Naked Science Forum

Life Sciences => Physiology & Medicine => Topic started by: Petrochemicals on 24/04/2020 22:33:46

Title: Is Trump on to something with the whole "disinfecting blood" ?
Post by: Petrochemicals on 24/04/2020 22:33:46
With my new knowledge of viral load, trump seems to be onto something with the disinfecting melark, not that i should reccomend injecting oneself with Flash floor cleaner and given that antibiotics are essentially disinfectant.

What makes me think of this is grapefruit juice is a renowned food for creating an alkaline environment in the body, to the point some pubs stopped selling it due to the effects of it on medication.

Is there anything we could consume to disinfect the blood, just as long as the patient survives ?

Title: Re: Is Trump on to something with the whole "disinfecting blood" ?
Post by: Colin2B on 24/04/2020 23:03:13
given that antibiotics are essentially disinfectant.
What we commonly call disinfectant is not the same thing as the medical use of the term antibiotic. We need to keep some clarity here so that those less knowledgeable are not misled into taking dangerous actions. Trump has reportedly already caused deaths with his remarks on malarial drugs.
Title: Re: Is Trump on to something with the whole "disinfecting blood" ?
Post by: alancalverd on 24/04/2020 23:05:45
Trump is on something, not onto.

The man is a dangerous idiot who has completely misrepresented the facts. Maybe he will inject himself with Lysol and replace his ridiculous fake tan with some genuine UVC burns, but I somehow think these remedies are in the good ole tradition of selling snake oil and infected blankets to the natives. 

God help America.
Title: Re: Is Trump on to something with the whole "disinfecting blood" ?
Post by: alancalverd on 24/04/2020 23:07:56
PS antibiotics are not effective against virus infections either.

Trump is the true inheritor of the fascist obsession with blood.
Title: Re: Is Trump on to something with the whole "disinfecting blood" ?
Post by: evan_au on 24/04/2020 23:49:06
Quote from: OP
Is Trump on to something with the whole "disinfecting blood" ?
I would love to see the expression on Dr Birx's face when Trump suggested internal use of disinfectant and UV light to treat coronavirus! Then looked at him for approval on national TV....  And asked for confirmation that they were going to try it!

If you can find a video showing Birx and Trump at the same time, please post it here!
- Dr Bryan had just left the podium, and was seated when Trump made his comments.
- I could only see one angle that shows the top of Dr Bryan's head; he nods when Trump says "It hasn't been tested"
- Reading between the lines: It looks like, at a previous COVID-19 medical briefing, doctors had advised Trump that normal disinfectants could kill the virus in under 1 minute. Trump then suggested the idea of injecting disinfectant into patients. It seems that Birx replied "It hasn't been tested".
- When the doctor said "It hasn't been tested", that is a polite alternative to telling the President to his face "That is a stupid idea, and we would never use disinfectants inside the body - it would kill the patient before it eliminated the virus! Ethics committees would never give permission to try it...".
- But Trump takes that as encouragement and charges on with dispensing wild and baseless medical advice on national TV...
- Which has only encouraged one fringe group promoting chlorine dioxide as a cure for everything

Later, Trump withdrew the comment, saying it was "sarcastic".

Is there anything we could consume to disinfect the blood
If by "consume", you mean "eat", I think it unlikely.
- The digestive system breaks down many chemicals (especially proteins), and the liver detoxifies many more.
- Pills are easy to sell and consume
- Part of the hard work of pilll development is finding a formulation that won't get broken down by the digestive system before it can start working

The best way of removing virus is with targeted antibodies, which latch onto the virus, and attract the immune system to destroy it. The best way of producing antibodies is with a vaccine; the first human trials are just starting now.

Another approach that sounds promising is to deploy "ACE2 decoys":
- This coronavirus latches onto the ACE2 protein on the cell wall before infecting the cell
- The decoy approach injects a chemical into the bloodstream that looks (to the virus) like ACE2.
- This deactivates the virus spike protein, so it can no longer latch onto ACE2 on cell walls, so the virus is no longer infectious
- The researchers working on this suggested it could reduce the amount of virus by perhaps a factor of 1,000
- This is still early days; it's not clear that whether the decoy chemical is safe to inject, or what dose would be needed to deactivate most of the virus particles.

grapefruit juice ... effects of it on medication.
One of the key enzymes in the digestive system which destroys medications is Cytochrome P450 CYP3A4. It is deactivated by grapefruit juice.

