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If it was solid, you couldn't fly a ship through it,could you?
Metastable is probably the better word.
Hence, each star in this local solar neighborhood orbits around its Com at about that velocity, while they all are bonded by the mutual gravitational attraction with all the other stars in the arm and they orbit around the galaxy at about 220Km/s.
Quote from: Dave Lev on 02/07/2022 10:21:52Hence, each star in this local solar neighborhood orbits around its Com at about that velocity, while they all are bonded by the mutual gravitational attraction with all the other stars in the arm and they orbit around the galaxy at about 220Km/s.I've already told you why that doesn't work.
Yes it works
So what happens when you look at two such stars in the same spiral arm? In order to complete one orbit around the galaxy, the one that is twice as far out has to travel twice as far to complete one orbit. But both stars are orbiting at the same speed. So if we wait long enough for the innermost star to complete one orbit, the outermost star has only completed half an orbit. In other words, they are now on opposite sides of the galaxy. So they are no longer in the same spiral arm and thus we can safely conclude that the spiral arm does not just drag stars around as a single, rigid unit. The only way that would work would be if the outermost star orbited at twice the speed of the innermost star (which it quite clearly does not).
The stars can't stay in the arm for even a single orbit around the galaxy:
Why do you keep calling it "solid"?
The glubular cluster that is located at the outermost side of the arm is under the stronget forces due to its furthest location
At some point it would be disconnected from the arm and would be ejected from the galactic disc.
However, due to the migration of stars from the bar to the edge, the fixed orbital velocity would be maintained.
I agree that stars in the spiral arms can stay in the arm for very few galactic orbital cycles before they would be ejected from the arm.
We already know that the spiral arm is all about a metastable stage of a globular cluster.
The glubular cluster that is located at the outermost side of the arm is under the stronget forces due to its furthest location and therefore the thickness of the arm at the edge is just 400LY.
QuoteQuote from: Dave Lev on Yesterday at 19:50:08At some point it would be disconnected from the arm and would be ejected from the galactic disc.Not at a mere 220 km/s, it won't be. The escape velocity of the Milky Way is over 500 km/s.
Quote from: Dave Lev on Yesterday at 19:50:08At some point it would be disconnected from the arm and would be ejected from the galactic disc.
That's not how that works. As they get further away from the central source of gravity, they should slow down (if normal matter was all there was in the galaxy). So your proposal is (still) wrong.
QuoteQuote from: Dave Lev on Yesterday at 19:50:08I agree that stars in the spiral arms can stay in the arm for very few galactic orbital cycles before they would be ejected from the arm.Much less than one.
Quote from: Dave Lev on Yesterday at 19:50:08I agree that stars in the spiral arms can stay in the arm for very few galactic orbital cycles before they would be ejected from the arm.
QuoteQuote from: Dave Lev on Yesterday at 19:50:08The globular cluster that is located at the outermost side of the arm is under the strongest forces due to its furthest location and therefore the thickness of the arm at the edge is just 400LY.Most globular clusters are not located in arms of the galaxy.
Quote from: Dave Lev on Yesterday at 19:50:08The globular cluster that is located at the outermost side of the arm is under the strongest forces due to its furthest location and therefore the thickness of the arm at the edge is just 400LY.
How did you get the 500 Km/sec
Is it based on the dark matter imagination?If so, please eliminate the dark matter and reset the calculation.
The stars in the arm don't care about the central source of gravity as they only care about the arm.
They hold themselves to the arm and goes wherever the arm goes.
This is identical to the Erath/moon motion.
They really don't care about their motion in the galaxy.They just hold sun by gravity and they go wherever the sun goes.
In the same token, the sun just holds itself in the Orion arm and goes wherever the arm goes.
Well, if the diameter of the arm was fixed then this answer was correct.
This is similar to a pipe that goes narrow at the edge.If the water comes in at a radius of R1 and goes out at smaller radius of R2 then the water flow should be increased by:(R1 / R2) ^2
QuoteQuote from: Dave Lev on Today at 03:19:18This is similar to a pipe that goes narrow at the edge.If the water comes in at a radius of R1 and goes out at smaller radius of R2 then the water flow should be increased by:(R1 / R2) ^2Very poor analogy. The stars in a galactic arm don't behave even remotely like water flowing through a narrowing pipe. There are no giant pipes constraining the movement of stars. They are in a near-vacuum.
Quote from: Dave Lev on Today at 03:19:18This is similar to a pipe that goes narrow at the edge.If the water comes in at a radius of R1 and goes out at smaller radius of R2 then the water flow should be increased by:(R1 / R2) ^2
The Earth and Moon stay with the Sun because there are in orbit around the Sun. The whole of the stars in the spiral arms are not in orbit around each other.
Please look at the following image of M80:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Globular_cluster#/media/File:A_Swarm_of_Ancient_Stars_-_GPN-2000-000930.jpg"M80 contains hundreds of thousands of stars, all held together by their mutual gravitational attraction."
Why do you insist to ignore the structure of the spiral arm?Why?
Do you confirm that the thickness of the arm at the base (3KPC) is 3000 LY, at our location (8KPC) it is 1000LY and at the edge (15KPC) it is 400LY?YES or NO please
If yes, how can you explain that structure of the arm? Why it gets narrower? Or you just don't care?
Sorry, you totally misunderstand how the gravity works at a glubular cluster
Do you confirm that each one of those hundreds of thousands of stars must orbit around its Common center of mass in order to hold itself in that Globular cluster?Yes or no please?
