Physics, Astronomy & Cosmology / Re: alpha centauri
« on: 23/04/2006 14:35:01 »
I suppose that all stars have satellits and planets.
Star's systems are appeared from the space's Nebulas. A star take the most part of the Nebula's matter. From an other part of the matter there is an appearance of planets, comets around the star.
Moccacake wrote:
"does alpha centauri have planets?"
I have not doubts. The star must have any planets and satellits.
I suppose that a lot of planets can be around the Sirius star.
The Sirius is much more massive than the Sun and therefore the attraction's area of the Sirius it is much more big than the Sun's area.
The Solar system have 9 basic planets.
My supposition that the Sirius system can have about 15-20 basic planets.
Sirius is one of the nearest stars to the Solar system. A distance between Sirius and Solar system it is about 9 light years.
Some folklore tales of different nations
did say that the nation's ancestors did arrive from the Sirius system.
Star's systems are appeared from the space's Nebulas. A star take the most part of the Nebula's matter. From an other part of the matter there is an appearance of planets, comets around the star.
Moccacake wrote:
"does alpha centauri have planets?"
I have not doubts. The star must have any planets and satellits.
I suppose that a lot of planets can be around the Sirius star.
The Sirius is much more massive than the Sun and therefore the attraction's area of the Sirius it is much more big than the Sun's area.
The Solar system have 9 basic planets.
My supposition that the Sirius system can have about 15-20 basic planets.
Sirius is one of the nearest stars to the Solar system. A distance between Sirius and Solar system it is about 9 light years.
Some folklore tales of different nations
did say that the nation's ancestors did arrive from the Sirius system.