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Lost Persian army of 40 thousand
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The lost Knowledge !!? (The alien Knowledge)
Started by ScientificBoysClub(SBC)Board That CAN'T be true! |
Replies: 18 Views: 20788 |
05/12/2009 22:57:22 by Mr. Scientist |
The evolution of man "Homo Sapiens" 200 thousand years into the future
Started by Alan McDougallBoard Plant Sciences, Zoology & Evolution |
Replies: 6 Views: 22522 |
18/11/2008 18:57:49 by Alan McDougall |
Why are poison arrow frogs poisonous and is this lost in captivity?
Started by neilepBoard Plant Sciences, Zoology & Evolution |
Replies: 9 Views: 15219 |
05/11/2018 08:58:48 by Colin2B |
If a sense is lost, such as sight, do other senses sharpen to compensate?
Started by Emilio RomeroBoard General Science |
Replies: 3 Views: 5738 |
16/01/2009 01:44:58 by Chemistry4me |
Does the information is lost forever in the vertex of black hole ?
Started by ScientificBoysClubBoard Physics, Astronomy & Cosmology |
Replies: 18 Views: 17897 |
23/01/2009 00:34:57 by LeeE |