Physiology & Medicine / Re: Why do even non-believers pray or appeal to God in times of need?
« on: 18/10/2020 01:05:50 »Before trying to explain why something is true, it's a good idea to check if it is true.I spent some time working with a forensic phonetician. He assured me that the last word on every CVR he had analysed (several dozen) was always "sh1t". It is a remarkable finding: his skills ranged over at least ten major languages, but whatever the native language of the pilot, years of training kick in at the last moment; "in an emergency, speak English".
How often does the cockpit voice recorder tell us that someone's last words were"Our father who..."?
The only exceptions I know of, were the 9/11 hijackers who attempted to contact some deity before killing 3000 innocent civilians. However they don't count as they were not in time of need.
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