bats, and fish.

Even mosquitoes provide food for something, and perhaps other functions too.
Title: What would the world be like without wasps?
Post by: graham.d on 18/07/2011 13:00:49
Wasps (yellow jackets) get a bad "rap" from me if they come near, usually from whatever object comes to hand. I hate the bu**ers (the is not buzzers by the way). You can't enjoy a nice pint in a pub garden in the late summer without being driven away by the things. I would really like to see a proper analysis of what use these wasps are and what would happen if they disappeared. They do predate on other insects (I saw one killing a butterfly once - it cut off its wings before finishing the thing off) but I am not sure how effective they are in this.

Mosquitoes are definitely a major food source for many birds and some bats.
Title: What would the world be like without wasps?
Post by: Geezer on 18/07/2011 18:08:44
Anyone for tennis?
Title: What would the world be like without wasps?
Post by: imatfaal on 19/07/2011 09:33:30
Those sparky tennis racquets are fab!  They really work brilliantly - better for mossies than wasps.
Title: What would the world be like without wasps?
Post by: CliffordK on 28/08/2011 07:27:04
A couple of weeks ago, I had 2 wasp nests that were dug up.  Apparently they are food for skunks.

I guess I do think of yellow jackets as a nuisance, at times.  But, for the most part, they leave me alone...  so I leave them alone.

I noticed that I have a couple of nests growing on my house.  Should I leave them alone?  I assume there are plenty of nests that I don't know about...  somewhere.  But, is there any reason to get rid of them?
Title: What would the world be like without wasps?
Post by: SeanB on 28/08/2011 18:51:45
If they are not near doors or windows, or where you go regularly, then leave them alone.
Title: What would the world be like without wasps?
Post by: Geezer on 29/08/2011 07:00:38
Dear Naked Scientists,

I seem to have at least one bike on my boat. What do you recommend?
Title: What would the world be like without wasps?
Post by: CliffordK on 29/08/2011 08:51:05
Dear Naked Scientists,

I seem to have at least one bike on my boat. What do you recommend?

And this is related to bees...  how?

You could always make a bicycle powered hydrofoil. (

A while ago I was thinking of getting a folding bicycle for shuttling vehicles.  But, only the smallest of bikes would be suitable for carrying in the boat, and most didn't seem suitable for heading out for 5 to 10 miles or more along the road.
Title: What would the world be like without wasps?
Post by: Geezer on 29/08/2011 08:57:01
Google "wasp bike".
Title: What would the world be like without wasps?
Post by: CliffordK on 29/08/2011 10:14:21
So a bee's nest is called a bike?

You can see what happens when you put it between your legs!!! [:0] [:0]

I suppose it would depend on how big of a boat it is, and where on the boat it is located.  I'm not sure bees would take too kindly to sharing the inside of a kayak with a pair of bare legs, and of course, trapping them inside with the kayak skirt.