If this enzyme routinely destroys 90% of a medication, only 10% of it would get into the bloodstream.
- If this enzyme is deactivated, suddenly a person gets 10x their normal dose of medication, and that can be life-threatening
- This effect can last up to 3 days


grapefruit juice is a renowned food for creating an alkaline environment in the body
I expect that grapefruit juice (like most citrus fruits) would contain a fair amount of citric acid.
- Google tells me that the pH of grapefruit juice is around 3
- That means there are about 10,000 times more H+ ions floating around than in normal water, making it acidic

Please explain how you deduced that drinking an acidic juice makes your body alkaline
- And how changing the pH of your blood by even 0.1 won't have dangerous consequences
Title: Re: Is Trump on to something with the whole "disinfecting blood" ?
Post by: Bored chemist on 25/04/2020 00:11:51
It is interesting to note that, one of the the best known disinfectants is phenol- it is the one used by Joseph Lister on his work on antisepsis in surgery- in his day it was called "carbolic acid".

And it's also interesting to note that, the SS studied the idea of injecting it into people "SS physicians found that the most efficient killing method was injecting phenol into the prisoners’ hearts. A room in block 20 called the Behandlungszimmer soon became the place for the regular killing of prisoners in this way. "

So, we currently have the president of the USA literally suggesting that we do what the Nazis did.

Now, since someone pointed out to him that this was monumentally stupid, he has spun the lie that it was a joke.
Grown ups won't believe that, but his followers will.
Title: Re: Is Trump on to something with the whole "disinfecting blood" ?
Post by: Bored chemist on 25/04/2020 00:20:54
What makes me think of this is grapefruit juice is a renowned food for creating an alkaline environment in the body, to the point some pubs stopped selling it due to the effects of it on medication.
So, I guess we should start by thanking you for announcing your lack of understanding.

Grapefruit juice (especially fresh stuff) has an effect on some medication.
That's because it affects the way in which enzymes in the liver  metabolize drugs.

It's pretty close to impossible for food to affect blood pH.
What happens is that the kidneys do their job, and you affect the pH of the urine.
That's sometimes useful, but rather beside the point.

Here's the relevant data on blood pH

 [ Invalid Attachment ]
Title: Re: Is Trump on to something with the whole "disinfecting blood" ?
Post by: Bored chemist on 25/04/2020 00:25:29
I would love to see the expression on Dr Birx's face when Trump suggested internal use of disinfectant and UV light to treat coronavirus! Then looked at him for confirmation on national TV....

If you can find a video showing Birx and Trump at the same time, please post it here!
Title: Re: Is Trump on to something with the whole "disinfecting blood" ?
Post by: evan_au on 25/04/2020 01:02:36
This week a celebrity chef in Australia was fined $25,000 for promoting a fancy light source as a cure for COVID-19.

Perhaps the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) should fine the President for giving medical advice without a medical license?

Oh! - the President appoints the director of the FDA?  ....forget it, then...
Title: Re: Is Trump on to something with the whole "disinfecting blood" ?
Post by: Colin2B on 25/04/2020 02:23:59
Here's the relevant data on blood pH

* blood pH.png (39.14 kB . 524x216 - viewed 8220 times)

It might be necessary for you to point out that anything above or below normal is bad - just in case Trump is watching.

Interesting that quite a few foods affect medications eg Brussels sprouts can add to the effect of anticoagulants. By foods I also include alternative ‘medicines’ and supplements.
Title: Re: Is Trump on to something with the whole "disinfecting blood" ?
Post by: Petrochemicals on 25/04/2020 10:54:10
Please explain how you deduced that drinking an acidic juice makes your body alkaline
- And how changing the pH of your blood by even 0.1 won't have dangerous consequences

Heres a little lady to explain it. Its something to do with alkaline acid reaction and digestion , like soap, starts of acid fat turned alkaline as soap, back to acid once used. Quite good for lactic acid build up in muscles of atheletes

Or theres this link for your perusal

There are things like garlic, as was suggested, but proven incorrect that get through the digestion process  but lets say you ate more garlic than was sensible or anyone would reasonably eat, 2 bulbs raw crushed every 12 hours as an idea. Could ginger as well be exessively used chemically?

Title: Re: Is Trump on to something with the whole "disinfecting blood" ?
Post by: Bored chemist on 25/04/2020 11:23:29
Heres a little lady to explain it.
Except that it's obvious nonsense.
They talk about pathogens that "love an acid body".
Well, at pH7.4, your body is alkaline.
So there are no pathogens.

Except, of course, it isn't true.
How could it be?
The pathogens that attack human cells are evolved to prefer the conditions in which those conditions occur.
About the only thing you can do to affect them, more than human cells is raise the temperature a bit.
Well, that's what fevers are for.

On the other hand, we should consider what that cartoon is for: it's for selling books about rubbish.

