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Even on a Saturday morning, I have better things to do with half an hour than watch some video.Also, I think the site's rules require you to provide enough information to discuss the topic without having to go looking elsewhere.
It was stated on here that the comedian Jimmy Dore was a conspiracy theorist. Here is a video that shows why in this instance he is not.
So, you break the rules and then, on account of that, you call me a troll.Well, that's one approach to discussion.What does the video actually say?
Quote from: jeffreyH on 05/06/2021 12:22:34It was stated on here that the comedian Jimmy Dore was a conspiracy theorist. Here is a video that shows why in this instance he is not. If I remember the context correctly, a poster claimed he was not a conspiracy theorist for supporting a conspiracy theory about a gas attack in Syria. Someone pointed out that he also supported some of the 9/11 conspiracies. I doubt he is a committed conspiracist, just out to get higher viewing figures.That reminds me, I should really put both sides of the Syria thing up rather than leave the one sided view. I’ll do that.
If I remember the context correctly, a poster claimed he was not a conspiracy theorist for supporting a conspiracy theory about a gas attack in Syria.
The video is about the lies told by Dr Anthony Fauci during the pandemic.
Quote from: jeffreyH on 05/06/2021 19:57:54The video is about the lies told by Dr Anthony Fauci during the pandemic. I seem to recall Jolly misrepresenting what Fauci said as being lies.If the video different?
Well, if you haven't watched the video then you won't be able to come to a conclusion. Since you have no observations on which you can base said conclusions. Without observations, all is conjecture.
Quote from: jeffreyH on 05/06/2021 21:42:26Well, if you haven't watched the video then you won't be able to come to a conclusion. Since you have no observations on which you can base said conclusions. Without observations, all is conjecture.I know. That's why I asked you what was in the video.But, for some reason, you seem unable to answer.Having said that, re. " Since you have no observations on which you can base said conclusions. Without observations, all is conjecture."That's not quite true.I have made observations about what Dr F has said, and I have seen reports from others about what he has said.It is not unreasonable for me to conclude (in this context) that the video contains similar material which misrepresents what he said.
I know. That's why I asked you what was in the video.But, for some reason, you seem unable to answer.
Quote from: Bored chemist on 05/06/2021 22:36:25I know. That's why I asked you what was in the video.But, for some reason, you seem unable to answer.
That's why I asked you what was in the video.
The problem with the "debunking' of the Syria gas attack is it was based on one engineer's report at the OPCW. That engineer dissented and said the scene looked staged. The late Robert Fisk was on the ground in Syria at the time and this is where some more of the doubt came in. Here is a link to his article. https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/syria-chemical-attack-gas-douma-robert-fisk-ghouta-damascus-a8307726.html