QuoteQuote from: Dave Lev on Today at 05:05:08Do you confirm that the thickness of the arm at the base (3KPC) is 3000 LY, at our location (8KPC) it is 1000LY and at the edge (15KPC) it is 400LY?YES or NO pleaseI haven't looked it up, but it sounds reasonable so I'll say "yes" for now.
Quote from: Dave Lev on Today at 05:05:08Do you confirm that the thickness of the arm at the base (3KPC) is 3000 LY, at our location (8KPC) it is 1000LY and at the edge (15KPC) it is 400LY?YES or NO please
Spiral arms aren't contained inside of pipes.
QuoteQuote from: Dave Lev on Today at 05:05:08If yes, how can you explain that structure of the arm? Why it gets narrower? Or you just don't care?I don't know, but it sure isn't because it's flowing like water through a narrowing pipe.
Quote from: Dave Lev on Today at 05:05:08If yes, how can you explain that structure of the arm? Why it gets narrower? Or you just don't care?
Or is it just impossible request as whatever our scientists say is always correct (even if we prove that their message is just incorrect (as there is no need for dark matter for the bar and no solution for all the questions) while whatever I say is always incorrect (even if it meets the observation by 100%)?
Therefore, don't you agree that technically it has a pipe shape?
As you don't know, how do you know that what you don't know is correct or incorrect?
But you know that what I say is just incorrect.
Do you reconfirm that there is no need for the Dark matter in the Bar?If so, do you confirm that it was a fatal error from our scientists to offer dark matter also for the Bar?
How can you agree with the logic that for one key section - the bar section (up to 3KPC) there is no need for dark matter while as our scientists can't explain the spiral arm based on ordinary matter - then suddenly the dark matter pop up?
Sorry - the bar by itself proves that there is no need for dark matter.
I offer you a solution for how the spiral can work without dark matter
Is there any possibility for you to evaluate my explanation based on the same level that you evaluate the message from our scientists?
Or is it just impossible request as whatever our scientists say is always correct
even if we prove that their message is just incorrect
while whatever I say is always incorrect (even if it meets the observation by 100%)?
There is no need for it to be there in the sense that normal matter has enough gravity to explain it, but that doesn't mean that it isn't there. It's not a fatal error.
That's like saying that the fact that an electric vehicle doesn't need gasoline, then no other cars should need gasoline either.
I never said that dark matter was only in the spiral arms: just that dark matter can solve the rotation curve anomaly in the spiral arms.
QuoteQuote from: Dave Lev on Yesterday at 21:41:37But you know that what I say is just incorrect.Right.
Quote from: Dave Lev on Yesterday at 21:41:37But you know that what I say is just incorrect.
What you say doesn't come close to meeting observation by 100%. There are no giant pipes in space that the spiral arms are moving through.
How can you tell the dark matter to work at the spiral while based on your explanation it covers the whole galaxy?So how can you tell it to work at the spiral and ignore the bar?
that this dark matter is ONLY needed to solve the rotation curve anomaly in the spiral arms.
Would you kindly explain how that switch really works?
I hope that we all agree that our scientists don't have a basic clue what is the dark matter
They just hope that this dark matter exists as a sphere around the center of the galaxy at different densities which is based on a very specific formula that they have invented.
Please also be aware that the dark matter should move with the MW galaxy while it cross the space at 600 Km/s.It can't move from the center of the galaxy.
So, at least so far we fully agree that the dark matter fully obey to the wish of our scientists
I would use the magic dark matter to do the job.I can invent the formula for the dark matter that can do whatever I wish it to do.As it works only at the spiral arm, it won't have any negative impact on the bar.So please, why our scientists can't use my idea of dark matter that is only focus in the spiral arms in order to solve the rotation curve anomaly in those arms without any negative impact on the bar?Therefore, are you ready from now on to accept my explanation about the spiral arms while I'm using the dark matter imagination to support my wish?Or it is forbidden for me to use the dark matter as only our key scientists have the permission to use it whenever is needed and at any formula that they wish and invent as my name is Dave and not Einstein?.
My suspicion is this: close to the galactic center, it could be that the density of normal matter is higher than that of dark matter. If that's the case, then the gravitational influence of normal matter would dominate the orbital speeds of stars. In the outer regions of the galaxy, where normal matter is less dense, dark matter would dominate the contribution to the orbital speeds.
Are you acknowledging the need for dark matter to explain the rotation curve anomaly now?
What it obeys is the laws of physics, not scientists.
You could do that if you wanted to, but you'd need to show why your version of dark matter is better than what scientists have already come up with.
Yes, I would show you why my personal imagination about the dark matter works perfectly OK at the spiral galaxy and how this magic answers all the open questions and meet the observation by 100%.
The outwards section of the bar is located at the same radius as the most inwards side of the spiral arms.Therefore, this answer is clearly incorrect.
There is no need for dark matter.
However, you refuse to understand how the ordinary matter can fully explain the rotation curve anomaly.
The dark matter by itself doesn't obey to any law of physics.
As there is no person that can see without been seen, there is no matter that can set a gravity impact without detecting its existence by any sort of detectors.
However I really wish to thank you for giving me permission to use this dark magic,
Yes, I would show you why my personal imagination about the dark matter works perfectly OK at the spiral galaxy and how this magic answers all the open questions and meet the observation by 100%.From now on there will be no puzzled scientist.You would know how everything really works.