YOu really should know better than to post an advert as evidence.
Title: Re: Is Trump on to something with the whole "disinfecting blood" ?
Post by: alancalverd on 25/04/2020 11:59:58
So, we currently have the president of the USA literally suggesting that we do what the Nazis did.
Why does that surprise you? According to one of his previous wives, the only book he ever read was Mein Kampf. 
Title: Re: Is Trump on to something with the whole "disinfecting blood" ?
Post by: alancalverd on 25/04/2020 12:11:13
There are things like garlic, as was suggested, but proven incorrect that get through the digestion process  but lets say you ate more garlic than was sensible or anyone would reasonably eat, 2 bulbs raw crushed every 12 hours as an idea. Could ginger as well be exessively used chemically?
Garlic repels vampires, but COVID-19 seems to be endemic in fruit bats, which is why presidential fruitcakes offer nutty solutions.
Ginger is demonstrably useful for preventing seasickness - I'd be interested to know if anyone knows the mechanism - but will not stop you vomiting at the sight of Trump.
Title: Re: Is Trump on to something with the whole "disinfecting blood" ?
Post by: alancalverd on 25/04/2020 12:21:59
This week a celebrity chef in Australia was fined $25,000 for promoting a fancy light source as a cure for COVID-19.
Last year I delivered a serious training course in a clinic that had some proper medical and physiotherapy kit, and a Biocharger. There is no doubt that the Biocharger had a very therapeutic effect on its users - it wiped out their mobile phone signals, and having to sit still for 30 minutes with no phone measurably decreased their pulse rate and blood pressure. However I considered the near-field ultraviolet intensity worrying (some of the discharge tubes seem to be naked mercury) , and suggested that they would harm themselves less if they sat in the darkened room with the machine switched off.
Title: Re: Is Trump on to something with the whole "disinfecting blood" ?
Post by: Petrochemicals on 25/04/2020 13:49:19
This week a celebrity chef in Australia was fined $25,000 for promoting a fancy light source as a cure for COVID-19.

Perhaps the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) should fine the President for giving medical advice without a medical license?

Oh! - the President appoints the director of the FDA?  ....forget it, then...
Im sure what it is is that trump has finally had enough of alec baldwin on SNL impersonating him, so hes doing impressions of Aec Baldwin to get his own back. His press comferences are something of a comedy selection at present, quite funny. Like someone who has hadthere magic seeing stone withdrawn from them, now fumbling in the dark and blagging.
Title: Re: Is Trump on to something with the whole "disinfecting blood" ?
Post by: Bored chemist on 25/04/2020 14:19:37
This week a celebrity chef in Australia was fined $25,000 for promoting a fancy light source as a cure for COVID-19.

Perhaps the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) should fine the President for giving medical advice without a medical license?

Oh! - the President appoints the director of the FDA?  ....forget it, then...
Im sure what it is is that trump has finally had enough of alec baldwin on SNL impersonating him, so hes doing impressions of Aec Baldwin to get his own back. His press comferences are something of a comedy selection at present, quite funny. Like someone who has hadthere magic seeing stone withdrawn from them, now fumbling in the dark and blagging.
I don't think Balwin's jokes kill as many people.
Title: Re: Is Trump on to something with the whole "disinfecting blood" ?
Post by: chiralSPO on 26/04/2020 06:11:27
For anyone who actually wonders if we can use disinfectants internally, the answer is a definite NO!

It's easy to destroy/deactivate pathogens like viruses and bacteria. Disinfectants can do this by chemically disrupting the molecules that the virus or bacteria needs to function.

It's very hard to find a chemical that destroys or deactivates viruses more effectively than our own healthy cells (we are essentially made of the same stuff). Bacteria too, but they at least have metabolisms, and need food etc. Putting disinfectants like bleach, or alcohol, or cationic surfactants into a person is going to do so much more damage to the person than it would to any pathogen in them.

Trying to treat blood in this way is likely to cause all sorts of problems, including: reduced oxygen transport, clotting, stroke, pulmonary embolism, hemorrhaging. And guess what, these are all particularly bad for people fighting off COVID19 infections.

I am ashamed that the president of my country could even suggest such a thing. I've known him to be a completely incompetent and corrupt and lazy and irascible individual, but this was just over the top...

Honestly, I hear lava can kill the coronavirus in seconds... who's in?
Title: Re: Is Trump on to something with the whole "disinfecting blood" ?
Post by: Colin2B on 26/04/2020 08:51:41
Honestly, I hear lava can kill the coronavirus in seconds... who's in?
You know, I have that horrible feeling that if you offered it there are people who would dive right in.
Title: Re: Is Trump on to something with the whole "disinfecting blood" ?
Post by: evan_au on 27/04/2020 08:41:30
Scroll down to the video with Brad Pitt as Dr Anthony Fauci (on SNL):
Title: Re: Is Trump on to something with the whole "disinfecting blood" ?
Post by: Bored chemist on 27/04/2020 08:53:54
Honestly, I hear lava can kill the coronavirus in seconds... who's in?
You know, I have that horrible feeling that if you offered it there are people who would dive right in.
It looks that way.
Title: Re: Is Trump on to something with the whole "disinfecting blood" ?
Post by: Petrochemicals on 28/04/2020 03:56:02
Scroll down to the video with Brad Pitt as Dr Anthony Fauci (on SNL):
I think trump may be reading TNS due to the mention of UV. Whoever on here is giving him these ideas should really stop.